disallowed-types = [ { path = "futures::channel::oneshot::Sender", reason = "Use tor_async_utils::oneshot to avoid bug with select macro" }, { path = "futures::channel::oneshot::Receiver", reason = "Use tor_async_utils::oneshot to avoid bug with select macro" }, ] disallowed-methods = [ { path = "rand::Rng::gen_range", reason = "Prefer tor_basic_utils::RngExt::gen_range_checked to avoid uncontrolled panics, or gen_range_infallible if applicable" }, { path = "futures::channel::oneshot::channel", reason = "Use tor_async_utils::oneshot to avoid bug with select macro" }, { path = "std::path::Path::display", reason = "See tor_basic_utils::PathExt::display_lossy" }, # { path = "std::time::SystemTime::now", reason = "prefer using SleepProvider::wallclock instead when possible" }, ]