use std::ffi::c_void; use std::io::Error; use std::num::NonZeroU32; use std::sync::atomic::{AtomicPtr, Ordering}; use std::sync::{mpsc, Arc, Mutex}; use polling::os::iocp::{CompletionPacket, PollerIocpExt}; use polling::{Event, Poller}; use windows_sys::Win32::Foundation::{BOOLEAN, HANDLE}; use windows_sys::Win32::System::Threading::{ GetProcessId, RegisterWaitForSingleObject, UnregisterWait, INFINITE, WT_EXECUTEINWAITTHREAD, WT_EXECUTEONLYONCE, }; use crate::tty::ChildEvent; struct Interest { poller: Arc, event: Event, } struct ChildExitSender { sender: mpsc::Sender, interest: Arc>>, } /// WinAPI callback to run when child process exits. extern "system" fn child_exit_callback(ctx: *mut c_void, timed_out: BOOLEAN) { if timed_out != 0 { return; } let event_tx: Box<_> = unsafe { Box::from_raw(ctx as *mut ChildExitSender) }; let _ = event_tx.sender.send(ChildEvent::Exited); let interest = event_tx.interest.lock().unwrap(); if let Some(interest) = interest.as_ref() {; } } pub struct ChildExitWatcher { wait_handle: AtomicPtr, event_rx: mpsc::Receiver, interest: Arc>>, child_handle: HANDLE, pid: Option, } impl ChildExitWatcher { pub fn new(child_handle: HANDLE) -> Result { let (event_tx, event_rx) = mpsc::channel(); let mut wait_handle: HANDLE = 0; let interest = Arc::new(Mutex::new(None)); let sender_ref = Box::new(ChildExitSender { sender: event_tx, interest: interest.clone() }); let success = unsafe { RegisterWaitForSingleObject( &mut wait_handle, child_handle, Some(child_exit_callback), Box::into_raw(sender_ref).cast(), INFINITE, WT_EXECUTEINWAITTHREAD | WT_EXECUTEONLYONCE, ) }; if success == 0 { Err(Error::last_os_error()) } else { let pid = unsafe { NonZeroU32::new(GetProcessId(child_handle)) }; Ok(ChildExitWatcher { wait_handle: AtomicPtr::from(wait_handle as *mut c_void), event_rx, interest, child_handle, pid, }) } } pub fn event_rx(&self) -> &mpsc::Receiver { &self.event_rx } pub fn register(&self, poller: &Arc, event: Event) { *self.interest.lock().unwrap() = Some(Interest { poller: poller.clone(), event }); } pub fn deregister(&self) { *self.interest.lock().unwrap() = None; } /// Retrieve the process handle of the underlying child process. /// /// This function does **not** pass ownership of the raw handle to you, /// and the handle is only guaranteed to be valid while the hosted application /// has not yet been destroyed. /// /// If you terminate the process using this handle, the terminal will get a /// timeout error, and the child watcher will emit an `Exited` event. pub fn raw_handle(&self) -> HANDLE { self.child_handle } /// Retrieve the Process ID associated to the underlying child process. pub fn pid(&self) -> Option { } } impl Drop for ChildExitWatcher { fn drop(&mut self) { unsafe { UnregisterWait(self.wait_handle.load(Ordering::Relaxed) as HANDLE); } } } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use std::os::windows::io::AsRawHandle; use std::process::Command; use std::sync::Arc; use std::time::Duration; use super::super::PTY_CHILD_EVENT_TOKEN; use super::*; #[test] pub fn event_is_emitted_when_child_exits() { const WAIT_TIMEOUT: Duration = Duration::from_millis(200); let poller = Arc::new(Poller::new().unwrap()); let mut child = Command::new("cmd.exe").spawn().unwrap(); let child_exit_watcher = ChildExitWatcher::new(child.as_raw_handle() as HANDLE).unwrap(); child_exit_watcher.register(&poller, Event::readable(PTY_CHILD_EVENT_TOKEN)); child.kill().unwrap(); // Poll for the event or fail with timeout if nothing has been sent. let mut events = polling::Events::new(); poller.wait(&mut events, Some(WAIT_TIMEOUT)).unwrap(); assert_eq!(events.iter().next().unwrap().key, PTY_CHILD_EVENT_TOKEN); // Verify that at least one `ChildEvent::Exited` was received. assert_eq!(child_exit_watcher.event_rx().try_recv(), Ok(ChildEvent::Exited)); } }