# https://golang.org/issue/36876: As of Go 1.17, vendor/modules.txt should # indicate the language version used by each dependency. [short] skip # Control case: without a vendor directory, need117 builds and bad114 doesn't. go build example.net/need117 ! go build example.net/bad114 stderr '^bad114[/\\]bad114.go:15:2: duplicate method Y$' # With a vendor/modules.txt lacking language versions, the world is topsy-turvy, # because we have to guess a uniform version for everything. # # We always guess Go 1.16, because that was the last version for which # 'go mod vendor' failed to record dependency versions, and it has most of # the language features added since modules were introduced in Go 1.11. # # Even so, modules that declare 'go 1.17' and use 1.17 features spuriously fail # to build, and modules that declare an older version and use features from a # newer one spuriously build (instead of failing as they ought to). go mod vendor ! grep 1.17 vendor/modules.txt ! go build example.net/need117 stderr '^vendor[/\\]example\.net[/\\]need117[/\\]need117.go:5:1[89]: .*conversion of slices to array pointers only supported as of -lang=go1\.17' ! grep 1.13 vendor/modules.txt go build example.net/bad114 # Upgrading the main module to 1.17 adds version annotations. # Then everything is once again consistent with the non-vendored world. go mod edit -go=1.17 go mod vendor grep '^## explicit; go 1.17$' vendor/modules.txt go build example.net/need117 grep '^## explicit; go 1.13$' vendor/modules.txt ! go build example.net/bad114 stderr '^vendor[/\\]example\.net[/\\]bad114[/\\]bad114.go:15:2: duplicate method Y$' -- go.mod -- module example.net/m go 1.16 require ( example.net/bad114 v0.1.0 example.net/need117 v0.1.0 ) replace ( example.net/bad114 v0.1.0 => ./bad114 example.net/need117 v0.1.0 => ./need117 ) -- m.go -- package m import _ "example.net/bad114" import _ "example.net/need117" -- bad114/go.mod -- // Module bad114 requires Go 1.14 or higher, but declares Go 1.13. module example.net/bad114 go 1.13 -- bad114/bad114.go -- package bad114 type XY interface { X() Y() } type YZ interface { Y() Z() } type XYZ interface { XY YZ } -- need117/go.mod -- // Module need117 requires Go 1.17 or higher. module example.net/need117 go 1.17 -- need117/need117.go -- package need117 func init() { s := make([]byte, 4) _ = (*[4]byte)(s) }