// Copyright 2021 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. package types2 import ( "strings" "testing" ) var myInt = func() Type { tname := NewTypeName(nopos, nil, "myInt", nil) return NewNamed(tname, Typ[Int], nil) }() var testTerms = map[string]*term{ "∅": nil, "𝓤": {}, "int": {false, Typ[Int]}, "~int": {true, Typ[Int]}, "string": {false, Typ[String]}, "~string": {true, Typ[String]}, "myInt": {false, myInt}, } func TestTermString(t *testing.T) { for want, x := range testTerms { if got := x.String(); got != want { t.Errorf("%v.String() == %v; want %v", x, got, want) } } } func split(s string, n int) []string { r := strings.Split(s, " ") if len(r) != n { panic("invalid test case: " + s) } return r } func testTerm(name string) *term { r, ok := testTerms[name] if !ok { panic("invalid test argument: " + name) } return r } func TestTermEqual(t *testing.T) { for _, test := range []string{ "∅ ∅ T", "𝓤 𝓤 T", "int int T", "~int ~int T", "myInt myInt T", "∅ 𝓤 F", "∅ int F", "∅ ~int F", "𝓤 int F", "𝓤 ~int F", "𝓤 myInt F", "int ~int F", "int myInt F", "~int myInt F", } { args := split(test, 3) x := testTerm(args[0]) y := testTerm(args[1]) want := args[2] == "T" if got := x.equal(y); got != want { t.Errorf("%v.equal(%v) = %v; want %v", x, y, got, want) } // equal is symmetric x, y = y, x if got := x.equal(y); got != want { t.Errorf("%v.equal(%v) = %v; want %v", x, y, got, want) } } } func TestTermUnion(t *testing.T) { for _, test := range []string{ "∅ ∅ ∅ ∅", "∅ 𝓤 𝓤 ∅", "∅ int int ∅", "∅ ~int ~int ∅", "∅ myInt myInt ∅", "𝓤 𝓤 𝓤 ∅", "𝓤 int 𝓤 ∅", "𝓤 ~int 𝓤 ∅", "𝓤 myInt 𝓤 ∅", "int int int ∅", "int ~int ~int ∅", "int string int string", "int ~string int ~string", "int myInt int myInt", "~int ~string ~int ~string", "~int myInt ~int ∅", // union is symmetric, but the result order isn't - repeat symmetric cases explicitly "𝓤 ∅ 𝓤 ∅", "int ∅ int ∅", "~int ∅ ~int ∅", "myInt ∅ myInt ∅", "int 𝓤 𝓤 ∅", "~int 𝓤 𝓤 ∅", "myInt 𝓤 𝓤 ∅", "~int int ~int ∅", "string int string int", "~string int ~string int", "myInt int myInt int", "~string ~int ~string ~int", "myInt ~int ~int ∅", } { args := split(test, 4) x := testTerm(args[0]) y := testTerm(args[1]) want1 := testTerm(args[2]) want2 := testTerm(args[3]) if got1, got2 := x.union(y); !got1.equal(want1) || !got2.equal(want2) { t.Errorf("%v.union(%v) = %v, %v; want %v, %v", x, y, got1, got2, want1, want2) } } } func TestTermIntersection(t *testing.T) { for _, test := range []string{ "∅ ∅ ∅", "∅ 𝓤 ∅", "∅ int ∅", "∅ ~int ∅", "∅ myInt ∅", "𝓤 𝓤 𝓤", "𝓤 int int", "𝓤 ~int ~int", "𝓤 myInt myInt", "int int int", "int ~int int", "int string ∅", "int ~string ∅", "int string ∅", "~int ~string ∅", "~int myInt myInt", } { args := split(test, 3) x := testTerm(args[0]) y := testTerm(args[1]) want := testTerm(args[2]) if got := x.intersect(y); !got.equal(want) { t.Errorf("%v.intersect(%v) = %v; want %v", x, y, got, want) } // intersect is symmetric x, y = y, x if got := x.intersect(y); !got.equal(want) { t.Errorf("%v.intersect(%v) = %v; want %v", x, y, got, want) } } } func TestTermIncludes(t *testing.T) { for _, test := range []string{ "∅ int F", "𝓤 int T", "int int T", "~int int T", "~int myInt T", "string int F", "~string int F", "myInt int F", } { args := split(test, 3) x := testTerm(args[0]) y := testTerm(args[1]).typ want := args[2] == "T" if got := x.includes(y); got != want { t.Errorf("%v.includes(%v) = %v; want %v", x, y, got, want) } } } func TestTermSubsetOf(t *testing.T) { for _, test := range []string{ "∅ ∅ T", "𝓤 𝓤 T", "int int T", "~int ~int T", "myInt myInt T", "∅ 𝓤 T", "∅ int T", "∅ ~int T", "∅ myInt T", "𝓤 int F", "𝓤 ~int F", "𝓤 myInt F", "int ~int T", "int myInt F", "~int myInt F", "myInt int F", "myInt ~int T", } { args := split(test, 3) x := testTerm(args[0]) y := testTerm(args[1]) want := args[2] == "T" if got := x.subsetOf(y); got != want { t.Errorf("%v.subsetOf(%v) = %v; want %v", x, y, got, want) } } } func TestTermDisjoint(t *testing.T) { for _, test := range []string{ "int int F", "~int ~int F", "int ~int F", "int string T", "int ~string T", "int myInt T", "~int ~string T", "~int myInt F", "string myInt T", "~string myInt T", } { args := split(test, 3) x := testTerm(args[0]) y := testTerm(args[1]) want := args[2] == "T" if got := x.disjoint(y); got != want { t.Errorf("%v.disjoint(%v) = %v; want %v", x, y, got, want) } // disjoint is symmetric x, y = y, x if got := x.disjoint(y); got != want { t.Errorf("%v.disjoint(%v) = %v; want %v", x, y, got, want) } } }