## Tools {#tools} ### Go command {#go-command} Setting the `GOROOT_FINAL` environment variable no longer has an effect ([#62047](https://go.dev/issue/62047)). Distributions that install the `go` command to a location other than `$GOROOT/bin/go` should install a symlink instead of relocating or copying the `go` binary. ### Vet {#vet} The `go vet` subcommand now includes the [stdversion](https://beta.pkg.go.dev/golang.org/x/tools/go/analysis/passes/stdversion) analyzer, which flags references to symbols that are too new for the version of Go in effect in the referring file. (The effective version is determined by the `go` directive in the file's enclosing `go.mod` file, and by any [`//go:build` constraints](https://pkg.go.dev/cmd/go#hdr-Build_constraints) in the file.) For example, it will report a diagnostic for a reference to the `reflect.TypeFor` function (introduced in go1.22) from a file in a module whose go.mod file specifies `go 1.21`. ### Cgo {#cgo}