// Copyright 2014 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. // +build ppc64 ppc64le #include "textflag.h" // uint32 runtime∕internal∕atomic·Load(uint32 volatile* ptr) TEXT ·Load(SB),NOSPLIT|NOFRAME,$-8-12 MOVD ptr+0(FP), R3 SYNC MOVWZ 0(R3), R3 CMPW R3, R3, CR7 BC 4, 30, 1(PC) // bne- cr7,0x4 ISYNC MOVW R3, ret+8(FP) RET // uint8 runtime∕internal∕atomic·Load8(uint8 volatile* ptr) TEXT ·Load8(SB),NOSPLIT|NOFRAME,$-8-9 MOVD ptr+0(FP), R3 SYNC MOVBZ 0(R3), R3 CMP R3, R3, CR7 BC 4, 30, 1(PC) // bne- cr7,0x4 ISYNC MOVB R3, ret+8(FP) RET // uint64 runtime∕internal∕atomic·Load64(uint64 volatile* ptr) TEXT ·Load64(SB),NOSPLIT|NOFRAME,$-8-16 MOVD ptr+0(FP), R3 SYNC MOVD 0(R3), R3 CMP R3, R3, CR7 BC 4, 30, 1(PC) // bne- cr7,0x4 ISYNC MOVD R3, ret+8(FP) RET // void *runtime∕internal∕atomic·Loadp(void *volatile *ptr) TEXT ·Loadp(SB),NOSPLIT|NOFRAME,$-8-16 MOVD ptr+0(FP), R3 SYNC MOVD 0(R3), R3 CMP R3, R3, CR7 BC 4, 30, 1(PC) // bne- cr7,0x4 ISYNC MOVD R3, ret+8(FP) RET // uint32 runtime∕internal∕atomic·LoadAcq(uint32 volatile* ptr) TEXT ·LoadAcq(SB),NOSPLIT|NOFRAME,$-8-12 MOVD ptr+0(FP), R3 MOVWZ 0(R3), R3 CMPW R3, R3, CR7 BC 4, 30, 1(PC) // bne- cr7, 0x4 MOVW R3, ret+8(FP) RET