// Copyright 2017 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. package syntax import ( "fmt" "strings" "testing" ) // A test is a source code snippet of a particular node type. // In the snippet, a '@' indicates the position recorded by // the parser when creating the respective node. type test struct { nodetyp string snippet string } var decls = []test{ // The position of declarations is always the // position of the first token of an individual // declaration, independent of grouping. {"ImportDecl", `import @"math"`}, {"ImportDecl", `import @mymath "math"`}, {"ImportDecl", `import @. "math"`}, {"ImportDecl", `import (@"math")`}, {"ImportDecl", `import (@mymath "math")`}, {"ImportDecl", `import (@. "math")`}, {"ConstDecl", `const @x`}, {"ConstDecl", `const @x = 0`}, {"ConstDecl", `const @x, y, z = 0, 1, 2`}, {"ConstDecl", `const (@x)`}, {"ConstDecl", `const (@x = 0)`}, {"ConstDecl", `const (@x, y, z = 0, 1, 2)`}, {"TypeDecl", `type @T int`}, {"TypeDecl", `type @T = int`}, {"TypeDecl", `type (@T int)`}, {"TypeDecl", `type (@T = int)`}, {"VarDecl", `var @x int`}, {"VarDecl", `var @x, y, z int`}, {"VarDecl", `var @x int = 0`}, {"VarDecl", `var @x, y, z int = 1, 2, 3`}, {"VarDecl", `var @x = 0`}, {"VarDecl", `var @x, y, z = 1, 2, 3`}, {"VarDecl", `var (@x int)`}, {"VarDecl", `var (@x, y, z int)`}, {"VarDecl", `var (@x int = 0)`}, {"VarDecl", `var (@x, y, z int = 1, 2, 3)`}, {"VarDecl", `var (@x = 0)`}, {"VarDecl", `var (@x, y, z = 1, 2, 3)`}, {"FuncDecl", `func @f() {}`}, {"FuncDecl", `func @(T) f() {}`}, {"FuncDecl", `func @(x T) f() {}`}, } var exprs = []test{ // The position of an expression is the position // of the left-most token that identifies the // kind of expression. {"Name", `@x`}, {"BasicLit", `@0`}, {"BasicLit", `@0x123`}, {"BasicLit", `@3.1415`}, {"BasicLit", `@.2718`}, {"BasicLit", `@1i`}, {"BasicLit", `@'a'`}, {"BasicLit", `@"abc"`}, {"BasicLit", "@`abc`"}, {"CompositeLit", `@{}`}, {"CompositeLit", `T@{}`}, {"CompositeLit", `struct{x, y int}@{}`}, {"KeyValueExpr", `"foo"@: true`}, {"KeyValueExpr", `"a"@: b`}, {"FuncLit", `@func (){}`}, {"ParenExpr", `@(x)`}, {"SelectorExpr", `a@.b`}, {"IndexExpr", `a@[i]`}, {"SliceExpr", `a@[:]`}, {"SliceExpr", `a@[i:]`}, {"SliceExpr", `a@[:j]`}, {"SliceExpr", `a@[i:j]`}, {"SliceExpr", `a@[i:j:k]`}, {"AssertExpr", `x@.(T)`}, {"Operation", `@*b`}, {"Operation", `@+b`}, {"Operation", `@-b`}, {"Operation", `@!b`}, {"Operation", `@^b`}, {"Operation", `@&b`}, {"Operation", `@<-b`}, {"Operation", `a @|| b`}, {"Operation", `a @&& b`}, {"Operation", `a @== b`}, {"Operation", `a @+ b`}, {"Operation", `a @* b`}, {"CallExpr", `f@()`}, {"CallExpr", `f@(x, y, z)`}, {"CallExpr", `obj.f@(1, 2, 3)`}, {"CallExpr", `func(x int) int { return x + 1 }@(y)`}, // ListExpr: tested via multi-value const/var declarations } var types = []test{ {"Operation", `@*T`}, {"Operation", `@*struct{}`}, {"ArrayType", `@[10]T`}, {"ArrayType", `@[...]T`}, {"SliceType", `@[]T`}, {"DotsType", `@...T`}, {"StructType", `@struct{}`}, {"InterfaceType", `@interface{}`}, {"FuncType", `func@()`}, {"MapType", `@map[T]T`}, {"ChanType", `@chan T`}, {"ChanType", `@chan<- T`}, {"ChanType", `@<-chan T`}, } var fields = []test{ {"Field", `@T`}, {"Field", `@(T)`}, {"Field", `@x T`}, {"Field", `@x *(T)`}, {"Field", `@x, y, z T`}, {"Field", `@x, y, z (*T)`}, } var stmts = []test{ {"EmptyStmt", `@`}, {"LabeledStmt", `L@:`}, {"LabeledStmt", `L@: ;`}, {"LabeledStmt", `L@: f()`}, {"BlockStmt", `@{}`}, // The position of an ExprStmt is the position of the expression. {"ExprStmt", `@<-ch`}, {"ExprStmt", `f@()`}, {"ExprStmt", `append@(s, 1, 2, 3)`}, {"SendStmt", `ch @<- x`}, {"DeclStmt", `@const x = 0`}, {"DeclStmt", `@const (x = 0)`}, {"DeclStmt", `@type T int`}, {"DeclStmt", `@type T = int`}, {"DeclStmt", `@type (T1 = int; T2 = float32)`}, {"DeclStmt", `@var x = 0`}, {"DeclStmt", `@var x, y, z int`}, {"DeclStmt", `@var (a, b = 1, 2)`}, {"AssignStmt", `x @= y`}, {"AssignStmt", `a, b, x @= 1, 2, 3`}, {"AssignStmt", `x @+= y`}, {"AssignStmt", `x @:= y`}, {"AssignStmt", `x, ok @:= f()`}, {"AssignStmt", `x@++`}, {"AssignStmt", `a[i]@--`}, {"BranchStmt", `@break`}, {"BranchStmt", `@break L`}, {"BranchStmt", `@continue`}, {"BranchStmt", `@continue L`}, {"BranchStmt", `@fallthrough`}, {"BranchStmt", `@goto L`}, {"CallStmt", `@defer f()`}, {"CallStmt", `@go f()`}, {"ReturnStmt", `@return`}, {"ReturnStmt", `@return x`}, {"ReturnStmt", `@return a, b, a + b*f(1, 2, 3)`}, {"IfStmt", `@if cond {}`}, {"IfStmt", `@if cond { f() } else {}`}, {"IfStmt", `@if cond { f() } else { g(); h() }`}, {"ForStmt", `@for {}`}, {"ForStmt", `@for { f() }`}, {"SwitchStmt", `@switch {}`}, {"SwitchStmt", `@switch { default: }`}, {"SwitchStmt", `@switch { default: x++ }`}, {"SelectStmt", `@select {}`}, {"SelectStmt", `@select { default: }`}, {"SelectStmt", `@select { default: ch <- false }`}, } var ranges = []test{ {"RangeClause", `@range s`}, {"RangeClause", `i = @range s`}, {"RangeClause", `i := @range s`}, {"RangeClause", `_, x = @range s`}, {"RangeClause", `i, x = @range s`}, {"RangeClause", `_, x := @range s.f`}, {"RangeClause", `i, x := @range f(i)`}, } var guards = []test{ {"TypeSwitchGuard", `x@.(type)`}, {"TypeSwitchGuard", `x := x@.(type)`}, } var cases = []test{ {"CaseClause", `@case x:`}, {"CaseClause", `@case x, y, z:`}, {"CaseClause", `@case x == 1, y == 2:`}, {"CaseClause", `@default:`}, } var comms = []test{ {"CommClause", `@case <-ch:`}, {"CommClause", `@case x <- ch:`}, {"CommClause", `@case x = <-ch:`}, {"CommClause", `@case x := <-ch:`}, {"CommClause", `@case x, ok = <-ch: f(1, 2, 3)`}, {"CommClause", `@case x, ok := <-ch: x++`}, {"CommClause", `@default:`}, {"CommClause", `@default: ch <- true`}, } func TestPos(t *testing.T) { // TODO(gri) Once we have a general tree walker, we can use that to find // the first occurrence of the respective node and we don't need to hand- // extract the node for each specific kind of construct. testPos(t, decls, "package p; ", "", func(f *File) Node { return f.DeclList[0] }, ) // embed expressions in a composite literal so we can test key:value and naked composite literals testPos(t, exprs, "package p; var _ = T{ ", " }", func(f *File) Node { return f.DeclList[0].(*VarDecl).Values.(*CompositeLit).ElemList[0] }, ) // embed types in a function signature so we can test ... types testPos(t, types, "package p; func f(", ")", func(f *File) Node { return f.DeclList[0].(*FuncDecl).Type.ParamList[0].Type }, ) testPos(t, fields, "package p; func f(", ")", func(f *File) Node { return f.DeclList[0].(*FuncDecl).Type.ParamList[0] }, ) testPos(t, stmts, "package p; func _() { ", "; }", func(f *File) Node { return f.DeclList[0].(*FuncDecl).Body.List[0] }, ) testPos(t, ranges, "package p; func _() { for ", " {} }", func(f *File) Node { return f.DeclList[0].(*FuncDecl).Body.List[0].(*ForStmt).Init.(*RangeClause) }, ) testPos(t, guards, "package p; func _() { switch ", " {} }", func(f *File) Node { return f.DeclList[0].(*FuncDecl).Body.List[0].(*SwitchStmt).Tag.(*TypeSwitchGuard) }, ) testPos(t, cases, "package p; func _() { switch { ", " } }", func(f *File) Node { return f.DeclList[0].(*FuncDecl).Body.List[0].(*SwitchStmt).Body[0] }, ) testPos(t, comms, "package p; func _() { select { ", " } }", func(f *File) Node { return f.DeclList[0].(*FuncDecl).Body.List[0].(*SelectStmt).Body[0] }, ) } func testPos(t *testing.T, list []test, prefix, suffix string, extract func(*File) Node) { for _, test := range list { // complete source, compute @ position, and strip @ from source src, index := stripAt(prefix + test.snippet + suffix) if index < 0 { t.Errorf("missing @: %s (%s)", src, test.nodetyp) continue } // build syntax tree file, err := Parse(nil, strings.NewReader(src), nil, nil, 0) if err != nil { t.Errorf("parse error: %s: %v (%s)", src, err, test.nodetyp) continue } // extract desired node node := extract(file) if typ := typeOf(node); typ != test.nodetyp { t.Errorf("type error: %s: type = %s, want %s", src, typ, test.nodetyp) continue } // verify node position with expected position as indicated by @ if pos := int(node.Pos().Col()); pos != index+colbase { t.Errorf("pos error: %s: pos = %d, want %d (%s)", src, pos, index+colbase, test.nodetyp) continue } } } func stripAt(s string) (string, int) { if i := strings.Index(s, "@"); i >= 0 { return s[:i] + s[i+1:], i } return s, -1 } func typeOf(n Node) string { const prefix = "*syntax." k := fmt.Sprintf("%T", n) if strings.HasPrefix(k, prefix) { return k[len(prefix):] } return k }