# Integration test for golang.org/issue/33848: automatically check and use vendored packages. env GO111MODULE=on [short] skip cd $WORK/auto cp go.mod go.mod.orig cp $WORK/modules-1.13.txt $WORK/auto/modules.txt # An explicit -mod=vendor should force use of the vendor directory. env GOFLAGS=-mod=vendor go list -f {{.Dir}} -tags tools all stdout '^'$WORK'[/\\]auto$' stdout '^'$WORK'[/\\]auto[/\\]vendor[/\\]example.com[/\\]printversion$' stdout '^'$WORK'[/\\]auto[/\\]vendor[/\\]example.com[/\\]version$' ! go list -m all stderr 'go: can''t compute ''all'' using the vendor directory\n\t\(Use -mod=mod or -mod=readonly to bypass.\)' ! go list -m -f '{{.Dir}}' all stderr 'go: can''t compute ''all'' using the vendor directory\n\t\(Use -mod=mod or -mod=readonly to bypass.\)' # An explicit -mod=mod should force the vendor directory to be ignored. env GOFLAGS=-mod=mod go list -f {{.Dir}} -tags tools all stdout '^'$WORK'[/\\]auto$' stdout '^'$GOPATH'[/\\]pkg[/\\]mod[/\\]example.com[/\\]printversion@v1.0.0$' stdout '^'$WORK'[/\\]auto[/\\]replacement-version$' go list -m all stdout '^example.com/auto$' stdout 'example.com/printversion v1.0.0' stdout 'example.com/version v1.0.0' go list -m -f '{{.Dir}}' all stdout '^'$WORK'[/\\]auto$' stdout '^'$GOPATH'[/\\]pkg[/\\]mod[/\\]example.com[/\\]printversion@v1.0.0$' stdout '^'$WORK'[/\\]auto[/\\]replacement-version$' # If the main module's "go" directive says 1.13, we should default to -mod=mod. env GOFLAGS= go mod edit -go=1.13 go list -f {{.Dir}} -tags tools all stdout '^'$WORK'[/\\]auto$' stdout '^'$GOPATH'[/\\]pkg[/\\]mod[/\\]example.com[/\\]printversion@v1.0.0$' stdout '^'$WORK'[/\\]auto[/\\]replacement-version$' go list -m -f '{{.Dir}}' all stdout '^'$WORK'[/\\]auto$' stdout '^'$GOPATH'[/\\]pkg[/\\]mod[/\\]example.com[/\\]printversion@v1.0.0$' stdout '^'$WORK'[/\\]auto[/\\]replacement-version$' # A 'go 1.14' directive in the main module's go.mod file should enable # -mod=vendor by default, along with stronger checks for consistency # between the go.mod file and vendor/modules.txt. # A 'go 1.13' vendor/modules.txt file is not usually sufficient # to pass those checks. go mod edit -go=1.14 ! go list -f {{.Dir}} -tags tools all stderr '^go: inconsistent vendoring in '$WORK[/\\]auto':$' stderr '^\texample.com/printversion@v1.0.0: is explicitly required in go.mod, but not marked as explicit in vendor/modules.txt' stderr '^\texample.com/unused: is replaced in go.mod, but not marked as replaced in vendor/modules.txt' stderr '^\texample.com/version@v1.2.0: is replaced in go.mod, but not marked as replaced in vendor/modules.txt' stderr '^\tTo ignore the vendor directory, use -mod=readonly or -mod=mod.\n\tTo sync the vendor directory, run:\n\t\tgo mod vendor$' # Module-specific subcommands should continue to load the full module graph. go mod graph stdout '^example.com/printversion@v1.0.0 example.com/version@v1.0.0$' # An explicit -mod=mod should still force the vendor directory to be ignored. env GOFLAGS=-mod=mod go list -f {{.Dir}} -tags tools all stdout '^'$WORK'[/\\]auto$' stdout '^'$GOPATH'[/\\]pkg[/\\]mod[/\\]example.com[/\\]printversion@v1.0.0$' stdout '^'$WORK'[/\\]auto[/\\]replacement-version$' go list -m all stdout '^example.com/auto$' stdout 'example.com/printversion v1.0.0' stdout 'example.com/version v1.0.0' go list -m -f '{{.Dir}}' all stdout '^'$WORK'[/\\]auto$' stdout '^'$GOPATH'[/\\]pkg[/\\]mod[/\\]example.com[/\\]printversion@v1.0.0$' stdout '^'$WORK'[/\\]auto[/\\]replacement-version$' # 'go mod vendor' should repair vendor/modules.txt so that the implicit # -mod=vendor works again. env GOFLAGS= go mod edit -go=1.14 go mod vendor go list -f {{.Dir}} -tags tools all stdout '^'$WORK'[/\\]auto$' stdout '^'$WORK'[/\\]auto[/\\]vendor[/\\]example.com[/\\]printversion$' stdout '^'$WORK'[/\\]auto[/\\]vendor[/\\]example.com[/\\]version$' # ...but 'go list -m' should continue to fail, this time without # referring to a -mod default that the user didn't set. ! go list -m all stderr 'go: can''t compute ''all'' using the vendor directory\n\t\(Use -mod=mod or -mod=readonly to bypass.\)' ! go list -m -f '{{.Dir}}' all stderr 'go: can''t compute ''all'' using the vendor directory\n\t\(Use -mod=mod or -mod=readonly to bypass.\)' # 'go mod init' should work if there is already a GOPATH-mode vendor directory # present. If there are no module dependencies, -mod=vendor should be used by # default and should not fail the consistency check even though no module # information is present. rm go.mod rm vendor/modules.txt go mod init example.com/auto go list -f {{.Dir}} -tags tools all stdout '^'$WORK'[/\\]auto$' stdout '^'$WORK'[/\\]auto[/\\]vendor[/\\]example.com[/\\]printversion$' stdout '^'$WORK'[/\\]auto[/\\]vendor[/\\]example.com[/\\]version$' # If information about dependencies is added to a 1.14 go.mod file, subsequent # list commands should error out if vendor/modules.txt is missing or incomplete. cp go.mod.orig go.mod go mod edit -go=1.14 ! go list -f {{.Dir}} -tags tools all stderr '^go: inconsistent vendoring in '$WORK[/\\]auto':$' stderr '^\texample.com/printversion@v1.0.0: is explicitly required in go.mod, but not marked as explicit in vendor/modules.txt' stderr '^\texample.com/unused: is replaced in go.mod, but not marked as replaced in vendor/modules.txt' stderr '^\texample.com/version@v1.2.0: is replaced in go.mod, but not marked as replaced in vendor/modules.txt' stderr '^\tTo ignore the vendor directory, use -mod=readonly or -mod=mod.\n\tTo sync the vendor directory, run:\n\t\tgo mod vendor$' # If -mod=vendor is set, limited consistency checks should apply even when # the go version is 1.13 or earlier. # An incomplete or missing vendor/modules.txt should resolve the vendored packages... go mod edit -go=1.13 go list -mod=vendor -f {{.Dir}} -tags tools all stdout '^'$WORK'[/\\]auto$' stdout '^'$WORK'[/\\]auto[/\\]vendor[/\\]example.com[/\\]printversion$' stdout '^'$WORK'[/\\]auto[/\\]vendor[/\\]example.com[/\\]version$' # ...but a version mismatch for an explicit dependency should be noticed. cp $WORK/modules-bad-1.13.txt vendor/modules.txt ! go list -mod=vendor -f {{.Dir}} -tags tools all stderr '^go: inconsistent vendoring in '$WORK[/\\]auto':$' stderr '^\texample.com/printversion@v1.0.0: is explicitly required in go.mod, but vendor/modules.txt indicates example.com/printversion@v1.1.0$' stderr '^\tTo ignore the vendor directory, use -mod=readonly or -mod=mod.\n\tTo sync the vendor directory, run:\n\t\tgo mod vendor$' # If the go version is still 1.13, 'go mod vendor' should write a # matching vendor/modules.txt containing the corrected 1.13 data. go mod vendor cmp $WORK/modules-1.13.txt vendor/modules.txt go list -mod=vendor -f {{.Dir}} -tags tools all stdout '^'$WORK'[/\\]auto$' stdout '^'$WORK'[/\\]auto[/\\]vendor[/\\]example.com[/\\]printversion$' stdout '^'$WORK'[/\\]auto[/\\]vendor[/\\]example.com[/\\]version$' # When the version is upgraded to 1.14, 'go mod vendor' should write a # vendor/modules.txt with the updated 1.14 annotations. go mod edit -go=1.14 go mod vendor cmp $WORK/modules-1.14.txt vendor/modules.txt # Then, -mod=vendor should kick in automatically and succeed. go list -f {{.Dir}} -tags tools all stdout '^'$WORK'[/\\]auto$' stdout '^'$WORK'[/\\]auto[/\\]vendor[/\\]example.com[/\\]printversion$' stdout '^'$WORK'[/\\]auto[/\\]vendor[/\\]example.com[/\\]version$' # 'go get' should update from the network or module cache, # even if a vendor directory is present. go get -d example.com/version@v1.1.0 ! go list -f {{.Dir}} -tags tools all stderr '^go: inconsistent vendoring' -- $WORK/auto/go.mod -- module example.com/auto go 1.13 require example.com/printversion v1.0.0 replace ( example.com/unused => nonexistent.example.com/unused v1.0.0-whatever example.com/version v1.0.0 => ./replacement-version example.com/version v1.2.0 => nonexistent.example.com/version v1.2.0 ) -- $WORK/auto/tools.go -- // +build tools package auto import _ "example.com/printversion" -- $WORK/auto/auto.go -- package auto -- $WORK/auto/replacement-version/go.mod -- module example.com/version -- $WORK/auto/replacement-version/version.go -- package version const V = "v1.0.0-replaced" -- $WORK/modules-1.14.txt -- # example.com/printversion v1.0.0 ## explicit example.com/printversion # example.com/version v1.0.0 => ./replacement-version example.com/version # example.com/unused => nonexistent.example.com/unused v1.0.0-whatever # example.com/version v1.2.0 => nonexistent.example.com/version v1.2.0 -- $WORK/modules-1.13.txt -- # example.com/printversion v1.0.0 example.com/printversion # example.com/version v1.0.0 => ./replacement-version example.com/version -- $WORK/modules-bad-1.13.txt -- # example.com/printversion v1.1.0 example.com/printversion # example.com/version v1.1.0 example.com/version -- $WORK/auto/vendor/example.com/printversion/go.mod -- module example.com/printversion require example.com/version v1.0.0 replace example.com/version v1.0.0 => ../oops v0.0.0 exclude example.com/version v1.0.1 -- $WORK/auto/vendor/example.com/printversion/printversion.go -- package main import ( "fmt" "os" "runtime/debug" _ "example.com/version" ) func main() { info, _ := debug.ReadBuildInfo() fmt.Fprintf(os.Stdout, "path is %s\n", info.Path) fmt.Fprintf(os.Stdout, "main is %s %s\n", info.Main.Path, info.Main.Version) for _, m := range info.Deps { fmt.Fprintf(os.Stdout, "using %s %s\n", m.Path, m.Version) } } -- $WORK/auto/vendor/example.com/version/version.go -- package version const V = "v1.0.0-replaced"