// UNREVIEWED // Copyright 2021 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. package noder import ( "bytes" "encoding/binary" "fmt" "go/constant" "io" "math/big" "runtime" "cmd/compile/internal/base" ) type pkgEncoder struct { elems [numRelocs][]string stringsIdx map[string]int } func newPkgEncoder() pkgEncoder { return pkgEncoder{ stringsIdx: make(map[string]int), } } func (pw *pkgEncoder) dump(out io.Writer) { writeUint32 := func(x uint32) { assert(binary.Write(out, binary.LittleEndian, x) == nil) } var sum uint32 for _, elems := range &pw.elems { sum += uint32(len(elems)) writeUint32(sum) } sum = 0 for _, elems := range &pw.elems { for _, elem := range elems { sum += uint32(len(elem)) writeUint32(sum) } } for _, elems := range &pw.elems { for _, elem := range elems { _, err := io.WriteString(out, elem) assert(err == nil) } } } func (pw *pkgEncoder) stringIdx(s string) int { if idx, ok := pw.stringsIdx[s]; ok { assert(pw.elems[relocString][idx] == s) return idx } idx := len(pw.elems[relocString]) pw.elems[relocString] = append(pw.elems[relocString], s) pw.stringsIdx[s] = idx return idx } func (pw *pkgEncoder) newEncoder(k reloc, marker syncMarker) encoder { e := pw.newEncoderRaw(k) e.sync(marker) return e } func (pw *pkgEncoder) newEncoderRaw(k reloc) encoder { idx := len(pw.elems[k]) pw.elems[k] = append(pw.elems[k], "") // placeholder return encoder{ p: pw, k: k, idx: idx, } } // Encoders type encoder struct { p *pkgEncoder relocs []relocEnt data bytes.Buffer encodingRelocHeader bool k reloc idx int } func (w *encoder) flush() int { var sb bytes.Buffer // TODO(mdempsky): strings.Builder after #44505 is resolved // Backup the data so we write the relocations at the front. var tmp bytes.Buffer io.Copy(&tmp, &w.data) // TODO(mdempsky): Consider writing these out separately so they're // easier to strip, along with function bodies, so that we can prune // down to just the data that's relevant to go/types. if w.encodingRelocHeader { base.Fatalf("encodingRelocHeader already true; recursive flush?") } w.encodingRelocHeader = true w.sync(syncRelocs) w.len(len(w.relocs)) for _, rent := range w.relocs { w.sync(syncReloc) w.len(int(rent.kind)) w.len(rent.idx) } io.Copy(&sb, &w.data) io.Copy(&sb, &tmp) w.p.elems[w.k][w.idx] = sb.String() return w.idx } func (w *encoder) checkErr(err error) { if err != nil { base.Fatalf("unexpected error: %v", err) } } func (w *encoder) rawUvarint(x uint64) { var buf [binary.MaxVarintLen64]byte n := binary.PutUvarint(buf[:], x) _, err := w.data.Write(buf[:n]) w.checkErr(err) } func (w *encoder) rawVarint(x int64) { // Zig-zag encode. ux := uint64(x) << 1 if x < 0 { ux = ^ux } w.rawUvarint(ux) } func (w *encoder) rawReloc(r reloc, idx int) int { // TODO(mdempsky): Use map for lookup. for i, rent := range w.relocs { if rent.kind == r && rent.idx == idx { return i } } i := len(w.relocs) w.relocs = append(w.relocs, relocEnt{r, idx}) return i } func (w *encoder) sync(m syncMarker) { if !enableSync { return } // Writing out stack frame string references requires working // relocations, but writing out the relocations themselves involves // sync markers. To prevent infinite recursion, we simply trim the // stack frame for sync markers within the relocation header. var frames []string if !w.encodingRelocHeader && base.Debug.SyncFrames > 0 { pcs := make([]uintptr, base.Debug.SyncFrames) n := runtime.Callers(2, pcs) frames = fmtFrames(pcs[:n]...) } // TODO(mdempsky): Save space by writing out stack frames as a // linked list so we can share common stack frames. w.rawUvarint(uint64(m)) w.rawUvarint(uint64(len(frames))) for _, frame := range frames { w.rawUvarint(uint64(w.rawReloc(relocString, w.p.stringIdx(frame)))) } } func (w *encoder) bool(b bool) bool { w.sync(syncBool) var x byte if b { x = 1 } err := w.data.WriteByte(x) w.checkErr(err) return b } func (w *encoder) int64(x int64) { w.sync(syncInt64) w.rawVarint(x) } func (w *encoder) uint64(x uint64) { w.sync(syncUint64) w.rawUvarint(x) } func (w *encoder) len(x int) { assert(x >= 0); w.uint64(uint64(x)) } func (w *encoder) int(x int) { w.int64(int64(x)) } func (w *encoder) uint(x uint) { w.uint64(uint64(x)) } func (w *encoder) reloc(r reloc, idx int) { w.sync(syncUseReloc) w.len(w.rawReloc(r, idx)) } func (w *encoder) code(c code) { w.sync(c.marker()) w.len(c.value()) } func (w *encoder) string(s string) { w.sync(syncString) w.reloc(relocString, w.p.stringIdx(s)) } func (w *encoder) strings(ss []string) { w.len(len(ss)) for _, s := range ss { w.string(s) } } func (w *encoder) rawValue(val constant.Value) { if w.bool(val.Kind() == constant.Complex) { w.scalar(constant.Real(val)) w.scalar(constant.Imag(val)) } else { w.scalar(val) } } func (w *encoder) scalar(val constant.Value) { switch v := constant.Val(val).(type) { default: panic(fmt.Sprintf("unhandled %v (%v)", val, val.Kind())) case bool: w.code(valBool) w.bool(v) case string: w.code(valString) w.string(v) case int64: w.code(valInt64) w.int64(v) case *big.Int: w.code(valBigInt) w.bigInt(v) case *big.Rat: w.code(valBigRat) w.bigInt(v.Num()) w.bigInt(v.Denom()) case *big.Float: w.code(valBigFloat) w.bigFloat(v) } } func (w *encoder) bigInt(v *big.Int) { b := v.Bytes() w.string(string(b)) // TODO: More efficient encoding. w.bool(v.Sign() < 0) } func (w *encoder) bigFloat(v *big.Float) { b := v.Append(nil, 'p', -1) w.string(string(b)) // TODO: More efficient encoding. }