// Copyright 2019 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. // +build !plan9 package renameio import ( "encoding/binary" "errors" "internal/testenv" "io/ioutil" "math/rand" "os" "path/filepath" "runtime" "strings" "sync" "sync/atomic" "syscall" "testing" "time" "cmd/go/internal/robustio" ) func TestConcurrentReadsAndWrites(t *testing.T) { if runtime.GOOS == "darwin" && strings.HasSuffix(testenv.Builder(), "-10_14") { testenv.SkipFlaky(t, 33041) } dir, err := ioutil.TempDir("", "renameio") if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } defer os.RemoveAll(dir) path := filepath.Join(dir, "blob.bin") const chunkWords = 8 << 10 buf := make([]byte, 2*chunkWords*8) for i := uint64(0); i < 2*chunkWords; i++ { binary.LittleEndian.PutUint64(buf[i*8:], i) } var attempts int64 = 128 if !testing.Short() { attempts *= 16 } const parallel = 32 var sem = make(chan bool, parallel) var ( writeSuccesses, readSuccesses int64 // atomic writeErrnoSeen, readErrnoSeen sync.Map ) for n := attempts; n > 0; n-- { sem <- true go func() { defer func() { <-sem }() time.Sleep(time.Duration(rand.Intn(100)) * time.Microsecond) offset := rand.Intn(chunkWords) chunk := buf[offset*8 : (offset+chunkWords)*8] if err := WriteFile(path, chunk, 0666); err == nil { atomic.AddInt64(&writeSuccesses, 1) } else if robustio.IsEphemeralError(err) { var ( errno syscall.Errno dup bool ) if errors.As(err, &errno) { _, dup = writeErrnoSeen.LoadOrStore(errno, true) } if !dup { t.Logf("ephemeral error: %v", err) } } else { t.Errorf("unexpected error: %v", err) } time.Sleep(time.Duration(rand.Intn(100)) * time.Microsecond) data, err := ReadFile(path) if err == nil { atomic.AddInt64(&readSuccesses, 1) } else if robustio.IsEphemeralError(err) { var ( errno syscall.Errno dup bool ) if errors.As(err, &errno) { _, dup = readErrnoSeen.LoadOrStore(errno, true) } if !dup { t.Logf("ephemeral error: %v", err) } return } else { t.Errorf("unexpected error: %v", err) return } if len(data) != 8*chunkWords { t.Errorf("read %d bytes, but each write is a %d-byte file", len(data), 8*chunkWords) return } u := binary.LittleEndian.Uint64(data) for i := 1; i < chunkWords; i++ { next := binary.LittleEndian.Uint64(data[i*8:]) if next != u+1 { t.Errorf("wrote sequential integers, but read integer out of sequence at offset %d", i) return } u = next } }() } for n := parallel; n > 0; n-- { sem <- true } var minWriteSuccesses int64 = attempts if runtime.GOOS == "windows" { // Windows produces frequent "Access is denied" errors under heavy rename load. // As long as those are the only errors and *some* of the writes succeed, we're happy. minWriteSuccesses = attempts / 4 } if writeSuccesses < minWriteSuccesses { t.Errorf("%d (of %d) writes succeeded; want ≥ %d", writeSuccesses, attempts, minWriteSuccesses) } else { t.Logf("%d (of %d) writes succeeded (ok: ≥ %d)", writeSuccesses, attempts, minWriteSuccesses) } var minReadSuccesses int64 = attempts switch runtime.GOOS { case "windows": // Windows produces frequent "Access is denied" errors under heavy rename load. // As long as those are the only errors and *some* of the reads succeed, we're happy. minReadSuccesses = attempts / 4 case "darwin", "ios": // The filesystem on certain versions of macOS (10.14) and iOS (affected // versions TBD) occasionally fail with "no such file or directory" errors. // See https://golang.org/issue/33041 and https://golang.org/issue/42066. // The flake rate is fairly low, so ensure that at least 75% of attempts // succeed. minReadSuccesses = attempts - (attempts / 4) } if readSuccesses < minReadSuccesses { t.Errorf("%d (of %d) reads succeeded; want ≥ %d", readSuccesses, attempts, minReadSuccesses) } else { t.Logf("%d (of %d) reads succeeded (ok: ≥ %d)", readSuccesses, attempts, minReadSuccesses) } }