// Copyright 2014 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. package graph import ( "fmt" "io" "math" "path/filepath" "strings" "github.com/google/pprof/internal/measurement" ) // DotAttributes contains details about the graph itself, giving // insight into how its elements should be rendered. type DotAttributes struct { Nodes map[*Node]*DotNodeAttributes // A map allowing each Node to have its own visualization option } // DotNodeAttributes contains Node specific visualization options. type DotNodeAttributes struct { Shape string // The optional shape of the node when rendered visually Bold bool // If the node should be bold or not Peripheries int // An optional number of borders to place around a node URL string // An optional url link to add to a node Formatter func(*NodeInfo) string // An optional formatter for the node's label } // DotConfig contains attributes about how a graph should be // constructed and how it should look. type DotConfig struct { Title string // The title of the DOT graph LegendURL string // The URL to link to from the legend. Labels []string // The labels for the DOT's legend FormatValue func(int64) string // A formatting function for values Total int64 // The total weight of the graph, used to compute percentages } const maxNodelets = 4 // Number of nodelets for labels (both numeric and non) // ComposeDot creates and writes a in the DOT format to the writer, using // the configurations given. func ComposeDot(w io.Writer, g *Graph, a *DotAttributes, c *DotConfig) { builder := &builder{w, a, c} // Begin constructing DOT by adding a title and legend. builder.start() defer builder.finish() builder.addLegend() if len(g.Nodes) == 0 { return } // Preprocess graph to get id map and find max flat. nodeIDMap := make(map[*Node]int) hasNodelets := make(map[*Node]bool) maxFlat := float64(abs64(g.Nodes[0].FlatValue())) for i, n := range g.Nodes { nodeIDMap[n] = i + 1 if float64(abs64(n.FlatValue())) > maxFlat { maxFlat = float64(abs64(n.FlatValue())) } } edges := EdgeMap{} // Add nodes and nodelets to DOT builder. for _, n := range g.Nodes { builder.addNode(n, nodeIDMap[n], maxFlat) hasNodelets[n] = builder.addNodelets(n, nodeIDMap[n]) // Collect all edges. Use a fake node to support multiple incoming edges. for _, e := range n.Out { edges[&Node{}] = e } } // Add edges to DOT builder. Sort edges by frequency as a hint to the graph layout engine. for _, e := range edges.Sort() { builder.addEdge(e, nodeIDMap[e.Src], nodeIDMap[e.Dest], hasNodelets[e.Src]) } } // builder wraps an io.Writer and understands how to compose DOT formatted elements. type builder struct { io.Writer attributes *DotAttributes config *DotConfig } // start generates a title and initial node in DOT format. func (b *builder) start() { graphname := "unnamed" if b.config.Title != "" { graphname = b.config.Title } fmt.Fprintln(b, `digraph "`+graphname+`" {`) fmt.Fprintln(b, `node [style=filled fillcolor="#f8f8f8"]`) } // finish closes the opening curly bracket in the constructed DOT buffer. func (b *builder) finish() { fmt.Fprintln(b, "}") } // addLegend generates a legend in DOT format. func (b *builder) addLegend() { labels := b.config.Labels if len(labels) == 0 { return } title := labels[0] fmt.Fprintf(b, `subgraph cluster_L { "%s" [shape=box fontsize=16`, title) fmt.Fprintf(b, ` label="%s\l"`, strings.Join(labels, `\l`)) if b.config.LegendURL != "" { fmt.Fprintf(b, ` URL="%s" target="_blank"`, b.config.LegendURL) } if b.config.Title != "" { fmt.Fprintf(b, ` tooltip="%s"`, b.config.Title) } fmt.Fprintf(b, "] }\n") } // addNode generates a graph node in DOT format. func (b *builder) addNode(node *Node, nodeID int, maxFlat float64) { flat, cum := node.FlatValue(), node.CumValue() attrs := b.attributes.Nodes[node] // Populate label for node. var label string if attrs != nil && attrs.Formatter != nil { label = attrs.Formatter(&node.Info) } else { label = multilinePrintableName(&node.Info) } flatValue := b.config.FormatValue(flat) if flat != 0 { label = label + fmt.Sprintf(`%s (%s)`, flatValue, strings.TrimSpace(measurement.Percentage(flat, b.config.Total))) } else { label = label + "0" } cumValue := flatValue if cum != flat { if flat != 0 { label = label + `\n` } else { label = label + " " } cumValue = b.config.FormatValue(cum) label = label + fmt.Sprintf(`of %s (%s)`, cumValue, strings.TrimSpace(measurement.Percentage(cum, b.config.Total))) } // Scale font sizes from 8 to 24 based on percentage of flat frequency. // Use non linear growth to emphasize the size difference. baseFontSize, maxFontGrowth := 8, 16.0 fontSize := baseFontSize if maxFlat != 0 && flat != 0 && float64(abs64(flat)) <= maxFlat { fontSize += int(math.Ceil(maxFontGrowth * math.Sqrt(float64(abs64(flat))/maxFlat))) } // Determine node shape. shape := "box" if attrs != nil && attrs.Shape != "" { shape = attrs.Shape } // Create DOT attribute for node. attr := fmt.Sprintf(`label="%s" id="node%d" fontsize=%d shape=%s tooltip="%s (%s)" color="%s" fillcolor="%s"`, label, nodeID, fontSize, shape, node.Info.PrintableName(), cumValue, dotColor(float64(node.CumValue())/float64(abs64(b.config.Total)), false), dotColor(float64(node.CumValue())/float64(abs64(b.config.Total)), true)) // Add on extra attributes if provided. if attrs != nil { // Make bold if specified. if attrs.Bold { attr += ` style="bold,filled"` } // Add peripheries if specified. if attrs.Peripheries != 0 { attr += fmt.Sprintf(` peripheries=%d`, attrs.Peripheries) } // Add URL if specified. target="_blank" forces the link to open in a new tab. if attrs.URL != "" { attr += fmt.Sprintf(` URL="%s" target="_blank"`, attrs.URL) } } fmt.Fprintf(b, "N%d [%s]\n", nodeID, attr) } // addNodelets generates the DOT boxes for the node tags if they exist. func (b *builder) addNodelets(node *Node, nodeID int) bool { var nodelets string // Populate two Tag slices, one for LabelTags and one for NumericTags. var ts []*Tag lnts := make(map[string][]*Tag) for _, t := range node.LabelTags { ts = append(ts, t) } for l, tm := range node.NumericTags { for _, t := range tm { lnts[l] = append(lnts[l], t) } } // For leaf nodes, print cumulative tags (includes weight from // children that have been deleted). // For internal nodes, print only flat tags. flatTags := len(node.Out) > 0 // Select the top maxNodelets alphanumeric labels by weight. SortTags(ts, flatTags) if len(ts) > maxNodelets { ts = ts[:maxNodelets] } for i, t := range ts { w := t.CumValue() if flatTags { w = t.FlatValue() } if w == 0 { continue } weight := b.config.FormatValue(w) nodelets += fmt.Sprintf(`N%d_%d [label = "%s" id="N%d_%d" fontsize=8 shape=box3d tooltip="%s"]`+"\n", nodeID, i, t.Name, nodeID, i, weight) nodelets += fmt.Sprintf(`N%d -> N%d_%d [label=" %s" weight=100 tooltip="%s" labeltooltip="%s"]`+"\n", nodeID, nodeID, i, weight, weight, weight) if nts := lnts[t.Name]; nts != nil { nodelets += b.numericNodelets(nts, maxNodelets, flatTags, fmt.Sprintf(`N%d_%d`, nodeID, i)) } } if nts := lnts[""]; nts != nil { nodelets += b.numericNodelets(nts, maxNodelets, flatTags, fmt.Sprintf(`N%d`, nodeID)) } fmt.Fprint(b, nodelets) return nodelets != "" } func (b *builder) numericNodelets(nts []*Tag, maxNumNodelets int, flatTags bool, source string) string { nodelets := "" // Collapse numeric labels into maxNumNodelets buckets, of the form: // 1MB..2MB, 3MB..5MB, ... for j, t := range b.collapsedTags(nts, maxNumNodelets, flatTags) { w, attr := t.CumValue(), ` style="dotted"` if flatTags || t.FlatValue() == t.CumValue() { w, attr = t.FlatValue(), "" } if w != 0 { weight := b.config.FormatValue(w) nodelets += fmt.Sprintf(`N%s_%d [label = "%s" id="N%s_%d" fontsize=8 shape=box3d tooltip="%s"]`+"\n", source, j, t.Name, source, j, weight) nodelets += fmt.Sprintf(`%s -> N%s_%d [label=" %s" weight=100 tooltip="%s" labeltooltip="%s"%s]`+"\n", source, source, j, weight, weight, weight, attr) } } return nodelets } // addEdge generates a graph edge in DOT format. func (b *builder) addEdge(edge *Edge, from, to int, hasNodelets bool) { var inline string if edge.Inline { inline = `\n (inline)` } w := b.config.FormatValue(edge.WeightValue()) attr := fmt.Sprintf(`label=" %s%s"`, w, inline) if b.config.Total != 0 { // Note: edge.weight > b.config.Total is possible for profile diffs. if weight := 1 + int(min64(abs64(edge.WeightValue()*100/b.config.Total), 100)); weight > 1 { attr = fmt.Sprintf(`%s weight=%d`, attr, weight) } if width := 1 + int(min64(abs64(edge.WeightValue()*5/b.config.Total), 5)); width > 1 { attr = fmt.Sprintf(`%s penwidth=%d`, attr, width) } attr = fmt.Sprintf(`%s color="%s"`, attr, dotColor(float64(edge.WeightValue())/float64(abs64(b.config.Total)), false)) } arrow := "->" if edge.Residual { arrow = "..." } tooltip := fmt.Sprintf(`"%s %s %s (%s)"`, edge.Src.Info.PrintableName(), arrow, edge.Dest.Info.PrintableName(), w) attr = fmt.Sprintf(`%s tooltip=%s labeltooltip=%s`, attr, tooltip, tooltip) if edge.Residual { attr = attr + ` style="dotted"` } if hasNodelets { // Separate children further if source has tags. attr = attr + " minlen=2" } fmt.Fprintf(b, "N%d -> N%d [%s]\n", from, to, attr) } // dotColor returns a color for the given score (between -1.0 and // 1.0), with -1.0 colored red, 0.0 colored grey, and 1.0 colored // green. If isBackground is true, then a light (low-saturation) // color is returned (suitable for use as a background color); // otherwise, a darker color is returned (suitable for use as a // foreground color). func dotColor(score float64, isBackground bool) string { // A float between 0.0 and 1.0, indicating the extent to which // colors should be shifted away from grey (to make positive and // negative values easier to distinguish, and to make more use of // the color range.) const shift = 0.7 // Saturation and value (in hsv colorspace) for background colors. const bgSaturation = 0.1 const bgValue = 0.93 // Saturation and value (in hsv colorspace) for foreground colors. const fgSaturation = 1.0 const fgValue = 0.7 // Choose saturation and value based on isBackground. var saturation float64 var value float64 if isBackground { saturation = bgSaturation value = bgValue } else { saturation = fgSaturation value = fgValue } // Limit the score values to the range [-1.0, 1.0]. score = math.Max(-1.0, math.Min(1.0, score)) // Reduce saturation near score=0 (so it is colored grey, rather than yellow). if math.Abs(score) < 0.2 { saturation *= math.Abs(score) / 0.2 } // Apply 'shift' to move scores away from 0.0 (grey). if score > 0.0 { score = math.Pow(score, (1.0 - shift)) } if score < 0.0 { score = -math.Pow(-score, (1.0 - shift)) } var r, g, b float64 // red, green, blue if score < 0.0 { g = value r = value * (1 + saturation*score) } else { r = value g = value * (1 - saturation*score) } b = value * (1 - saturation) return fmt.Sprintf("#%02x%02x%02x", uint8(r*255.0), uint8(g*255.0), uint8(b*255.0)) } func multilinePrintableName(info *NodeInfo) string { infoCopy := *info infoCopy.Name = ShortenFunctionName(infoCopy.Name) infoCopy.Name = strings.Replace(infoCopy.Name, "::", `\n`, -1) infoCopy.Name = strings.Replace(infoCopy.Name, ".", `\n`, -1) if infoCopy.File != "" { infoCopy.File = filepath.Base(infoCopy.File) } return strings.Join(infoCopy.NameComponents(), `\n`) + `\n` } // collapsedTags trims and sorts a slice of tags. func (b *builder) collapsedTags(ts []*Tag, count int, flatTags bool) []*Tag { ts = SortTags(ts, flatTags) if len(ts) <= count { return ts } tagGroups := make([][]*Tag, count) for i, t := range (ts)[:count] { tagGroups[i] = []*Tag{t} } for _, t := range (ts)[count:] { g, d := 0, tagDistance(t, tagGroups[0][0]) for i := 1; i < count; i++ { if nd := tagDistance(t, tagGroups[i][0]); nd < d { g, d = i, nd } } tagGroups[g] = append(tagGroups[g], t) } var nts []*Tag for _, g := range tagGroups { l, w, c := b.tagGroupLabel(g) nts = append(nts, &Tag{ Name: l, Flat: w, Cum: c, }) } return SortTags(nts, flatTags) } func tagDistance(t, u *Tag) float64 { v, _ := measurement.Scale(u.Value, u.Unit, t.Unit) if v < float64(t.Value) { return float64(t.Value) - v } return v - float64(t.Value) } func (b *builder) tagGroupLabel(g []*Tag) (label string, flat, cum int64) { if len(g) == 1 { t := g[0] return measurement.Label(t.Value, t.Unit), t.FlatValue(), t.CumValue() } min := g[0] max := g[0] df, f := min.FlatDiv, min.Flat dc, c := min.CumDiv, min.Cum for _, t := range g[1:] { if v, _ := measurement.Scale(t.Value, t.Unit, min.Unit); int64(v) < min.Value { min = t } if v, _ := measurement.Scale(t.Value, t.Unit, max.Unit); int64(v) > max.Value { max = t } f += t.Flat df += t.FlatDiv c += t.Cum dc += t.CumDiv } if df != 0 { f = f / df } if dc != 0 { c = c / dc } // Tags are not scaled with the selected output unit because tags are often // much smaller than other values which appear, so the range of tag sizes // sometimes would appear to be "0..0" when scaled to the selected output unit. return measurement.Label(min.Value, min.Unit) + ".." + measurement.Label(max.Value, max.Unit), f, c } func min64(a, b int64) int64 { if a < b { return a } return b }