diff options
authorJordan <me@jordan.im>2020-09-16 13:36:37 -0700
committerJordan <me@jordan.im>2020-09-16 13:36:37 -0700
commitcb5b8c8d95b62ea55f3717566dd3a580938ca6a3 (patch)
parent9c587ea12e9812bce47c7a2a317674f61a364cd9 (diff)
encapsulate family fingerprints and contact strings in <code> tags
2 files changed, 4 insertions, 4 deletions
diff --git a/tor-metrics/templates/family.html b/tor-metrics/templates/family.html
index 9f1d092..b4d88d8 100644
--- a/tor-metrics/templates/family.html
+++ b/tor-metrics/templates/family.html
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
{% extends "relay-list.html" %}
{% block title %}Tor Relays :: Family {{ value|escape }}{% endblock %}
-{% block header %}<a href="../../">Home</a> :: Family {{ value|escape }}{% endblock %}
-{% block description %}Relays with effective family member {{ value|escape }} are responsible for ~{{ bandwidth }} MB/s of traffic, with {% if middle_count > 0 %}{{ middle_count }} middle relay{% if middle_count > 1 %}s{% endif %}{% if exit_count > 0 %} and {% endif %}{% endif %}{% if exit_count > 0 %}{{ exit_count }} exit relay{% if exit_count > 1 %}s{% endif %}{% endif %}.{% endblock %}
+{% block header %}<a href="../../">Home</a> :: Family <code>{{ value|escape }}</code>{% endblock %}
+{% block description %}Relays with effective family member <code>{{ value|escape }}</code> are responsible for ~{{ bandwidth }} MB/s of traffic, with {% if middle_count > 0 %}{{ middle_count }} middle relay{% if middle_count > 1 %}s{% endif %}{% if exit_count > 0 %} and {% endif %}{% endif %}{% if exit_count > 0 %}{{ exit_count }} exit relay{% if exit_count > 1 %}s{% endif %}{% endif %}.{% endblock %}
diff --git a/tor-metrics/templates/misc-families.html b/tor-metrics/templates/misc-families.html
index 5a151cb..7eb2de2 100644
--- a/tor-metrics/templates/misc-families.html
+++ b/tor-metrics/templates/misc-families.html
@@ -36,12 +36,12 @@
{% else %}
{% set obs_bandwidth = '%s %s'|format((v['bandwidth'] / 1000)|round(2, 'common'), 'KB/s') %}{% endif %}
- <td><a href="{{ path_prefix}}family/{{ k|escape }}/">{{ k|escape }}</a></td>
+ <td><code><a href="{{ path_prefix}}family/{{ k|escape }}/">{{ k|escape }}</a></code></td>
<td>{{ obs_bandwidth }}</td>
{% if v['contact'] %}
- <td class="visible-md visible-lg"><a href="{{ path_prefix }}contact/{{ v['contact']|hash }}/" title="{{ v['contact']|escape }}">{{ v['contact']|truncate(50)|escape }}<a></td>
+ <td class="visible-md visible-lg"><code><a href="{{ path_prefix }}contact/{{ v['contact']|hash }}/" title="{{ v['contact']|escape }}">{{ v['contact']|truncate(50)|escape }}<a></td></code>
{% else %}
<td>none</td>{% endif %}