// Copyright 2015 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. // +build cgo #define WIN64_LEAN_AND_MEAN #include #include #include #include #include #include "libcgo.h" static volatile LONG runtime_init_once_gate = 0; static volatile LONG runtime_init_once_done = 0; static CRITICAL_SECTION runtime_init_cs; static HANDLE runtime_init_wait; static int runtime_init_done; // Pre-initialize the runtime synchronization objects void _cgo_preinit_init() { runtime_init_wait = CreateEvent(NULL, TRUE, FALSE, NULL); if (runtime_init_wait == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "runtime: failed to create runtime initialization wait event.\n"); abort(); } InitializeCriticalSection(&runtime_init_cs); } // Make sure that the preinit sequence has run. void _cgo_maybe_run_preinit() { if (!InterlockedExchangeAdd(&runtime_init_once_done, 0)) { if (InterlockedIncrement(&runtime_init_once_gate) == 1) { _cgo_preinit_init(); InterlockedIncrement(&runtime_init_once_done); } else { // Decrement to avoid overflow. InterlockedDecrement(&runtime_init_once_gate); while(!InterlockedExchangeAdd(&runtime_init_once_done, 0)) { Sleep(0); } } } } void x_cgo_sys_thread_create(void (*func)(void*), void* arg) { uintptr_t thandle; thandle = _beginthread(func, 0, arg); if(thandle == -1) { fprintf(stderr, "runtime: failed to create new OS thread (%d)\n", errno); abort(); } } int _cgo_is_runtime_initialized() { EnterCriticalSection(&runtime_init_cs); int status = runtime_init_done; LeaveCriticalSection(&runtime_init_cs); return status; } uintptr_t _cgo_wait_runtime_init_done(void) { void (*pfn)(struct context_arg*); _cgo_maybe_run_preinit(); while (!_cgo_is_runtime_initialized()) { WaitForSingleObject(runtime_init_wait, INFINITE); } pfn = _cgo_get_context_function(); if (pfn != nil) { struct context_arg arg; arg.Context = 0; (*pfn)(&arg); return arg.Context; } return 0; } void x_cgo_notify_runtime_init_done(void* dummy) { _cgo_maybe_run_preinit(); EnterCriticalSection(&runtime_init_cs); runtime_init_done = 1; LeaveCriticalSection(&runtime_init_cs); if (!SetEvent(runtime_init_wait)) { fprintf(stderr, "runtime: failed to signal runtime initialization complete.\n"); abort(); } } // The context function, used when tracing back C calls into Go. static void (*cgo_context_function)(struct context_arg*); // Sets the context function to call to record the traceback context // when calling a Go function from C code. Called from runtime.SetCgoTraceback. void x_cgo_set_context_function(void (*context)(struct context_arg*)) { EnterCriticalSection(&runtime_init_cs); cgo_context_function = context; LeaveCriticalSection(&runtime_init_cs); } // Gets the context function. void (*(_cgo_get_context_function(void)))(struct context_arg*) { void (*ret)(struct context_arg*); EnterCriticalSection(&runtime_init_cs); ret = cgo_context_function; LeaveCriticalSection(&runtime_init_cs); return ret; }