// Copyright 2018 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. // Indexed package export. // // The indexed export data format is an evolution of the previous // binary export data format. Its chief contribution is introducing an // index table, which allows efficient random access of individual // declarations and inline function bodies. In turn, this allows // avoiding unnecessary work for compilation units that import large // packages. // // // The top-level data format is structured as: // // Header struct { // Tag byte // 'i' // Version uvarint // StringSize uvarint // DataSize uvarint // } // // Strings [StringSize]byte // Data [DataSize]byte // // MainIndex []struct{ // PkgPath stringOff // PkgName stringOff // PkgHeight uvarint // // Decls []struct{ // Name stringOff // Offset declOff // } // } // // Fingerprint [8]byte // // uvarint means a uint64 written out using uvarint encoding. // // []T means a uvarint followed by that many T objects. In other // words: // // Len uvarint // Elems [Len]T // // stringOff means a uvarint that indicates an offset within the // Strings section. At that offset is another uvarint, followed by // that many bytes, which form the string value. // // declOff means a uvarint that indicates an offset within the Data // section where the associated declaration can be found. // // // There are five kinds of declarations, distinguished by their first // byte: // // type Var struct { // Tag byte // 'V' // Pos Pos // Type typeOff // } // // type Func struct { // Tag byte // 'F' or 'G' // Pos Pos // TypeParams []typeOff // only present if Tag == 'G' // Signature Signature // } // // type Const struct { // Tag byte // 'C' // Pos Pos // Value Value // } // // type Type struct { // Tag byte // 'T' or 'U' // Pos Pos // TypeParams []typeOff // only present if Tag == 'U' // Underlying typeOff // // Methods []struct{ // omitted if Underlying is an interface type // Pos Pos // Name stringOff // Recv Param // Signature Signature // } // } // // type Alias struct { // Tag byte // 'A' // Pos Pos // Type typeOff // } // // // "Automatic" declaration of each typeparam // type TypeParam struct { // Tag byte // 'P' // Pos Pos // Bound typeOff // } // // typeOff means a uvarint that either indicates a predeclared type, // or an offset into the Data section. If the uvarint is less than // predeclReserved, then it indicates the index into the predeclared // types list (see predeclared in bexport.go for order). Otherwise, // subtracting predeclReserved yields the offset of a type descriptor. // // Value means a type and type-specific value. See // (*exportWriter).value for details. // // // There are twelve kinds of type descriptors, distinguished by an itag: // // type DefinedType struct { // Tag itag // definedType // Name stringOff // PkgPath stringOff // } // // type PointerType struct { // Tag itag // pointerType // Elem typeOff // } // // type SliceType struct { // Tag itag // sliceType // Elem typeOff // } // // type ArrayType struct { // Tag itag // arrayType // Len uint64 // Elem typeOff // } // // type ChanType struct { // Tag itag // chanType // Dir uint64 // 1 RecvOnly; 2 SendOnly; 3 SendRecv // Elem typeOff // } // // type MapType struct { // Tag itag // mapType // Key typeOff // Elem typeOff // } // // type FuncType struct { // Tag itag // signatureType // PkgPath stringOff // Signature Signature // } // // type StructType struct { // Tag itag // structType // PkgPath stringOff // Fields []struct { // Pos Pos // Name stringOff // Type typeOff // Embedded bool // Note stringOff // } // } // // type InterfaceType struct { // Tag itag // interfaceType // PkgPath stringOff // Embeddeds []struct { // Pos Pos // Type typeOff // } // Methods []struct { // Pos Pos // Name stringOff // Signature Signature // } // } // // // Reference to a type param declaration // type TypeParamType struct { // Tag itag // typeParamType // Name stringOff // PkgPath stringOff // } // // // Instantiation of a generic type (like List[T2] or List[int]) // type InstanceType struct { // Tag itag // instanceType // Pos pos // TypeArgs []typeOff // BaseType typeOff // } // // type UnionType struct { // Tag itag // interfaceType // Terms []struct { // tilde bool // Type typeOff // } // } // // // // type Signature struct { // Params []Param // Results []Param // Variadic bool // omitted if Results is empty // } // // type Param struct { // Pos Pos // Name stringOff // Type typOff // } // // // Pos encodes a file:line:column triple, incorporating a simple delta // encoding scheme within a data object. See exportWriter.pos for // details. // // // Compiler-specific details. // // cmd/compile writes out a second index for inline bodies and also // appends additional compiler-specific details after declarations. // Third-party tools are not expected to depend on these details and // they're expected to change much more rapidly, so they're omitted // here. See exportWriter's varExt/funcExt/etc methods for details. package typecheck import ( "bytes" "crypto/md5" "encoding/binary" "fmt" "go/constant" "io" "math/big" "sort" "strings" "cmd/compile/internal/base" "cmd/compile/internal/ir" "cmd/compile/internal/types" "cmd/internal/goobj" "cmd/internal/src" ) // Current indexed export format version. Increase with each format change. // 0: Go1.11 encoding // 1: added column details to Pos // 2: added information for generic function/types (currently unstable) const ( iexportVersionGo1_11 = 0 iexportVersionPosCol = 1 // TODO: before release, change this back to 2. Kept at previous version // for now (for testing). iexportVersionGenerics = iexportVersionPosCol iexportVersionCurrent = iexportVersionGenerics ) // predeclReserved is the number of type offsets reserved for types // implicitly declared in the universe block. const predeclReserved = 32 // An itag distinguishes the kind of type that was written into the // indexed export format. type itag uint64 const ( // Types definedType itag = iota pointerType sliceType arrayType chanType mapType signatureType structType interfaceType typeParamType instanceType // Instantiation of a generic type unionType ) const ( debug = false magic = 0x6742937dc293105 ) // WriteExports writes the indexed export format to out. If extensions // is true, then the compiler-only extensions are included. func WriteExports(out io.Writer, extensions bool) { if extensions { // If we're exporting inline bodies, invoke the crawler to mark // which bodies to include. crawlExports(Target.Exports) } p := iexporter{ allPkgs: map[*types.Pkg]bool{}, stringIndex: map[string]uint64{}, declIndex: map[*types.Sym]uint64{}, inlineIndex: map[*types.Sym]uint64{}, typIndex: map[*types.Type]uint64{}, extensions: extensions, } for i, pt := range predeclared() { p.typIndex[pt] = uint64(i) } if len(p.typIndex) > predeclReserved { base.Fatalf("too many predeclared types: %d > %d", len(p.typIndex), predeclReserved) } // Initialize work queue with exported declarations. for _, n := range Target.Exports { p.pushDecl(n) } // Loop until no more work. We use a queue because while // writing out inline bodies, we may discover additional // declarations that are needed. for !p.declTodo.Empty() { p.doDecl(p.declTodo.PopLeft()) } // Append indices to data0 section. dataLen := uint64(p.data0.Len()) w := p.newWriter() w.writeIndex(p.declIndex, true) w.writeIndex(p.inlineIndex, false) w.flush() if *base.Flag.LowerV { fmt.Printf("export: hdr strings %v, data %v, index %v\n", p.strings.Len(), dataLen, p.data0.Len()) } // Assemble header. var hdr intWriter hdr.WriteByte('i') hdr.uint64(iexportVersionCurrent) hdr.uint64(uint64(p.strings.Len())) hdr.uint64(dataLen) // Flush output. h := md5.New() wr := io.MultiWriter(out, h) io.Copy(wr, &hdr) io.Copy(wr, &p.strings) io.Copy(wr, &p.data0) // Add fingerprint (used by linker object file). // Attach this to the end, so tools (e.g. gcimporter) don't care. copy(base.Ctxt.Fingerprint[:], h.Sum(nil)[:]) out.Write(base.Ctxt.Fingerprint[:]) } // writeIndex writes out a symbol index. mainIndex indicates whether // we're writing out the main index, which is also read by // non-compiler tools and includes a complete package description // (i.e., name and height). func (w *exportWriter) writeIndex(index map[*types.Sym]uint64, mainIndex bool) { // Build a map from packages to symbols from that package. pkgSyms := map[*types.Pkg][]*types.Sym{} // For the main index, make sure to include every package that // we reference, even if we're not exporting (or reexporting) // any symbols from it. if mainIndex { pkgSyms[types.LocalPkg] = nil for pkg := range w.p.allPkgs { pkgSyms[pkg] = nil } } // Group symbols by package. for sym := range index { pkgSyms[sym.Pkg] = append(pkgSyms[sym.Pkg], sym) } // Sort packages by path. var pkgs []*types.Pkg for pkg := range pkgSyms { pkgs = append(pkgs, pkg) } sort.Slice(pkgs, func(i, j int) bool { return pkgs[i].Path < pkgs[j].Path }) w.uint64(uint64(len(pkgs))) for _, pkg := range pkgs { w.string(pkg.Path) if mainIndex { w.string(pkg.Name) w.uint64(uint64(pkg.Height)) } // Sort symbols within a package by name. syms := pkgSyms[pkg] sort.Slice(syms, func(i, j int) bool { return syms[i].Name < syms[j].Name }) w.uint64(uint64(len(syms))) for _, sym := range syms { w.string(sym.Name) w.uint64(index[sym]) } } } type iexporter struct { // allPkgs tracks all packages that have been referenced by // the export data, so we can ensure to include them in the // main index. allPkgs map[*types.Pkg]bool declTodo ir.NameQueue strings intWriter stringIndex map[string]uint64 data0 intWriter declIndex map[*types.Sym]uint64 inlineIndex map[*types.Sym]uint64 typIndex map[*types.Type]uint64 extensions bool } // stringOff returns the offset of s within the string section. // If not already present, it's added to the end. func (p *iexporter) stringOff(s string) uint64 { off, ok := p.stringIndex[s] if !ok { off = uint64(p.strings.Len()) p.stringIndex[s] = off if *base.Flag.LowerV { fmt.Printf("export: str %v %.40q\n", off, s) } p.strings.uint64(uint64(len(s))) p.strings.WriteString(s) } return off } // pushDecl adds n to the declaration work queue, if not already present. func (p *iexporter) pushDecl(n *ir.Name) { if n.Sym() == nil || n.Sym().Def != n && n.Op() != ir.OTYPE { base.Fatalf("weird Sym: %v, %v", n, n.Sym()) } // Don't export predeclared declarations. if n.Sym().Pkg == types.BuiltinPkg || n.Sym().Pkg == types.UnsafePkg { return } if _, ok := p.declIndex[n.Sym()]; ok { return } p.declIndex[n.Sym()] = ^uint64(0) // mark n present in work queue p.declTodo.PushRight(n) } // exportWriter handles writing out individual data section chunks. type exportWriter struct { p *iexporter data intWriter currPkg *types.Pkg prevFile string prevLine int64 prevColumn int64 // dclIndex maps function-scoped declarations to an int used to refer to // them later in the function. For local variables/params, the int is // non-negative and in order of the appearance in the Func's Dcl list. For // closure variables, the index is negative starting at -2. dclIndex map[*ir.Name]int maxDclIndex int maxClosureVarIndex int } func (p *iexporter) doDecl(n *ir.Name) { w := p.newWriter() w.setPkg(n.Sym().Pkg, false) switch n.Op() { case ir.ONAME: switch n.Class { case ir.PEXTERN: // Variable. w.tag('V') w.pos(n.Pos()) w.typ(n.Type()) if w.p.extensions { w.varExt(n) } case ir.PFUNC: if ir.IsMethod(n) { base.Fatalf("unexpected method: %v", n) } // Function. if n.Type().TParams().NumFields() == 0 { w.tag('F') } else { w.tag('G') } w.pos(n.Pos()) // The tparam list of the function type is the // declaration of the type params. So, write out the type // params right now. Then those type params will be // referenced via their type offset (via typOff) in all // other places in the signature and function that they // are used. if n.Type().TParams().NumFields() > 0 { w.tparamList(n.Type().TParams().FieldSlice()) } w.signature(n.Type()) if w.p.extensions { w.funcExt(n) } default: base.Fatalf("unexpected class: %v, %v", n, n.Class) } case ir.OLITERAL: // TODO(mdempsky): Extend check to all declarations. if n.Typecheck() == 0 { base.FatalfAt(n.Pos(), "missed typecheck: %v", n) } // Constant. w.tag('C') w.pos(n.Pos()) w.value(n.Type(), n.Val()) if w.p.extensions { w.constExt(n) } case ir.OTYPE: if n.Type().IsTypeParam() && n.Type().Underlying() == n.Type() { // Even though it has local scope, a typeparam requires a // declaration via its package and unique name, because it // may be referenced within its type bound during its own // definition. w.tag('P') // A typeparam has a name, and has a type bound rather // than an underlying type. w.pos(n.Pos()) w.typ(n.Type().Bound()) break } if n.Alias() { // Alias. w.tag('A') w.pos(n.Pos()) w.typ(n.Type()) break } // Defined type. if len(n.Type().RParams()) == 0 { w.tag('T') } else { w.tag('U') } w.pos(n.Pos()) if len(n.Type().RParams()) > 0 { // Export type parameters, if any, needed for this type w.typeList(n.Type().RParams()) } underlying := n.Type().Underlying() if underlying == types.ErrorType.Underlying() { // For "type T error", use error as the // underlying type instead of error's own // underlying anonymous interface. This // ensures consistency with how importers may // declare error (e.g., go/types uses nil Pkg // for predeclared objects). underlying = types.ErrorType } if underlying == types.ComparableType.Underlying() { // Do same for ComparableType as for ErrorType. underlying = types.ComparableType } if base.Flag.G > 0 && underlying == types.AnyType.Underlying() { // Do same for AnyType as for ErrorType. underlying = types.AnyType } w.typ(underlying) t := n.Type() if t.IsInterface() { if w.p.extensions { w.typeExt(t) } break } // Sort methods, for consistency with types2. methods := append([]*types.Field(nil), t.Methods().Slice()...) if base.Debug.UnifiedQuirks != 0 { sort.Sort(types.MethodsByName(methods)) } w.uint64(uint64(len(methods))) for _, m := range methods { w.pos(m.Pos) w.selector(m.Sym) w.param(m.Type.Recv()) w.signature(m.Type) } if w.p.extensions { w.typeExt(t) for _, m := range methods { w.methExt(m) } } default: base.Fatalf("unexpected node: %v", n) } w.finish("dcl", p.declIndex, n.Sym()) } func (w *exportWriter) tag(tag byte) { w.data.WriteByte(tag) } func (w *exportWriter) finish(what string, index map[*types.Sym]uint64, sym *types.Sym) { off := w.flush() if *base.Flag.LowerV { fmt.Printf("export: %v %v %v\n", what, off, sym) } index[sym] = off } func (p *iexporter) doInline(f *ir.Name) { w := p.newWriter() w.setPkg(fnpkg(f), false) w.dclIndex = make(map[*ir.Name]int, len(f.Func.Inl.Dcl)) w.funcBody(f.Func) w.finish("inl", p.inlineIndex, f.Sym()) } func (w *exportWriter) pos(pos src.XPos) { p := base.Ctxt.PosTable.Pos(pos) file := p.Base().AbsFilename() line := int64(p.RelLine()) column := int64(p.RelCol()) // Encode position relative to the last position: column // delta, then line delta, then file name. We reserve the // bottom bit of the column and line deltas to encode whether // the remaining fields are present. // // Note: Because data objects may be read out of order (or not // at all), we can only apply delta encoding within a single // object. This is handled implicitly by tracking prevFile, // prevLine, and prevColumn as fields of exportWriter. deltaColumn := (column - w.prevColumn) << 1 deltaLine := (line - w.prevLine) << 1 if file != w.prevFile { deltaLine |= 1 } if deltaLine != 0 { deltaColumn |= 1 } w.int64(deltaColumn) if deltaColumn&1 != 0 { w.int64(deltaLine) if deltaLine&1 != 0 { w.string(file) } } w.prevFile = file w.prevLine = line w.prevColumn = column } func (w *exportWriter) pkg(pkg *types.Pkg) { // TODO(mdempsky): Add flag to types.Pkg to mark pseudo-packages. if pkg == ir.Pkgs.Go { base.Fatalf("export of pseudo-package: %q", pkg.Path) } // Ensure any referenced packages are declared in the main index. w.p.allPkgs[pkg] = true w.string(pkg.Path) } func (w *exportWriter) qualifiedIdent(n *ir.Name) { // Ensure any referenced declarations are written out too. w.p.pushDecl(n) s := n.Sym() w.string(s.Name) w.pkg(s.Pkg) } func (w *exportWriter) selector(s *types.Sym) { if w.currPkg == nil { base.Fatalf("missing currPkg") } // If the selector being written is unexported, it comes with a package qualifier. // If the selector being written is exported, it is not package-qualified. // See the spec: https://golang.org/ref/spec#Uniqueness_of_identifiers // As an optimization, we don't actually write the package every time - instead we // call setPkg before a group of selectors (all of which must have the same package qualifier). pkg := w.currPkg if types.IsExported(s.Name) { pkg = types.LocalPkg } if s.Pkg != pkg { base.Fatalf("package mismatch in selector: %v in package %q, but want %q", s, s.Pkg.Path, pkg.Path) } w.string(s.Name) } func (w *exportWriter) typ(t *types.Type) { w.data.uint64(w.p.typOff(t)) } // The "exotic" functions in this section encode a wider range of // items than the standard encoding functions above. These include // types that do not appear in declarations, only in code, such as // method types. These methods need to be separate from the standard // encoding functions because we don't want to modify the encoding // generated by the standard functions (because that exported // information is read by tools besides the compiler). // exoticType exports a type to the writer. func (w *exportWriter) exoticType(t *types.Type) { switch { case t == nil: // Calls-as-statements have no type. w.data.uint64(exoticTypeNil) case t.IsStruct() && t.StructType().Funarg != types.FunargNone: // These are weird structs for representing tuples of types returned // by multi-return functions. // They don't fit the standard struct type mold. For instance, // they don't have any package info. w.data.uint64(exoticTypeTuple) w.uint64(uint64(t.StructType().Funarg)) w.uint64(uint64(t.NumFields())) for _, f := range t.FieldSlice() { w.pos(f.Pos) s := f.Sym if s == nil { w.uint64(0) } else if s.Pkg == nil { w.uint64(exoticTypeSymNoPkg) w.string(s.Name) } else { w.uint64(exoticTypeSymWithPkg) w.pkg(s.Pkg) w.string(s.Name) } w.typ(f.Type) if f.Embedded != 0 || f.Note != "" { panic("extra info in funarg struct field") } } case t.Kind() == types.TFUNC && t.Recv() != nil: w.data.uint64(exoticTypeRecv) // interface method types have a fake receiver type. isFakeRecv := t.Recv().Type == types.FakeRecvType() w.bool(isFakeRecv) if !isFakeRecv { w.exoticParam(t.Recv()) } w.exoticSignature(t) default: // A regular type. w.data.uint64(exoticTypeRegular) w.typ(t) } } const ( exoticTypeNil = iota exoticTypeTuple exoticTypeRecv exoticTypeRegular ) const ( exoticTypeSymNil = iota exoticTypeSymNoPkg exoticTypeSymWithPkg ) // Export a selector, but one whose package may not match // the package being compiled. This is a separate function // because the standard selector() serialization format is fixed // by the go/types reader. This one can only be used during // inline/generic body exporting. func (w *exportWriter) exoticSelector(s *types.Sym) { pkg := w.currPkg if types.IsExported(s.Name) { pkg = types.LocalPkg } w.string(s.Name) if s.Pkg == pkg { w.uint64(0) } else { w.uint64(1) w.pkg(s.Pkg) } } func (w *exportWriter) exoticSignature(t *types.Type) { hasPkg := t.Pkg() != nil w.bool(hasPkg) if hasPkg { w.pkg(t.Pkg()) } w.exoticParamList(t.Params().FieldSlice()) w.exoticParamList(t.Results().FieldSlice()) } func (w *exportWriter) exoticParamList(fs []*types.Field) { w.uint64(uint64(len(fs))) for _, f := range fs { w.exoticParam(f) } } func (w *exportWriter) exoticParam(f *types.Field) { w.pos(f.Pos) w.exoticSym(f.Sym) w.uint64(uint64(f.Offset)) w.exoticType(f.Type) w.bool(f.IsDDD()) } func (w *exportWriter) exoticField(f *types.Field) { w.pos(f.Pos) w.exoticSym(f.Sym) w.uint64(uint64(f.Offset)) w.exoticType(f.Type) w.string(f.Note) } func (w *exportWriter) exoticSym(s *types.Sym) { if s == nil { w.string("") return } if s.Name == "" { base.Fatalf("empty symbol name") } w.string(s.Name) if !types.IsExported(s.Name) { w.pkg(s.Pkg) } } func (p *iexporter) newWriter() *exportWriter { return &exportWriter{p: p} } func (w *exportWriter) flush() uint64 { off := uint64(w.p.data0.Len()) io.Copy(&w.p.data0, &w.data) return off } func (p *iexporter) typOff(t *types.Type) uint64 { off, ok := p.typIndex[t] if !ok { w := p.newWriter() w.doTyp(t) rawOff := w.flush() if *base.Flag.LowerV { fmt.Printf("export: typ %v %v\n", rawOff, t) } off = predeclReserved + rawOff p.typIndex[t] = off } return off } func (w *exportWriter) startType(k itag) { w.data.uint64(uint64(k)) } func (w *exportWriter) doTyp(t *types.Type) { s := t.Sym() if s != nil && t.OrigSym() != nil { assert(base.Flag.G > 0) // This is an instantiated type - could be a re-instantiation like // Value[T2] or a full instantiation like Value[int]. if strings.Index(s.Name, "[") < 0 { base.Fatalf("incorrect name for instantiated type") } w.startType(instanceType) w.pos(t.Pos()) // Export the type arguments for the instantiated type. The // instantiated type could be in a method header (e.g. "func (v // *Value[T2]) set (...) { ... }"), so the type args are "new" // typeparams. Or the instantiated type could be in a // function/method body, so the type args are either concrete // types or existing typeparams from the function/method header. w.typeList(t.RParams()) // Export a reference to the base type. baseType := t.OrigSym().Def.(*ir.Name).Type() w.typ(baseType) return } // The 't.Underlying() == t' check is to confirm this is a base typeparam // type, rather than a defined type with typeparam underlying type, like: // type orderedAbs[T any] T if t.IsTypeParam() && t.Underlying() == t { assert(base.Flag.G > 0) if s.Pkg == types.BuiltinPkg || s.Pkg == types.UnsafePkg { base.Fatalf("builtin type missing from typIndex: %v", t) } // Write out the first use of a type param as a qualified ident. // This will force a "declaration" of the type param. w.startType(typeParamType) w.qualifiedIdent(t.Obj().(*ir.Name)) return } if s != nil { if s.Pkg == types.BuiltinPkg || s.Pkg == types.UnsafePkg { base.Fatalf("builtin type missing from typIndex: %v", t) } w.startType(definedType) w.qualifiedIdent(t.Obj().(*ir.Name)) return } switch t.Kind() { case types.TPTR: w.startType(pointerType) w.typ(t.Elem()) case types.TSLICE: w.startType(sliceType) w.typ(t.Elem()) case types.TARRAY: w.startType(arrayType) w.uint64(uint64(t.NumElem())) w.typ(t.Elem()) case types.TCHAN: w.startType(chanType) w.uint64(uint64(t.ChanDir())) w.typ(t.Elem()) case types.TMAP: w.startType(mapType) w.typ(t.Key()) w.typ(t.Elem()) case types.TFUNC: w.startType(signatureType) w.setPkg(t.Pkg(), true) w.signature(t) case types.TSTRUCT: w.startType(structType) w.setPkg(t.Pkg(), true) w.uint64(uint64(t.NumFields())) for _, f := range t.FieldSlice() { w.pos(f.Pos) w.selector(f.Sym) w.typ(f.Type) w.bool(f.Embedded != 0) w.string(f.Note) } case types.TINTER: var embeddeds, methods []*types.Field for _, m := range t.Methods().Slice() { if m.Sym != nil { methods = append(methods, m) } else { embeddeds = append(embeddeds, m) } } // Sort methods and embedded types, for consistency with types2. // Note: embedded types may be anonymous, and types2 sorts them // with sort.Stable too. if base.Debug.UnifiedQuirks != 0 { sort.Sort(types.MethodsByName(methods)) sort.Stable(types.EmbeddedsByName(embeddeds)) } w.startType(interfaceType) w.setPkg(t.Pkg(), true) w.uint64(uint64(len(embeddeds))) for _, f := range embeddeds { w.pos(f.Pos) w.typ(f.Type) } w.uint64(uint64(len(methods))) for _, f := range methods { w.pos(f.Pos) w.selector(f.Sym) w.signature(f.Type) } case types.TUNION: assert(base.Flag.G > 0) // TODO(danscales): possibly put out the tilde bools in more // compact form. w.startType(unionType) nt := t.NumTerms() w.uint64(uint64(nt)) for i := 0; i < nt; i++ { typ, tilde := t.Term(i) w.bool(tilde) w.typ(typ) } default: base.Fatalf("unexpected type: %v", t) } } func (w *exportWriter) setPkg(pkg *types.Pkg, write bool) { if pkg == types.NoPkg { base.Fatalf("missing pkg") } if write { w.pkg(pkg) } w.currPkg = pkg } func (w *exportWriter) signature(t *types.Type) { w.paramList(t.Params().FieldSlice()) w.paramList(t.Results().FieldSlice()) if n := t.Params().NumFields(); n > 0 { w.bool(t.Params().Field(n - 1).IsDDD()) } } func (w *exportWriter) typeList(ts []*types.Type) { w.uint64(uint64(len(ts))) for _, rparam := range ts { w.typ(rparam) } } func (w *exportWriter) tparamList(fs []*types.Field) { w.uint64(uint64(len(fs))) for _, f := range fs { if !f.Type.IsTypeParam() { base.Fatalf("unexpected non-typeparam") } w.typ(f.Type) } } func (w *exportWriter) paramList(fs []*types.Field) { w.uint64(uint64(len(fs))) for _, f := range fs { w.param(f) } } func (w *exportWriter) param(f *types.Field) { w.pos(f.Pos) w.localIdent(types.OrigSym(f.Sym)) w.typ(f.Type) } func constTypeOf(typ *types.Type) constant.Kind { switch typ { case types.UntypedInt, types.UntypedRune: return constant.Int case types.UntypedFloat: return constant.Float case types.UntypedComplex: return constant.Complex } switch typ.Kind() { case types.TBOOL: return constant.Bool case types.TSTRING: return constant.String case types.TINT, types.TINT8, types.TINT16, types.TINT32, types.TINT64, types.TUINT, types.TUINT8, types.TUINT16, types.TUINT32, types.TUINT64, types.TUINTPTR: return constant.Int case types.TFLOAT32, types.TFLOAT64: return constant.Float case types.TCOMPLEX64, types.TCOMPLEX128: return constant.Complex } base.Fatalf("unexpected constant type: %v", typ) return 0 } func (w *exportWriter) value(typ *types.Type, v constant.Value) { w.typ(typ) var kind constant.Kind var valType *types.Type if typ.IsTypeParam() { // A constant will have a TYPEPARAM type if it appears in a place // where it must match that typeparam type (e.g. in a binary // operation with a variable of that typeparam type). If so, then // we must write out its actual constant kind as well, so its // constant val can be read in properly during import. kind = v.Kind() w.int64(int64(kind)) switch kind { case constant.Int: valType = types.Types[types.TINT64] case constant.Float: valType = types.Types[types.TFLOAT64] case constant.Complex: valType = types.Types[types.TCOMPLEX128] } } else { ir.AssertValidTypeForConst(typ, v) kind = constTypeOf(typ) valType = typ } // Each type has only one admissible constant representation, so we could // type switch directly on v.Kind() here. However, switching on the type // (in the non-typeparam case) increases symmetry with import logic and // provides a useful consistency check. switch kind { case constant.Bool: w.bool(constant.BoolVal(v)) case constant.String: w.string(constant.StringVal(v)) case constant.Int: w.mpint(v, valType) case constant.Float: w.mpfloat(v, valType) case constant.Complex: w.mpfloat(constant.Real(v), valType) w.mpfloat(constant.Imag(v), valType) } } func intSize(typ *types.Type) (signed bool, maxBytes uint) { if typ.IsUntyped() { return true, ir.ConstPrec / 8 } switch typ.Kind() { case types.TFLOAT32, types.TCOMPLEX64: return true, 3 case types.TFLOAT64, types.TCOMPLEX128: return true, 7 } signed = typ.IsSigned() maxBytes = uint(typ.Size()) // The go/types API doesn't expose sizes to importers, so they // don't know how big these types are. switch typ.Kind() { case types.TINT, types.TUINT, types.TUINTPTR: maxBytes = 8 } return } // mpint exports a multi-precision integer. // // For unsigned types, small values are written out as a single // byte. Larger values are written out as a length-prefixed big-endian // byte string, where the length prefix is encoded as its complement. // For example, bytes 0, 1, and 2 directly represent the integer // values 0, 1, and 2; while bytes 255, 254, and 253 indicate a 1-, // 2-, and 3-byte big-endian string follow. // // Encoding for signed types use the same general approach as for // unsigned types, except small values use zig-zag encoding and the // bottom bit of length prefix byte for large values is reserved as a // sign bit. // // The exact boundary between small and large encodings varies // according to the maximum number of bytes needed to encode a value // of type typ. As a special case, 8-bit types are always encoded as a // single byte. func (w *exportWriter) mpint(x constant.Value, typ *types.Type) { signed, maxBytes := intSize(typ) negative := constant.Sign(x) < 0 if !signed && negative { base.Fatalf("negative unsigned integer; type %v, value %v", typ, x) } b := constant.Bytes(x) // little endian for i, j := 0, len(b)-1; i < j; i, j = i+1, j-1 { b[i], b[j] = b[j], b[i] } if len(b) > 0 && b[0] == 0 { base.Fatalf("leading zeros") } if uint(len(b)) > maxBytes { base.Fatalf("bad mpint length: %d > %d (type %v, value %v)", len(b), maxBytes, typ, x) } maxSmall := 256 - maxBytes if signed { maxSmall = 256 - 2*maxBytes } if maxBytes == 1 { maxSmall = 256 } // Check if x can use small value encoding. if len(b) <= 1 { var ux uint if len(b) == 1 { ux = uint(b[0]) } if signed { ux <<= 1 if negative { ux-- } } if ux < maxSmall { w.data.WriteByte(byte(ux)) return } } n := 256 - uint(len(b)) if signed { n = 256 - 2*uint(len(b)) if negative { n |= 1 } } if n < maxSmall || n >= 256 { base.Fatalf("encoding mistake: %d, %v, %v => %d", len(b), signed, negative, n) } w.data.WriteByte(byte(n)) w.data.Write(b) } // mpfloat exports a multi-precision floating point number. // // The number's value is decomposed into mantissa × 2**exponent, where // mantissa is an integer. The value is written out as mantissa (as a // multi-precision integer) and then the exponent, except exponent is // omitted if mantissa is zero. func (w *exportWriter) mpfloat(v constant.Value, typ *types.Type) { f := ir.BigFloat(v) if f.IsInf() { base.Fatalf("infinite constant") } // Break into f = mant × 2**exp, with 0.5 <= mant < 1. var mant big.Float exp := int64(f.MantExp(&mant)) // Scale so that mant is an integer. prec := mant.MinPrec() mant.SetMantExp(&mant, int(prec)) exp -= int64(prec) manti, acc := mant.Int(nil) if acc != big.Exact { base.Fatalf("mantissa scaling failed for %f (%s)", f, acc) } w.mpint(constant.Make(manti), typ) if manti.Sign() != 0 { w.int64(exp) } } func (w *exportWriter) mprat(v constant.Value) { r, ok := constant.Val(v).(*big.Rat) if !w.bool(ok) { return } // TODO(mdempsky): Come up with a more efficient binary // encoding before bumping iexportVersion to expose to // gcimporter. w.string(r.String()) } func (w *exportWriter) bool(b bool) bool { var x uint64 if b { x = 1 } w.uint64(x) return b } func (w *exportWriter) int64(x int64) { w.data.int64(x) } func (w *exportWriter) uint64(x uint64) { w.data.uint64(x) } func (w *exportWriter) string(s string) { w.uint64(w.p.stringOff(s)) } // Compiler-specific extensions. func (w *exportWriter) constExt(n *ir.Name) { // Internally, we now represent untyped float and complex // constants with infinite-precision rational numbers using // go/constant, but the "public" export data format known to // gcimporter only supports 512-bit floating point constants. // In case rationals turn out to be a bad idea and we want to // switch back to fixed-precision constants, for now we // continue writing out the 512-bit truncation in the public // data section, and write the exact, rational constant in the // compiler's extension data. Also, we only need to worry // about exporting rationals for declared constants, because // constants that appear in an expression will already have // been coerced to a concrete, fixed-precision type. // // Eventually, assuming we stick with using rationals, we // should bump iexportVersion to support rationals, and do the // whole gcimporter update song-and-dance. // // TODO(mdempsky): Prepare vocals for that. switch n.Type() { case types.UntypedFloat: w.mprat(n.Val()) case types.UntypedComplex: v := n.Val() w.mprat(constant.Real(v)) w.mprat(constant.Imag(v)) } } func (w *exportWriter) varExt(n *ir.Name) { w.linkname(n.Sym()) w.symIdx(n.Sym()) } func (w *exportWriter) funcExt(n *ir.Name) { w.linkname(n.Sym()) w.symIdx(n.Sym()) // Record definition ABI so cross-ABI calls can be direct. // This is important for the performance of calling some // common functions implemented in assembly (e.g., bytealg). w.uint64(uint64(n.Func.ABI)) w.uint64(uint64(n.Func.Pragma)) // Escape analysis. for _, fs := range &types.RecvsParams { for _, f := range fs(n.Type()).FieldSlice() { w.string(f.Note) } } // Write out inline body or body of a generic function/method. if n.Type().HasTParam() && n.Func.Body != nil && n.Func.Inl == nil { base.FatalfAt(n.Pos(), "generic function is not marked inlineable") } if n.Func.Inl != nil { w.uint64(1 + uint64(n.Func.Inl.Cost)) w.bool(n.Func.Inl.CanDelayResults) if n.Func.ExportInline() || n.Type().HasTParam() { w.p.doInline(n) } // Endlineno for inlined function. w.pos(n.Func.Endlineno) } else { w.uint64(0) } } func (w *exportWriter) methExt(m *types.Field) { w.bool(m.Nointerface()) w.funcExt(m.Nname.(*ir.Name)) } func (w *exportWriter) linkname(s *types.Sym) { w.string(s.Linkname) } func (w *exportWriter) symIdx(s *types.Sym) { lsym := s.Linksym() if lsym.PkgIdx > goobj.PkgIdxSelf || (lsym.PkgIdx == goobj.PkgIdxInvalid && !lsym.Indexed()) || s.Linkname != "" { // Don't export index for non-package symbols, linkname'd symbols, // and symbols without an index. They can only be referenced by // name. w.int64(-1) } else { // For a defined symbol, export its index. // For re-exporting an imported symbol, pass its index through. w.int64(int64(lsym.SymIdx)) } } func (w *exportWriter) typeExt(t *types.Type) { // Export whether this type is marked notinheap. w.bool(t.NotInHeap()) // For type T, export the index of type descriptor symbols of T and *T. if i, ok := typeSymIdx[t]; ok { w.int64(i[0]) w.int64(i[1]) return } w.symIdx(types.TypeSym(t)) w.symIdx(types.TypeSym(t.PtrTo())) } // Inline bodies. func (w *exportWriter) writeNames(dcl []*ir.Name) { w.int64(int64(len(dcl))) for i, n := range dcl { w.pos(n.Pos()) w.localIdent(n.Sym()) w.typ(n.Type()) w.dclIndex[n] = w.maxDclIndex + i } w.maxDclIndex += len(dcl) } func (w *exportWriter) funcBody(fn *ir.Func) { //fmt.Printf("Exporting %s\n", fn.Nname.Sym().Name) w.writeNames(fn.Inl.Dcl) w.stmtList(fn.Inl.Body) } func (w *exportWriter) stmtList(list []ir.Node) { for _, n := range list { w.node(n) } w.op(ir.OEND) } func (w *exportWriter) node(n ir.Node) { if ir.OpPrec[n.Op()] < 0 { w.stmt(n) } else { w.expr(n) } } func isNonEmptyAssign(n ir.Node) bool { switch n.Op() { case ir.OAS: if n.(*ir.AssignStmt).Y != nil { return true } case ir.OAS2, ir.OAS2DOTTYPE, ir.OAS2FUNC, ir.OAS2MAPR, ir.OAS2RECV: return true } return false } // Caution: stmt will emit more than one node for statement nodes n that have a // non-empty n.Ninit and where n is not a non-empty assignment or a node with a natural init // section (such as in "if", "for", etc.). func (w *exportWriter) stmt(n ir.Node) { if len(n.Init()) > 0 && !ir.StmtWithInit(n.Op()) && !isNonEmptyAssign(n) && n.Op() != ir.ORANGE { // can't use stmtList here since we don't want the final OEND for _, n := range n.Init() { w.stmt(n) } } switch n.Op() { case ir.OBLOCK: // No OBLOCK in export data. // Inline content into this statement list, // like the init list above. // (At the moment neither the parser nor the typechecker // generate OBLOCK nodes except to denote an empty // function body, although that may change.) n := n.(*ir.BlockStmt) for _, n := range n.List { w.stmt(n) } case ir.ODCL: n := n.(*ir.Decl) if ir.IsBlank(n.X) { return // blank declarations not useful to importers } w.op(ir.ODCL) w.localName(n.X) case ir.OAS: // Don't export "v = " initializing statements, hope they're always // preceded by the DCL which will be re-parsed and typecheck to reproduce // the "v = " again. n := n.(*ir.AssignStmt) if n.Y != nil { w.op(ir.OAS) w.pos(n.Pos()) w.stmtList(n.Init()) w.expr(n.X) w.expr(n.Y) w.bool(n.Def) } case ir.OASOP: n := n.(*ir.AssignOpStmt) w.op(ir.OASOP) w.pos(n.Pos()) w.op(n.AsOp) w.expr(n.X) if w.bool(!n.IncDec) { w.expr(n.Y) } case ir.OAS2, ir.OAS2DOTTYPE, ir.OAS2FUNC, ir.OAS2MAPR, ir.OAS2RECV: n := n.(*ir.AssignListStmt) if go117ExportTypes { w.op(n.Op()) } else { w.op(ir.OAS2) } w.pos(n.Pos()) w.stmtList(n.Init()) w.exprList(n.Lhs) w.exprList(n.Rhs) w.bool(n.Def) case ir.ORETURN: n := n.(*ir.ReturnStmt) w.op(ir.ORETURN) w.pos(n.Pos()) w.exprList(n.Results) // case ORETJMP: // unreachable - generated by compiler for trampoline routines case ir.OGO, ir.ODEFER: n := n.(*ir.GoDeferStmt) w.op(n.Op()) w.pos(n.Pos()) w.expr(n.Call) case ir.OIF: n := n.(*ir.IfStmt) w.op(ir.OIF) w.pos(n.Pos()) w.stmtList(n.Init()) w.expr(n.Cond) w.stmtList(n.Body) w.stmtList(n.Else) case ir.OFOR: n := n.(*ir.ForStmt) w.op(ir.OFOR) w.pos(n.Pos()) w.stmtList(n.Init()) w.exprsOrNil(n.Cond, n.Post) w.stmtList(n.Body) case ir.ORANGE: n := n.(*ir.RangeStmt) w.op(ir.ORANGE) w.pos(n.Pos()) w.stmtList(n.Init()) w.exprsOrNil(n.Key, n.Value) w.expr(n.X) w.stmtList(n.Body) case ir.OSELECT: n := n.(*ir.SelectStmt) w.op(n.Op()) w.pos(n.Pos()) w.stmtList(n.Init()) w.commList(n.Cases) case ir.OSWITCH: n := n.(*ir.SwitchStmt) w.op(n.Op()) w.pos(n.Pos()) w.stmtList(n.Init()) w.exprsOrNil(n.Tag, nil) w.caseList(n.Cases, isNamedTypeSwitch(n.Tag)) // case OCASE: // handled by caseList case ir.OFALL: n := n.(*ir.BranchStmt) w.op(ir.OFALL) w.pos(n.Pos()) case ir.OBREAK, ir.OCONTINUE, ir.OGOTO, ir.OLABEL: w.op(n.Op()) w.pos(n.Pos()) label := "" if sym := n.Sym(); sym != nil { label = sym.Name } w.string(label) default: base.Fatalf("exporter: CANNOT EXPORT: %v\nPlease notify gri@\n", n.Op()) } } func isNamedTypeSwitch(x ir.Node) bool { guard, ok := x.(*ir.TypeSwitchGuard) return ok && guard.Tag != nil } func (w *exportWriter) caseList(cases []*ir.CaseClause, namedTypeSwitch bool) { w.uint64(uint64(len(cases))) for _, cas := range cases { w.pos(cas.Pos()) w.stmtList(cas.List) if namedTypeSwitch { w.localName(cas.Var) } w.stmtList(cas.Body) } } func (w *exportWriter) commList(cases []*ir.CommClause) { w.uint64(uint64(len(cases))) for _, cas := range cases { w.pos(cas.Pos()) defaultCase := cas.Comm == nil w.bool(defaultCase) if !defaultCase { // Only call w.node for non-default cause (cas.Comm is non-nil) w.node(cas.Comm) } w.stmtList(cas.Body) } } func (w *exportWriter) exprList(list ir.Nodes) { for _, n := range list { w.expr(n) } w.op(ir.OEND) } func simplifyForExport(n ir.Node) ir.Node { switch n.Op() { case ir.OPAREN: n := n.(*ir.ParenExpr) return simplifyForExport(n.X) } return n } func (w *exportWriter) expr(n ir.Node) { n = simplifyForExport(n) switch n.Op() { // expressions // (somewhat closely following the structure of exprfmt in fmt.go) case ir.ONIL: n := n.(*ir.NilExpr) // If n is a typeparam, it will have already been checked // for proper use by the types2 typechecker. if !n.Type().IsTypeParam() && !n.Type().HasNil() { base.Fatalf("unexpected type for nil: %v", n.Type()) } w.op(ir.ONIL) w.pos(n.Pos()) w.typ(n.Type()) case ir.OLITERAL: w.op(ir.OLITERAL) if ir.HasUniquePos(n) { w.pos(n.Pos()) } else { w.pos(src.NoXPos) } w.value(n.Type(), n.Val()) case ir.ONAME: // Package scope name. n := n.(*ir.Name) if (n.Class == ir.PEXTERN || n.Class == ir.PFUNC) && !ir.IsBlank(n) { w.op(ir.ONONAME) w.qualifiedIdent(n) if go117ExportTypes { w.typ(n.Type()) } break } // Function scope name. // We don't need a type here, as the type will be provided at the // declaration of n. w.op(ir.ONAME) // This handles the case where we haven't yet transformed a call // to a builtin, so we must write out the builtin as a name in the // builtin package. isBuiltin := n.BuiltinOp != ir.OXXX w.bool(isBuiltin) if isBuiltin { w.bool(n.Sym().Pkg == types.UnsafePkg) w.string(n.Sym().Name) break } w.localName(n) // case OPACK, ONONAME: // should have been resolved by typechecking - handled by default case case ir.OTYPE: w.op(ir.OTYPE) w.typ(n.Type()) case ir.OTYPESW: n := n.(*ir.TypeSwitchGuard) w.op(ir.OTYPESW) w.pos(n.Pos()) var s *types.Sym if n.Tag != nil { if n.Tag.Op() != ir.ONONAME { base.Fatalf("expected ONONAME, got %v", n.Tag) } s = n.Tag.Sym() } w.localIdent(s) // declared pseudo-variable, if any w.expr(n.X) // case OTARRAY, OTMAP, OTCHAN, OTSTRUCT, OTINTER, OTFUNC: // should have been resolved by typechecking - handled by default case case ir.OCLOSURE: n := n.(*ir.ClosureExpr) w.op(ir.OCLOSURE) w.pos(n.Pos()) w.signature(n.Type()) // Write out id for the Outer of each conditional variable. The // conditional variable itself for this closure will be re-created // during import. w.int64(int64(len(n.Func.ClosureVars))) for i, cv := range n.Func.ClosureVars { w.pos(cv.Pos()) w.localName(cv.Outer) // Closure variable (which will be re-created during // import) is given via a negative id, starting at -2, // which is used to refer to it later in the function // during export. -1 represents blanks. w.dclIndex[cv] = -(i + 2) - w.maxClosureVarIndex } w.maxClosureVarIndex += len(n.Func.ClosureVars) // like w.funcBody(n.Func), but not for .Inl w.writeNames(n.Func.Dcl) w.stmtList(n.Func.Body) // case OCOMPLIT: // should have been resolved by typechecking - handled by default case case ir.OPTRLIT: n := n.(*ir.AddrExpr) if go117ExportTypes { w.op(ir.OPTRLIT) } else { w.op(ir.OADDR) } w.pos(n.Pos()) w.expr(n.X) if go117ExportTypes { w.typ(n.Type()) } case ir.OSTRUCTLIT: n := n.(*ir.CompLitExpr) w.op(ir.OSTRUCTLIT) w.pos(n.Pos()) w.typ(n.Type()) w.fieldList(n.List) // special handling of field names case ir.OARRAYLIT, ir.OSLICELIT, ir.OMAPLIT: n := n.(*ir.CompLitExpr) if go117ExportTypes { w.op(n.Op()) } else { w.op(ir.OCOMPLIT) } w.pos(n.Pos()) w.typ(n.Type()) w.exprList(n.List) if go117ExportTypes && n.Op() == ir.OSLICELIT { w.uint64(uint64(n.Len)) } case ir.OKEY: n := n.(*ir.KeyExpr) w.op(ir.OKEY) w.pos(n.Pos()) w.expr(n.Key) w.expr(n.Value) // case OSTRUCTKEY: // unreachable - handled in case OSTRUCTLIT by elemList case ir.OXDOT, ir.ODOT, ir.ODOTPTR, ir.ODOTINTER, ir.ODOTMETH, ir.OMETHVALUE, ir.OMETHEXPR: n := n.(*ir.SelectorExpr) if go117ExportTypes { // For go117ExportTypes, we usually see all ops except // OXDOT, but we can see OXDOT for generic functions. w.op(n.Op()) } else { w.op(ir.OXDOT) } w.pos(n.Pos()) w.expr(n.X) w.exoticSelector(n.Sel) if go117ExportTypes { w.exoticType(n.Type()) if n.Op() == ir.OXDOT { // n.Selection for method references will be // reconstructed during import. w.bool(n.Selection != nil) } else if n.Op() == ir.ODOT || n.Op() == ir.ODOTPTR || n.Op() == ir.ODOTINTER { w.exoticField(n.Selection) } // n.Selection is not required for OMETHEXPR, ODOTMETH, and OMETHVALUE. It will // be reconstructed during import. n.Selection is computed during // transformDot() for OXDOT. } case ir.ODOTTYPE, ir.ODOTTYPE2: n := n.(*ir.TypeAssertExpr) if go117ExportTypes { w.op(n.Op()) } else { w.op(ir.ODOTTYPE) } w.pos(n.Pos()) w.expr(n.X) w.typ(n.Type()) case ir.OINDEX, ir.OINDEXMAP: n := n.(*ir.IndexExpr) if go117ExportTypes { w.op(n.Op()) } else { w.op(ir.OINDEX) } w.pos(n.Pos()) w.expr(n.X) w.expr(n.Index) if go117ExportTypes { w.exoticType(n.Type()) if n.Op() == ir.OINDEXMAP { w.bool(n.Assigned) } } case ir.OSLICE, ir.OSLICESTR, ir.OSLICEARR: n := n.(*ir.SliceExpr) if go117ExportTypes { w.op(n.Op()) } else { w.op(ir.OSLICE) } w.pos(n.Pos()) w.expr(n.X) w.exprsOrNil(n.Low, n.High) if go117ExportTypes { w.typ(n.Type()) } case ir.OSLICE3, ir.OSLICE3ARR: n := n.(*ir.SliceExpr) if go117ExportTypes { w.op(n.Op()) } else { w.op(ir.OSLICE3) } w.pos(n.Pos()) w.expr(n.X) w.exprsOrNil(n.Low, n.High) w.expr(n.Max) if go117ExportTypes { w.typ(n.Type()) } case ir.OCOPY, ir.OCOMPLEX, ir.OUNSAFEADD, ir.OUNSAFESLICE: // treated like other builtin calls (see e.g., OREAL) n := n.(*ir.BinaryExpr) w.op(n.Op()) w.pos(n.Pos()) w.expr(n.X) w.expr(n.Y) if go117ExportTypes { w.typ(n.Type()) } else { w.op(ir.OEND) } case ir.OCONV, ir.OCONVIFACE, ir.OCONVIDATA, ir.OCONVNOP, ir.OBYTES2STR, ir.ORUNES2STR, ir.OSTR2BYTES, ir.OSTR2RUNES, ir.ORUNESTR, ir.OSLICE2ARRPTR: n := n.(*ir.ConvExpr) if go117ExportTypes { w.op(n.Op()) } else { w.op(ir.OCONV) } w.pos(n.Pos()) w.typ(n.Type()) w.expr(n.X) case ir.OREAL, ir.OIMAG, ir.OCAP, ir.OCLOSE, ir.OLEN, ir.ONEW, ir.OPANIC: n := n.(*ir.UnaryExpr) w.op(n.Op()) w.pos(n.Pos()) w.expr(n.X) if go117ExportTypes { if n.Op() != ir.OPANIC { w.typ(n.Type()) } } else { w.op(ir.OEND) } case ir.OAPPEND, ir.ODELETE, ir.ORECOVER, ir.OPRINT, ir.OPRINTN: n := n.(*ir.CallExpr) w.op(n.Op()) w.pos(n.Pos()) w.exprList(n.Args) // emits terminating OEND // only append() calls may contain '...' arguments if n.Op() == ir.OAPPEND { w.bool(n.IsDDD) } else if n.IsDDD { base.Fatalf("exporter: unexpected '...' with %v call", n.Op()) } if go117ExportTypes { if n.Op() != ir.ODELETE && n.Op() != ir.OPRINT && n.Op() != ir.OPRINTN { w.typ(n.Type()) } } case ir.OCALL, ir.OCALLFUNC, ir.OCALLMETH, ir.OCALLINTER, ir.OGETG: n := n.(*ir.CallExpr) if go117ExportTypes { w.op(n.Op()) } else { w.op(ir.OCALL) } w.pos(n.Pos()) w.stmtList(n.Init()) w.expr(n.X) w.exprList(n.Args) w.bool(n.IsDDD) if go117ExportTypes { w.exoticType(n.Type()) } case ir.OMAKEMAP, ir.OMAKECHAN, ir.OMAKESLICE: n := n.(*ir.MakeExpr) w.op(n.Op()) // must keep separate from OMAKE for importer w.pos(n.Pos()) w.typ(n.Type()) switch { default: // empty list w.op(ir.OEND) case n.Cap != nil: w.expr(n.Len) w.expr(n.Cap) w.op(ir.OEND) case n.Len != nil && (n.Op() == ir.OMAKESLICE || !n.Len.Type().IsUntyped()): // Note: the extra conditional exists because make(T) for // T a map or chan type, gets an untyped zero added as // an argument. Don't serialize that argument here. w.expr(n.Len) w.op(ir.OEND) case n.Len != nil && go117ExportTypes: w.expr(n.Len) w.op(ir.OEND) } case ir.OLINKSYMOFFSET: n := n.(*ir.LinksymOffsetExpr) w.op(ir.OLINKSYMOFFSET) w.pos(n.Pos()) w.string(n.Linksym.Name) w.uint64(uint64(n.Offset_)) w.typ(n.Type()) // unary expressions case ir.OPLUS, ir.ONEG, ir.OBITNOT, ir.ONOT, ir.ORECV, ir.OIDATA: n := n.(*ir.UnaryExpr) w.op(n.Op()) w.pos(n.Pos()) w.expr(n.X) if go117ExportTypes { w.typ(n.Type()) } case ir.OADDR: n := n.(*ir.AddrExpr) w.op(n.Op()) w.pos(n.Pos()) w.expr(n.X) if go117ExportTypes { w.typ(n.Type()) } case ir.ODEREF: n := n.(*ir.StarExpr) w.op(n.Op()) w.pos(n.Pos()) w.expr(n.X) if go117ExportTypes { w.typ(n.Type()) } case ir.OSEND: n := n.(*ir.SendStmt) w.op(n.Op()) w.pos(n.Pos()) w.expr(n.Chan) w.expr(n.Value) // binary expressions case ir.OADD, ir.OAND, ir.OANDNOT, ir.ODIV, ir.OEQ, ir.OGE, ir.OGT, ir.OLE, ir.OLT, ir.OLSH, ir.OMOD, ir.OMUL, ir.ONE, ir.OOR, ir.ORSH, ir.OSUB, ir.OXOR, ir.OEFACE: n := n.(*ir.BinaryExpr) w.op(n.Op()) w.pos(n.Pos()) w.expr(n.X) w.expr(n.Y) if go117ExportTypes { w.typ(n.Type()) } case ir.OANDAND, ir.OOROR: n := n.(*ir.LogicalExpr) w.op(n.Op()) w.pos(n.Pos()) w.expr(n.X) w.expr(n.Y) if go117ExportTypes { w.typ(n.Type()) } case ir.OADDSTR: n := n.(*ir.AddStringExpr) w.op(ir.OADDSTR) w.pos(n.Pos()) w.exprList(n.List) if go117ExportTypes { w.typ(n.Type()) } case ir.ODCLCONST: // if exporting, DCLCONST should just be removed as its usage // has already been replaced with literals case ir.OFUNCINST: n := n.(*ir.InstExpr) w.op(ir.OFUNCINST) w.pos(n.Pos()) w.expr(n.X) w.uint64(uint64(len(n.Targs))) for _, targ := range n.Targs { w.typ(targ.Type()) } if go117ExportTypes { w.typ(n.Type()) } case ir.OSELRECV2: n := n.(*ir.AssignListStmt) w.op(ir.OSELRECV2) w.pos(n.Pos()) w.stmtList(n.Init()) w.exprList(n.Lhs) w.exprList(n.Rhs) w.bool(n.Def) default: base.Fatalf("cannot export %v (%d) node\n"+ "\t==> please file an issue and assign to gri@", n.Op(), int(n.Op())) } } func (w *exportWriter) op(op ir.Op) { if debug { w.uint64(magic) } w.uint64(uint64(op)) } func (w *exportWriter) exprsOrNil(a, b ir.Node) { ab := 0 if a != nil { ab |= 1 } if b != nil { ab |= 2 } w.uint64(uint64(ab)) if ab&1 != 0 { w.expr(a) } if ab&2 != 0 { w.node(b) } } func (w *exportWriter) fieldList(list ir.Nodes) { w.uint64(uint64(len(list))) for _, n := range list { n := n.(*ir.StructKeyExpr) w.pos(n.Pos()) w.exoticField(n.Field) w.expr(n.Value) } } func (w *exportWriter) localName(n *ir.Name) { if ir.IsBlank(n) { w.int64(-1) return } i, ok := w.dclIndex[n] if !ok { base.FatalfAt(n.Pos(), "missing from dclIndex: %+v", n) } w.int64(int64(i)) } func (w *exportWriter) localIdent(s *types.Sym) { if w.currPkg == nil { base.Fatalf("missing currPkg") } // Anonymous parameters. if s == nil { w.string("") return } name := s.Name if name == "_" { w.string("_") return } // The name of autotmp variables isn't important; they just need to // be unique. To stabilize the export data, simply write out "$" as // a marker and let the importer generate its own unique name. if strings.HasPrefix(name, ".autotmp_") { w.string("$autotmp") return } if i := strings.LastIndex(name, "."); i >= 0 && !strings.HasPrefix(name, ".dict") { // TODO: just use autotmp names for dictionaries? base.Fatalf("unexpected dot in identifier: %v", name) } if s.Pkg != w.currPkg { base.Fatalf("weird package in name: %v => %v from %q, not %q", s, name, s.Pkg.Path, w.currPkg.Path) } w.string(name) } type intWriter struct { bytes.Buffer } func (w *intWriter) int64(x int64) { var buf [binary.MaxVarintLen64]byte n := binary.PutVarint(buf[:], x) w.Write(buf[:n]) } func (w *intWriter) uint64(x uint64) { var buf [binary.MaxVarintLen64]byte n := binary.PutUvarint(buf[:], x) w.Write(buf[:n]) } // If go117ExportTypes is true, then we write type information when // exporting function bodies, so those function bodies don't need to // be re-typechecked on import. // This flag adds some other info to the serialized stream as well // which was previously recomputed during typechecking, like // specializing opcodes (e.g. OXDOT to ODOTPTR) and ancillary // information (e.g. length field for OSLICELIT). const go117ExportTypes = true const Go117ExportTypes = go117ExportTypes