// Copyright 2016 Joe Wilm, The Alacritty Project Contributors // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. // //! Alacritty - The GPU Enhanced Terminal #![feature(question_mark)] #![feature(range_contains)] #![feature(inclusive_range_syntax)] #![feature(drop_types_in_const)] #![feature(unicode)] #![feature(step_trait)] #![feature(custom_derive, plugin)] #![plugin(serde_macros)] extern crate cgmath; extern crate errno; extern crate font; extern crate glutin; extern crate libc; extern crate notify; extern crate parking_lot; extern crate serde; extern crate serde_yaml; #[macro_use] extern crate bitflags; #[macro_use] mod macros; mod renderer; pub mod grid; mod meter; pub mod config; mod input; mod index; mod tty; pub mod ansi; mod term; mod util; mod io; mod sync; use std::io::{Write, BufWriter, Read}; use std::sync::{mpsc, Arc}; use sync::PriorityMutex; use config::Config; use font::FontDesc; use meter::Meter; use renderer::{QuadRenderer, GlyphCache}; use term::Term; use tty::process_should_exit; use util::thread; use io::{Utf8Chars, Utf8CharsError}; /// Channel used by resize handling on mac static mut resize_sender: Option> = None; /// Resize handling for Mac fn window_resize_handler(width: u32, height: u32) { unsafe { if let Some(ref tx) = resize_sender { let _ = tx.send((width, height)); } } } #[derive(Debug, Eq, PartialEq, Copy, Clone, Default)] pub struct Rgb { r: u8, g: u8, b: u8, } mod gl { include!(concat!(env!("OUT_DIR"), "/gl_bindings.rs")); } fn main() { // Load configuration let config = match Config::load() { Err(err) => match err { // Use default config when not found config::Error::NotFound => Config::default(), // Exit when there's a problem with it _ => die!("{}", err), }, Ok(config) => config, }; let font = config.font(); let dpi = config.dpi(); let render_timer = config.render_timer(); let mut window = glutin::WindowBuilder::new() .with_vsync() .with_title("Alacritty") .build().unwrap(); window.set_window_resize_callback(Some(window_resize_handler as fn(u32, u32))); gl::load_with(|symbol| window.get_proc_address(symbol) as *const _); let (width, height) = window.get_inner_size_pixels().unwrap(); let dpr = window.hidpi_factor(); println!("device_pixel_ratio: {}", dpr); let _ = unsafe { window.make_current() }; unsafe { gl::Viewport(0, 0, width as i32, height as i32); gl::Enable(gl::BLEND); gl::BlendFunc(gl::SRC1_COLOR, gl::ONE_MINUS_SRC1_COLOR); gl::Enable(gl::MULTISAMPLE); } let desc = FontDesc::new(font.family(), font.style()); let mut rasterizer = font::Rasterizer::new(dpi.x(), dpi.y(), dpr); let metrics = rasterizer.metrics(&desc, font.size()); let cell_width = (metrics.average_advance + font.offset().x() as f64) as u32; let cell_height = (metrics.line_height + font.offset().y() as f64) as u32; println!("Cell Size: ({} x {})", cell_width, cell_height); let terminal = Term::new(width as f32, height as f32, cell_width as f32, cell_height as f32); let mut reader = terminal.tty().reader(); let writer = terminal.tty().writer(); let mut glyph_cache = GlyphCache::new(rasterizer, desc, font.size()); let (tx, rx) = mpsc::channel(); unsafe { resize_sender = Some(tx.clone()); } let terminal = Arc::new(PriorityMutex::new(terminal)); let term_ref = terminal.clone(); let term_updater = terminal.clone(); // Rendering thread // // Holds lock only when updating terminal let reader_thread = thread::spawn_named("TTY Reader", move || { let mut buf = [0u8; 4096]; let mut start = 0; let mut pty_parser = ansi::Parser::new(); 'reader: loop { let got = reader.read(&mut buf[start..]).expect("pty fd active"); let mut remain = 0; // if `start` is nonzero, then actual bytes in buffer is > `got` by `start` bytes. let end = start + got; let mut terminal = term_updater.lock_low(); for c in Utf8Chars::new(&buf[..end]) { match c { Ok(c) => pty_parser.advance(&mut *terminal, c), Err(err) => match err { Utf8CharsError::IncompleteUtf8(unused) => { remain = unused; break; }, _ => panic!("{}", err), } } } // Move any leftover bytes to front of buffer for i in 0..remain { buf[i] = buf[end - (remain - i)]; } start = remain; } }); let mut meter = Meter::new(); let window = Arc::new(window); let window_ref = window.clone(); // Create renderer let mut renderer = QuadRenderer::new(width, height); // Initialize glyph cache { let init_start = ::std::time::Instant::now(); println!("Initializing glyph cache"); let terminal = term_ref.lock_high(); renderer.with_api(terminal.size_info(), |mut api| { glyph_cache.init(&mut api); }); let stop = init_start.elapsed(); let stop_f = stop.as_secs() as f64 + stop.subsec_nanos() as f64 / 1_000_000_000f64; println!("Finished initializing glyph cache in {}", stop_f); } let mut input_processor = input::Processor::new(); 'main_loop: loop { // Scope ensures terminal lock isn't held when calling swap_buffers { // Acquire term lock let mut terminal = term_ref.lock_high(); // Resize events new_size and are handled outside the poll_events // iterator. This has the effect of coalescing multiple resize // events into one. let mut new_size = None; // Process input events { let mut writer = BufWriter::new(&writer); for event in window_ref.poll_events() { match event { glutin::Event::Closed => break 'main_loop, glutin::Event::ReceivedCharacter(c) => { match c { // Ignore BACKSPACE and DEL. These are handled specially. '\u{8}' | '\u{7f}' => (), _ => { let encoded = c.encode_utf8(); writer.write(encoded.as_slice()).unwrap(); } } }, glutin::Event::Resized(w, h) => { new_size = Some((w, h)); }, glutin::Event::KeyboardInput(state, _code, key, mods) => { input_processor.process(state, key, mods, &mut input::WriteNotifier(&mut writer), *terminal.mode()) }, _ => (), } } } unsafe { gl::ClearColor(0.0, 0.0, 0.00, 1.0); gl::Clear(gl::COLOR_BUFFER_BIT); } // Check for any out-of-band resize events (mac only) while let Ok(sz) = rx.try_recv() { new_size = Some(sz); } // Receive any resize events; only call gl::Viewport on last // available if let Some((w, h)) = new_size.take() { terminal.resize(w as f32, h as f32); renderer.resize(w as i32, h as i32); } { // Draw grid { let _sampler = meter.sampler(); let size_info = terminal.size_info().clone(); renderer.with_api(&size_info, |mut api| { // Draw the grid api.render_grid(&terminal.render_grid(), &mut glyph_cache); }) } // Draw render timer if render_timer { let timing = format!("{:.3} usec", meter.average()); let color = Rgb { r: 0xd5, g: 0x4e, b: 0x53 }; renderer.with_api(terminal.size_info(), |mut api| { api.render_string(&timing[..], &mut glyph_cache, &color); }); } } } window.swap_buffers().unwrap(); if process_should_exit() { break; } } reader_thread.join().ok(); println!("Goodbye"); }