env GO111MODULE=on [short] skip # get -u should not upgrade anything, since the package # in the current directory doesn't import anything. go get -u go list -m all stdout 'quote v1.5.1$' grep 'rsc.io/quote v1.5.1$' go.mod # get -u should find quote v1.5.2 once there is a use. cp $WORK/tmp/usequote.go x.go go get -u go list -m all stdout 'quote v1.5.2$' grep 'rsc.io/quote v1.5.2$' go.mod # it should also update x/text later than requested by v1.5.2 go list -m -f '{{.Path}} {{.Version}}{{if .Indirect}} // indirect{{end}}' all stdout '^golang.org/x/text [v0-9a-f\.-]+ // indirect' grep 'golang.org/x/text [v0-9a-f\.-]+ // indirect' go.mod # importing an empty module root as a package does not remove indirect tag. cp $WORK/tmp/usetext.go x.go go list -e grep 'golang.org/x/text v0.3.0 // indirect$' go.mod # indirect tag should be removed upon seeing direct import. cp $WORK/tmp/uselang.go x.go go list grep 'rsc.io/quote v1.5.2$' go.mod grep 'golang.org/x/text [v0-9a-f\.-]+$' go.mod # indirect tag should be added by go mod tidy cp $WORK/tmp/usequote.go x.go go mod tidy grep 'rsc.io/quote v1.5.2$' go.mod grep 'golang.org/x/text [v0-9a-f\.-]+ // indirect' go.mod # requirement should be dropped entirely if not needed cp $WORK/tmp/uselang.go x.go go mod tidy ! grep rsc.io/quote go.mod grep 'golang.org/x/text [v0-9a-f\.-]+$' go.mod -- go.mod -- module x require rsc.io/quote v1.5.1 -- x.go -- package x -- $WORK/tmp/usetext.go -- package x import _ "golang.org/x/text" -- $WORK/tmp/uselang.go -- package x import _ "golang.org/x/text/language" -- $WORK/tmp/usequote.go -- package x import _ "rsc.io/quote"