env GO111MODULE=on # explicit get should report errors about bad names ! go get appengine stderr '^go get appengine: package appengine is not in GOROOT \(.*\)$' ! go get x/y.z stderr 'malformed module path "x/y.z": missing dot in first path element' # 'go list -m' should report errors about module names, never GOROOT. ! go list -m -versions appengine stderr 'malformed module path "appengine": missing dot in first path element' ! go list -m -versions x/y.z stderr 'malformed module path "x/y.z": missing dot in first path element' # build should report all unsatisfied imports, # but should be more definitive about non-module import paths ! go build ./useappengine stderr '^useappengine[/\\]x.go:2:8: cannot find package$' ! go build ./usenonexistent stderr '^usenonexistent[/\\]x.go:2:8: no required module provides package nonexistent.rsc.io; try ''go mod tidy'' to add it$' # 'get -d' should be similarly definitive go get -d ./useappengine # TODO(#41315): This should fail. # stderr '^useappengine[/\\]x.go:2:8: cannot find package$' ! go get -d ./usenonexistent stderr '^x/usenonexistent imports\n\tnonexistent.rsc.io: cannot find module providing package nonexistent.rsc.io$' # go mod vendor and go mod tidy should ignore appengine imports. rm usenonexistent/x.go go mod tidy go mod vendor -- go.mod -- module x -- useappengine/x.go -- package useappengine import _ "appengine" // package does not exist -- usenonexistent/x.go -- package usenonexistent import _ "nonexistent.rsc.io" // domain does not exist