''' File: relays.py Relays class object consisting of relays (list of dict) and onionoo fetch timestamp ''' import hashlib import json import os import time import urllib.request from shutil import rmtree import config import countries from jinja2 import Environment, FileSystemLoader ABS_PATH = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) ENV = Environment(loader=FileSystemLoader(os.path.join(ABS_PATH, 'templates')), trim_blocks=True, lstrip_blocks=True) def hash_filter(value, hash_type='md5'): ''' Custom hash filter for jinja; defaults to "md5" if no type specified :param value: value to be hashed :param hash_type: valid hash type :return: computed hash as a hexadecimal string ''' hash_func = getattr(hashlib, hash_type, None) if hash_func: computed_hash = hash_func(value.encode('utf-8')).hexdigest() else: raise AttributeError( 'No hashing function named {hname}'.format(hname=hash_type) ) return computed_hash ENV.filters['hash'] = hash_filter class Relays: ''' Relay class consisting of relays (list of dict) and onionoo fetch timestamp :ts_file: absolute path to timestamp file used in setting If-Modified_since :json: relay listings stored as a list of dict, derived from onionoo JSON :timestamp: timestamp of onionoo fetch ''' def __init__(self): self.url = config.CONFIG['onionoo_url'] self.ts_file = os.path.join(ABS_PATH, "timestamp") self.json = self._fetch_onionoo_details() self.timestamp = self._write_timestamp() self._fix_missing_observed_bandwidth() self._sort_by_bandwidth() self._trim_platform() self._categorize() def _fetch_onionoo_details(self): ''' Make request to onionoo to retrieve details document, return prepared JSON response (trimmed platform and sorted by highest observed bandwidth) ''' if os.path.isfile(self.ts_file): with open(self.ts_file, 'r') as ts_file: prev_timestamp = ts_file.read() headers = {"If-Modified-Since": prev_timestamp} conn = urllib.request.Request(self.url, headers=headers) else: conn = urllib.request.Request(self.url) api_response = urllib.request.urlopen(conn).read() return json.loads(api_response.decode('utf-8')) def _trim_platform(self): ''' Trim platform to retain base operating system without version number or unnecessary classification which could affect sorting e.g. "Tor on Linux" -> "Linux" ''' for relay in self.json['relays']: relay['platform'] = relay['platform'].split(' on ', 1)[1].split(' ')[0] relay['platform'] = relay['platform'].split('/')[-1] # GNU/* def _fix_missing_observed_bandwidth(self): ''' Set the observed_bandwidth parameter value for any relay missing the parameter to 0; the observed_bandwidth parameter is (apparently) optional, I hadn't run into an instance of it missing until 2019-10-03 "[...] Missing if router descriptor containing this information cannot be found." --https://metrics.torproject.org/onionoo.html#details_relay_observed_bandwidth ''' for idx, relay in enumerate(self.json['relays']): if not relay.get('observed_bandwidth'): self.json['relays'][idx]['observed_bandwidth'] = 0 def _sort_by_bandwidth(self): ''' Sort full JSON list by highest observed_bandwidth, retain this order during subsequent sorting (country, AS, etc) ''' self.json['relays'].sort(key=lambda x: x['observed_bandwidth'], reverse=True) def _write_timestamp(self): ''' Store encoded timestamp in a file to retain time of last request, passed to onionoo via If-Modified-Since header during fetch() if exists ''' timestamp = time.time() f_timestamp = time.strftime('%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S GMT', time.gmtime(timestamp)) if self.json is not None: with open(self.ts_file, 'w', encoding='utf8') as ts_file: ts_file.write(f_timestamp) return f_timestamp def _sort(self, relay, idx, k, v): ''' Populate self.sorted dictionary with values from :relay: :relay: relay from which values are derived :idx: index at which the relay can be found in self.json['relays'] :k: the name of the key to use in self.sorted :v: the name of the subkey to use in self.sorted[k] ''' if not v or not v.isalnum(): return if not k in self.json['sorted']: self.json['sorted'][k] = dict() if not v in self.json['sorted'][k]: self.json['sorted'][k][v] = { 'relays': list(), 'bw': 0, 'exit_count': 0, 'middle_count': 0 } bw = relay['observed_bandwidth'] self.json['sorted'][k][v]['relays'].append(idx) self.json['sorted'][k][v]['bw'] += bw if 'Exit' in relay['flags']: self.json['sorted'][k][v]['exit_count'] += 1 else: self.json['sorted'][k][v]['middle_count'] += 1 def _categorize(self): ''' Iterate over self.json['relays'] set and call self._sort() against discovered relays with attributes we use to generate static sets ''' self.json['sorted'] = dict() for idx, relay in enumerate(self.json['relays']): keys = ['as', 'country', 'platform'] for key in keys: self._sort(relay, idx, key, relay.get(key)) for flag in relay['flags']: self._sort(relay, idx, 'flag', flag) for member in relay['effective_family']: if not len(relay['effective_family']) > 1: continue self._sort(relay, idx, 'family', member) c_str = relay.get('contact', '').encode('utf-8') c_hash = hashlib.md5(c_str).hexdigest() self._sort(relay, idx, 'contact', c_hash) def create_output_dir(self): ''' Ensure config:output_root exists (required for write functions) ''' os.makedirs(config.CONFIG['output_root'],exist_ok=True) def write_unsorted(self, filename, is_index): ''' Render and write unsorted HTML listings to disk :filename: filename to write unsorted listing (e.g. all.html) :is_index: whether the file is an index or not (True/False) ''' template = ENV.get_template(filename) self.json['relay_subset'] = self.json['relays'] template_render = template.render(relays=self, is_index=is_index) output = os.path.join(config.CONFIG['output_root'], filename) with open(output, 'w', encoding='utf8') as html: html.write(template_render) def write_pages_by_key(self, k): ''' Render and write HTML listings to disk sorted by :k: ''' template = ENV.get_template(k + '.html') output_path = os.path.join(config.CONFIG['output_root'], k) if os.path.exists(output_path): rmtree(output_path) for v in self.json['sorted'][k]: i = self.json['sorted'][k][v] members = [] for m_relay in i['relays']: members.append(self.json['relays'][m_relay]) if k is 'flag': dir_path = os.path.join(output_path, v.lower()) else: dir_path = os.path.join(output_path, v) os.makedirs(dir_path) self.json['relay_subset'] = members rendered = template.render( relays = self, bandwidth = round(i['bw'] / 1000000, 2), exit_count = i['exit_count'], middle_count = i['middle_count'], is_index = False, path_prefix = '../../', deactivate = k, value = v, sp_countries = countries.THE_PREFIXED ) with open(os.path.join(dir_path, 'index.html'), 'w', encoding='utf8') as html: html.write(rendered) def write_relay_info(self): ''' Render and write per-relay HTML info documents to disk ''' relay_list = self.json['relays'] template = ENV.get_template('relay-info.html') output_path = os.path.join(config.CONFIG['output_root'], 'relay') if os.path.exists(output_path): rmtree(output_path) os.makedirs(output_path) for relay in relay_list: if not relay['fingerprint'].isalnum(): continue rendered = template.render( relay = relay, path_prefix = '../', relays = self ) with open(os.path.join(output_path, '%s.html' % relay['fingerprint']), 'w', encoding='utf8') as html: html.write(rendered)