// Copyright 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. package gc import "cmd/compile/internal/types" // select func typecheckselect(sel *Node) { var def *Node lno := setlineno(sel) typecheckslice(sel.Ninit.Slice(), ctxStmt) for _, ncase := range sel.List.Slice() { if ncase.Op != OCASE { setlineno(ncase) Fatalf("typecheckselect %v", ncase.Op) } if ncase.List.Len() == 0 { // default if def != nil { yyerrorl(ncase.Pos, "multiple defaults in select (first at %v)", def.Line()) } else { def = ncase } } else if ncase.List.Len() > 1 { yyerrorl(ncase.Pos, "select cases cannot be lists") } else { ncase.List.SetFirst(typecheck(ncase.List.First(), ctxStmt)) n := ncase.List.First() ncase.Left = n ncase.List.Set(nil) switch n.Op { default: pos := n.Pos if n.Op == ONAME { // We don't have the right position for ONAME nodes (see #15459 and // others). Using ncase.Pos for now as it will provide the correct // line number (assuming the expression follows the "case" keyword // on the same line). This matches the approach before 1.10. pos = ncase.Pos } yyerrorl(pos, "select case must be receive, send or assign recv") // convert x = <-c into OSELRECV(x, <-c). // remove implicit conversions; the eventual assignment // will reintroduce them. case OAS: if (n.Right.Op == OCONVNOP || n.Right.Op == OCONVIFACE) && n.Right.Implicit() { n.Right = n.Right.Left } if n.Right.Op != ORECV { yyerrorl(n.Pos, "select assignment must have receive on right hand side") break } n.Op = OSELRECV // convert x, ok = <-c into OSELRECV2(x, <-c) with ntest=ok case OAS2RECV: if n.Right.Op != ORECV { yyerrorl(n.Pos, "select assignment must have receive on right hand side") break } n.Op = OSELRECV2 n.Left = n.List.First() n.List.Set1(n.List.Second()) // convert <-c into OSELRECV(N, <-c) case ORECV: n = nodl(n.Pos, OSELRECV, nil, n) n.SetTypecheck(1) ncase.Left = n case OSEND: break } } typecheckslice(ncase.Nbody.Slice(), ctxStmt) } lineno = lno } func walkselect(sel *Node) { lno := setlineno(sel) if sel.Nbody.Len() != 0 { Fatalf("double walkselect") } init := sel.Ninit.Slice() sel.Ninit.Set(nil) init = append(init, walkselectcases(&sel.List)...) sel.List.Set(nil) sel.Nbody.Set(init) walkstmtlist(sel.Nbody.Slice()) lineno = lno } func walkselectcases(cases *Nodes) []*Node { ncas := cases.Len() sellineno := lineno // optimization: zero-case select if ncas == 0 { return []*Node{mkcall("block", nil, nil)} } // optimization: one-case select: single op. if ncas == 1 { cas := cases.First() setlineno(cas) l := cas.Ninit.Slice() if cas.Left != nil { // not default: n := cas.Left l = append(l, n.Ninit.Slice()...) n.Ninit.Set(nil) switch n.Op { default: Fatalf("select %v", n.Op) case OSEND: // already ok case OSELRECV, OSELRECV2: if n.Op == OSELRECV || n.List.Len() == 0 { if n.Left == nil { n = n.Right } else { n.Op = OAS } break } if n.Left == nil { nblank = typecheck(nblank, ctxExpr|ctxAssign) n.Left = nblank } n.Op = OAS2 n.List.Prepend(n.Left) n.Rlist.Set1(n.Right) n.Right = nil n.Left = nil n.SetTypecheck(0) n = typecheck(n, ctxStmt) } l = append(l, n) } l = append(l, cas.Nbody.Slice()...) l = append(l, nod(OBREAK, nil, nil)) return l } // convert case value arguments to addresses. // this rewrite is used by both the general code and the next optimization. var dflt *Node for _, cas := range cases.Slice() { setlineno(cas) n := cas.Left if n == nil { dflt = cas continue } switch n.Op { case OSEND: n.Right = nod(OADDR, n.Right, nil) n.Right = typecheck(n.Right, ctxExpr) case OSELRECV, OSELRECV2: if n.Op == OSELRECV2 && n.List.Len() == 0 { n.Op = OSELRECV } if n.Left != nil { n.Left = nod(OADDR, n.Left, nil) n.Left = typecheck(n.Left, ctxExpr) } } } // optimization: two-case select but one is default: single non-blocking op. if ncas == 2 && dflt != nil { cas := cases.First() if cas == dflt { cas = cases.Second() } n := cas.Left setlineno(n) r := nod(OIF, nil, nil) r.Ninit.Set(cas.Ninit.Slice()) switch n.Op { default: Fatalf("select %v", n.Op) case OSEND: // if selectnbsend(c, v) { body } else { default body } ch := n.Left r.Left = mkcall1(chanfn("selectnbsend", 2, ch.Type), types.Types[TBOOL], &r.Ninit, ch, n.Right) case OSELRECV: // if selectnbrecv(&v, c) { body } else { default body } ch := n.Right.Left elem := n.Left if elem == nil { elem = nodnil() } r.Left = mkcall1(chanfn("selectnbrecv", 2, ch.Type), types.Types[TBOOL], &r.Ninit, elem, ch) case OSELRECV2: // if selectnbrecv2(&v, &received, c) { body } else { default body } ch := n.Right.Left elem := n.Left if elem == nil { elem = nodnil() } receivedp := nod(OADDR, n.List.First(), nil) receivedp = typecheck(receivedp, ctxExpr) r.Left = mkcall1(chanfn("selectnbrecv2", 2, ch.Type), types.Types[TBOOL], &r.Ninit, elem, receivedp, ch) } r.Left = typecheck(r.Left, ctxExpr) r.Nbody.Set(cas.Nbody.Slice()) r.Rlist.Set(append(dflt.Ninit.Slice(), dflt.Nbody.Slice()...)) return []*Node{r, nod(OBREAK, nil, nil)} } if dflt != nil { ncas-- } casorder := make([]*Node, ncas) nsends, nrecvs := 0, 0 var init []*Node // generate sel-struct lineno = sellineno selv := temp(types.NewArray(scasetype(), int64(ncas))) r := nod(OAS, selv, nil) r = typecheck(r, ctxStmt) init = append(init, r) // No initialization for order; runtime.selectgo is responsible for that. order := temp(types.NewArray(types.Types[TUINT16], 2*int64(ncas))) var pc0, pcs *Node if flag_race { pcs = temp(types.NewArray(types.Types[TUINTPTR], int64(ncas))) pc0 = typecheck(nod(OADDR, nod(OINDEX, pcs, nodintconst(0)), nil), ctxExpr) } else { pc0 = nodnil() } // register cases for _, cas := range cases.Slice() { setlineno(cas) init = append(init, cas.Ninit.Slice()...) cas.Ninit.Set(nil) n := cas.Left if n == nil { // default: continue } var i int var c, elem *Node switch n.Op { default: Fatalf("select %v", n.Op) case OSEND: i = nsends nsends++ c = n.Left elem = n.Right case OSELRECV, OSELRECV2: nrecvs++ i = ncas - nrecvs c = n.Right.Left elem = n.Left } casorder[i] = cas setField := func(f string, val *Node) { r := nod(OAS, nodSym(ODOT, nod(OINDEX, selv, nodintconst(int64(i))), lookup(f)), val) r = typecheck(r, ctxStmt) init = append(init, r) } c = convnop(c, types.Types[TUNSAFEPTR]) setField("c", c) if elem != nil { elem = convnop(elem, types.Types[TUNSAFEPTR]) setField("elem", elem) } // TODO(mdempsky): There should be a cleaner way to // handle this. if flag_race { r = mkcall("selectsetpc", nil, nil, nod(OADDR, nod(OINDEX, pcs, nodintconst(int64(i))), nil)) init = append(init, r) } } if nsends+nrecvs != ncas { Fatalf("walkselectcases: miscount: %v + %v != %v", nsends, nrecvs, ncas) } // run the select lineno = sellineno chosen := temp(types.Types[TINT]) recvOK := temp(types.Types[TBOOL]) r = nod(OAS2, nil, nil) r.List.Set2(chosen, recvOK) fn := syslook("selectgo") r.Rlist.Set1(mkcall1(fn, fn.Type.Results(), nil, bytePtrToIndex(selv, 0), bytePtrToIndex(order, 0), pc0, nodintconst(int64(nsends)), nodintconst(int64(nrecvs)), nodbool(dflt == nil))) r = typecheck(r, ctxStmt) init = append(init, r) // selv and order are no longer alive after selectgo. init = append(init, nod(OVARKILL, selv, nil)) init = append(init, nod(OVARKILL, order, nil)) if flag_race { init = append(init, nod(OVARKILL, pcs, nil)) } // dispatch cases dispatch := func(cond, cas *Node) { cond = typecheck(cond, ctxExpr) cond = defaultlit(cond, nil) r := nod(OIF, cond, nil) if n := cas.Left; n != nil && n.Op == OSELRECV2 { x := nod(OAS, n.List.First(), recvOK) x = typecheck(x, ctxStmt) r.Nbody.Append(x) } r.Nbody.AppendNodes(&cas.Nbody) r.Nbody.Append(nod(OBREAK, nil, nil)) init = append(init, r) } if dflt != nil { setlineno(dflt) dispatch(nod(OLT, chosen, nodintconst(0)), dflt) } for i, cas := range casorder { setlineno(cas) dispatch(nod(OEQ, chosen, nodintconst(int64(i))), cas) } return init } // bytePtrToIndex returns a Node representing "(*byte)(&n[i])". func bytePtrToIndex(n *Node, i int64) *Node { s := nod(OADDR, nod(OINDEX, n, nodintconst(i)), nil) t := types.NewPtr(types.Types[TUINT8]) return convnop(s, t) } var scase *types.Type // Keep in sync with src/runtime/select.go. func scasetype() *types.Type { if scase == nil { scase = tostruct([]*Node{ namedfield("c", types.Types[TUNSAFEPTR]), namedfield("elem", types.Types[TUNSAFEPTR]), }) scase.SetNoalg(true) } return scase }