# Builds and runs test binaries, so skip in short mode. [short] skip env GO111MODULE=on # If a test invoked by 'go test' exits with a zero status code, # it will panic. ! go test ./zero ! stdout ^ok ! stdout 'exit status' stdout 'panic' stdout ^FAIL # If a test exits with a non-zero status code, 'go test' fails normally. ! go test ./one ! stdout ^ok stdout 'exit status' ! stdout 'panic' stdout ^FAIL # Ensure that other flags still do the right thing. go test -list=. ./zero stdout ExitZero ! go test -bench=. ./zero stdout 'panic' # 'go test' with no args streams output without buffering. Ensure that it still # catches a zero exit with missing output. cd zero ! go test stdout 'panic' cd ../normal go test stdout ^ok cd .. # If a TestMain exits with a zero status code, 'go test' shouldn't # complain about that. It's a common way to skip testing a package # entirely. go test ./main_zero ! stdout 'skipping all tests' stdout ^ok # With -v, we'll see the warning from TestMain. go test -v ./main_zero stdout 'skipping all tests' stdout ^ok # Listing all tests won't actually give a result if TestMain exits. That's okay, # because this is how TestMain works. If we decide to support -list even when # TestMain is used to skip entire packages, we can change this test case. go test -list=. ./main_zero stdout 'skipping all tests' ! stdout TestNotListed -- go.mod -- module m -- ./normal/normal.go -- package normal -- ./normal/normal_test.go -- package normal import "testing" func TestExitZero(t *testing.T) { } -- ./zero/zero.go -- package zero -- ./zero/zero_test.go -- package zero import ( "os" "testing" ) func TestExitZero(t *testing.T) { os.Exit(0) } -- ./one/one.go -- package one -- ./one/one_test.go -- package one import ( "os" "testing" ) func TestExitOne(t *testing.T) { os.Exit(1) } -- ./main_zero/zero.go -- package zero -- ./main_zero/zero_test.go -- package zero import ( "fmt" "os" "testing" ) func TestMain(m *testing.M) { fmt.Println("skipping all tests") os.Exit(0) } func TestNotListed(t *testing.T) {}