// Copyright 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. package os import ( "io" "runtime" "syscall" ) func (file *File) readdir(n int) (fi []FileInfo, err error) { if file == nil { return nil, syscall.EINVAL } if !file.isdir() { return nil, &PathError{"Readdir", file.name, syscall.ENOTDIR} } wantAll := n <= 0 size := n if wantAll { n = -1 size = 100 } fi = make([]FileInfo, 0, size) // Empty with room to grow. d := &file.dirinfo.data for n != 0 && !file.dirinfo.isempty { if file.dirinfo.needdata { e := file.pfd.FindNextFile(d) runtime.KeepAlive(file) if e != nil { if e == syscall.ERROR_NO_MORE_FILES { break } else { err = &PathError{"FindNextFile", file.name, e} if !wantAll { fi = nil } return } } } file.dirinfo.needdata = true name := syscall.UTF16ToString(d.FileName[0:]) if name == "." || name == ".." { // Useless names continue } f := newFileStatFromWin32finddata(d) f.name = name f.path = file.dirinfo.path f.appendNameToPath = true n-- fi = append(fi, f) } if !wantAll && len(fi) == 0 { return fi, io.EOF } return fi, nil } func (file *File) readdirnames(n int) (names []string, err error) { fis, err := file.Readdir(n) names = make([]string, len(fis)) for i, fi := range fis { names[i] = fi.Name() } return names, err }