# Populate go.sum go mod download # go list should succeed to load a package ending with ".go" if the path does # not correspond to an existing local file. Listing a pattern ending with # ".go/" should try to list a package regardless of whether a file exists at the # path without the suffixed "/" or not. go list example.com/dotgo.go stdout ^example.com/dotgo.go$ go list example.com/dotgo.go/ stdout ^example.com/dotgo.go$ # go get -d should succeed in either case, with or without a version. # Arguments are interpreted as packages or package patterns with versions, # not source files. go get -d example.com/dotgo.go go get -d example.com/dotgo.go/ go get -d example.com/dotgo.go@v1.0.0 go get -d example.com/dotgo.go/@v1.0.0 # go get (without -d) should also succeed in either case. [short] skip go get example.com/dotgo.go go get example.com/dotgo.go/ go get example.com/dotgo.go@v1.0.0 go get example.com/dotgo.go/@v1.0.0 -- go.mod -- module m go 1.13 require example.com/dotgo.go v1.0.0