This is the source code repository for the Go programming language. For documentation about how to install and use Go, visit or load doc/install.html in your web browser. After installing Go, you can view a nicely formatted doc/install.html by running godoc --http=:6060 and then visiting http://localhost:6060/doc/install.html. Unless otherwise noted, the Go source files are distributed under the BSD-style license found in the LICENSE file. -- Binary Distribution Notes If you have just untarred a binary Go distribution, then there are some environment variables you'll need to set in your .profile (or equivalent): GOOS should be set to your operating system (eg, linux), GOARCH should be your processor architecture (eg, amd64), GOROOT should be the directory you extracted the tarball to, GOBIN should point to $GOROOT/bin. For example, if you downloaded the tarball go.release.YYYY-MM-DD.linux-amd64.tar.gz and extracted it to /home/username/go you would set the following variables: export GOOS=linux export GOARCH=amd64 export GOROOT=/home/username/go export GOBIN=$GOROOT/bin See doc/install.html for more detail about these flags. Additionally, $GOROOT should be in your $PATH: export PATH=PATH:$GOROOT