{% extends "skeleton.html" -%} {% set sorted_by_label = sorted_by.split(',')[0].split('.')[1] -%} {% block title -%}Tor Relays :: Networks By {{ sorted_by_label|replace('_', ' ')|title }}{% endblock -%} {% block body -%}

Home :: Networks By {{ sorted_by_label|replace('_', ' ')|title }}

The set of all ({{ relays.json['sorted']['as']|length }}) recognized networks running at least one relay sorted by {{ sorted_by_label|replace('_', ' ') }}. This data is onionoo-derived and might be out of date with respect to other sources.

{% if sorted_by_label == 'bandwidth' -%} {% else -%} {% endif -%} {% if sorted_by_label == 'exit_count' -%} {% elif sorted_by_label == 'middle_count' -%} {% else -%} {% endif -%} {% for k, v in relays.json['sorted']['as'].items()|sort(attribute=sorted_by, reverse=True) -%} {% if v['bandwidth'] > 1000000 -%} {% set obs_bandwidth = '%s %s'|format((v['bandwidth'] / 1000000)|round(2, 'common'), 'MB/s') -%} {% else -%} {% set obs_bandwidth = '%s %s'|format((v['bandwidth'] / 1000)|round(2, 'common'), 'KB/s') -%}{% endif -%} {% if v['as_name'] -%} {% else -%} {% endif -%} {% if v['country'] -%} {% else -%} {% endif -%} {% endfor -%}
AS Number AS Name CountryBandwidthBandwidthExit / MiddleExit / MiddleExit / Middle
{{ k|escape }}{{ v['as_name']|truncate(20)|escape }}Unknown{{ v['country_name']|escape
}}X{{ obs_bandwidth }} {{ v['exit_count'] }} / {{ v['middle_count'] }}
{% endblock -%}