env GO111MODULE=on [short] skip # -mod=readonly must not resolve missing modules nor update go.mod env GOFLAGS=-mod=readonly go mod edit -fmt cp go.mod go.mod.empty ! go list all stderr '^x.go:2:8: cannot find module providing package rsc\.io/quote: import lookup disabled by -mod=readonly' ! stderr '\(\)' # If we don't have a reason for -mod=readonly, don't log an empty one. cmp go.mod go.mod.empty # -mod=readonly should be set by default. env GOFLAGS= ! go list all stderr '^x.go:2:8: no required module provides package rsc\.io/quote; try ''go mod tidy'' to add it$' cmp go.mod go.mod.empty env GOFLAGS=-mod=readonly # update go.mod - go get allowed go get rsc.io/quote grep rsc.io/quote go.mod # update go.mod - go mod tidy allowed cp go.mod.empty go.mod go mod tidy cp go.mod go.mod.tidy # -mod=readonly must succeed once go.mod is up-to-date... go list all # ... even if it needs downloads go clean -modcache go list all # -mod=readonly must not cause 'go list -m' to fail. # (golang.org/issue/36478) go list -m all ! stderr 'cannot query module' # -mod=readonly should reject inconsistent go.mod files # (ones that would be rewritten). go get -d rsc.io/sampler@v1.2.0 go mod edit -require rsc.io/quote@v1.5.2 cp go.mod go.mod.inconsistent ! go list stderr 'go: updates to go.mod needed, disabled by -mod=readonly' cmp go.mod go.mod.inconsistent # We get a different message when -mod=readonly is used by default. env GOFLAGS= ! go list stderr '^go: updates to go.mod needed; try ''go mod tidy'' first$' # However, it should not reject files missing a 'go' directive, # since that was not always required. cp go.mod.nogo go.mod go list all cmp go.mod go.mod.nogo # Nor should it reject files with redundant (not incorrect) # requirements. cp go.mod.redundant go.mod go list all cmp go.mod go.mod.redundant cp go.mod.indirect go.mod go list all cmp go.mod go.mod.indirect # If we identify a missing package as a dependency of some other package in the # main module, we should suggest 'go mod tidy' instead of resolving it. cp go.mod.untidy go.mod ! go list all stderr '^x.go:2:8: no required module provides package rsc.io/quote; try ''go mod tidy'' to add it$' ! go list -deps . stderr '^x.go:2:8: no required module provides package rsc.io/quote; try ''go mod tidy'' to add it$' # However, if we didn't see an import from the main module, we should suggest # 'go get -d' instead, because we don't know whether 'go mod tidy' would add it. ! go list rsc.io/quote stderr '^no required module provides package rsc.io/quote; try ''go get -d rsc.io/quote'' to add it$' -- go.mod -- module m go 1.20 -- x.go -- package x import _ "rsc.io/quote" -- go.mod.nogo -- module m require ( rsc.io/quote v1.5.2 rsc.io/testonly v1.0.0 // indirect ) -- go.mod.redundant -- module m go 1.20 require ( rsc.io/quote v1.5.2 rsc.io/sampler v1.3.0 // indirect rsc.io/testonly v1.0.0 // indirect ) -- go.mod.indirect -- module m go 1.20 require ( rsc.io/quote v1.5.2 // indirect rsc.io/sampler v1.3.0 // indirect rsc.io/testonly v1.0.0 // indirect ) -- go.mod.untidy -- module m go 1.20 require ( rsc.io/sampler v1.3.0 // indirect )