# TODO: add a go.mod file and test with GO111MODULE explicitly on and off. # We only report the 'expects import' error when modules are disabled. # Do we report comment parse errors or conflicts in module mode? We shouldn't. # Import comment matches go build -n works.go # Import comment mismatch ! go build -n wrongplace.go stderr 'wrongplace expects import "my/x"' # Import comment syntax error ! go build -n bad.go stderr 'cannot parse import comment' # Import comment conflict ! go build -n conflict.go stderr 'found import comments' -- bad.go -- package p import "bad" -- conflict.go -- package p import "conflict" -- works.go -- package p import _ "works/x" -- wrongplace.go -- package p import "wrongplace" -- bad/bad.go -- package bad // import -- conflict/a.go -- package conflict // import "a" -- conflict/b.go -- package conflict /* import "b" */ -- works/x/x.go -- package x // import "works/x" -- works/x/x1.go -- package x // important! not an import comment -- wrongplace/x.go -- package x // import "my/x"