# https://golang.org/issue/46142: 'go mod tidy' should error out if the version # in the go.mod file is newer than the most recent supported version. cp go.mod go.mod.orig # If the go.mod file specifies an unsupported Go version, 'go mod tidy' should # refuse to edit it: we don't know what a tidy go.mod file for that version # would look like. ! go mod tidy stderr 'go: go.mod file indicates go 2000.0, but maximum version supported by tidy is '$goversion'$' cmp go.mod go.mod.orig # The -e flag should push past the error and edit the file anyway, # but preserve the too-high version. cp go.mod.orig go.mod go mod tidy -e stderr 'go: go.mod file indicates go 2000.0, but maximum version supported by tidy is '$goversion'$' cmp go.mod go.mod.tidy # Explicitly switching to a supported version should suppress the error completely. cp go.mod.orig go.mod go mod tidy -go=1.17 ! stderr 'maximum supported version' go mod edit -go=1.17 go.mod.tidy cmp go.mod go.mod.tidy -- go.mod -- module example.net/from/the/future go 2000.0 replace example.net/m v0.0.0 => ./m -- go.mod.tidy -- module example.net/from/the/future go 2000.0 replace example.net/m v0.0.0 => ./m require example.net/m v0.0.0 -- x.go -- package x import "example.net/m" -- m/go.mod -- module example.net/m go 1.17 -- m/m.go -- package m