# Crane Crane is a minimal self-hosted research literature organizational web service with support for paper download and metadata retrieval. No databases or app-proprietary formats are used. Papers are categorized by the directories in which they're stored, and XML metadata is retrieved from the [doi.org](https://www.doi.org/) API and written alongside each paper for which its DOI is known. ![admin](screenshots/admin.png) ## Installation Crane can be compiled with `make` or `go build`, and installed system-wide by running `make install` with root-level permissions. ## Usage Crane can be run locally or on a server. The index (`"/"`) endpoint lists papers but does not permits modification to the set. The admin (`"/admin/"`) endpoint supports optional authentication and permits paper download, deletion, and moving between categories, as well as category addition, deletion, and rename. ``` Usage of ./crane: -host string IP address to listen on (default "") -port uint Port to listen on (default 9090) -path string Absolute or relative path to papers folder (default "./papers") -sci-hub string Sci-Hub URL (default "https://sci-hub.se/") -user string Username for /admin/ endpoints (optional) -pass string Password for /admin/ endpoints (optional) ``` By default, crane listens on `` but this is configurable with the `--host` and `--port` parameters. Authentication is optional but can be enabled with `--user` and `--pass` parameters; the index is always publicly accessible. Papers are written to `--path`, stored in directories which serve as paper categories.