# Cargo Installation If you're just interested in the Alacritty binary and you don't need the [terminfo file](#terminfo), [desktop entry](#desktop-entry), [manual page](#manual-page) or [shell completions](#shell-completions), you can install it directly through cargo: ```sh cargo install alacritty ``` # Manual Installation 1. [Prerequisites](#prerequisites) 1. [Source Code](#clone-the-source-code) 2. [Rust Compiler](#install-the-rust-compiler-with-rustup) 3. [Dependencies](#dependencies) 1. [Debian/Ubuntu](#debianubuntu) 2. [Arch Linux](#arch-linux) 3. [Fedora](#fedora) 4. [CentOS/RHEL 7](#centosrhel-7) 5. [openSUSE](#opensuse) 6. [Slackware](#slackware) 7. [Void Linux](#void-linux) 8. [FreeBSD](#freebsd) 9. [OpenBSD](#openbsd) 10. [Solus](#solus) 11. [NixOS/Nixpkgs](#nixosnixpkgs) 12. [Gentoo](#gentoo) 13. [Clear Linux](#clear-linux) 14. [GNU Guix](#gnu-guix) 15. [Alpine Linux](#alpine-linux) 16. [Windows](#windows) 17. [Other](#other) 2. [Building](#building) 1. [Linux/Windows](#linux--windows) 2. [macOS](#macos) 3. [Post Build](#post-build) 1. [Terminfo](#terminfo) 2. [Desktop Entry](#desktop-entry) 3. [Manual Page](#manual-page) 4. [Shell completions](#shell-completions) 1. [Zsh](#zsh) 2. [Bash](#bash) 3. [Fish](#fish) ## Prerequisites ### Clone the source code Before compiling Alacritty, you'll have to first clone the source code: ```sh git clone https://github.com/alacritty/alacritty.git cd alacritty ``` ### Install the Rust compiler with `rustup` 1. Install [`rustup.rs`](https://rustup.rs/). 3. To make sure you have the right Rust compiler installed, run ```sh rustup override set stable rustup update stable ``` ### Dependencies These are the minimum dependencies required to build Alacritty, please note that with some setups additional dependencies might be desired. If you're running Wayland with an Nvidia GPU, you'll likely want the EGL drivers installed too (these are called `libegl1-mesa-dev` on Ubuntu). #### Debian/Ubuntu If you'd like to build a local version manually, you need a few extra libraries to build Alacritty. Here's an apt command that should install all of them. If something is still found to be missing, please open an issue. ```sh apt-get install cmake pkg-config libfreetype6-dev libfontconfig1-dev libxcb-xfixes0-dev libxkbcommon-dev python3 ``` #### Arch Linux On Arch Linux, you need a few extra libraries to build Alacritty. Here's a `pacman` command that should install all of them. If something is still found to be missing, please open an issue. ```sh pacman -S cmake freetype2 fontconfig pkg-config make libxcb ``` #### Fedora On Fedora, you need a few extra libraries to build Alacritty. Here's a `dnf` command that should install all of them. If something is still found to be missing, please open an issue. ```sh dnf install cmake freetype-devel fontconfig-devel libxcb-devel g++ ``` #### CentOS/RHEL 7 On CentOS/RHEL 7, you need a few extra libraries to build Alacritty. Here's a `yum` command that should install all of them. If something is still found to be missing, please open an issue. ```sh yum install cmake freetype-devel fontconfig-devel libxcb-devel xcb-util-devel yum group install "Development Tools" ``` #### openSUSE On openSUSE, you need a few extra libraries to build Alacritty. Here's a `zypper` command that should install all of them. If something is still found to be missing, please open an issue. ```sh zypper install cmake freetype-devel fontconfig-devel libxcb-devel ``` #### Slackware Compiles out of the box for 14.2 #### Void Linux On [Void Linux](https://voidlinux.eu), install following packages before compiling Alacritty: ```sh xbps-install cmake freetype-devel expat-devel fontconfig-devel libxcb-devel pkg-config python3 ``` #### FreeBSD On FreeBSD, you need a few extra libraries to build Alacritty. Here's a `pkg` command that should install all of them. If something is still found to be missing, please open an issue. ```sh pkg install cmake freetype2 fontconfig pkgconf ``` #### OpenBSD On OpenBSD 6.5, you need [Xenocara](https://xenocara.org) and Rust to build Alacritty, plus Python 3 to build its XCB dependency. If something is still found to be missing, please open an issue. ```sh pkg_add rust python ``` Select the package for Python 3 (e.g. `python-3.6.8p0`) when prompted. The default user limits in OpenBSD are insufficient to build Alacritty. A `datasize-cur` of at least 3GB is recommended (see [login.conf](https://man.openbsd.org/login.conf)). #### Solus On [Solus](https://solus-project.com/), you need a few extra libraries to build Alacritty. Here's a `eopkg` command that should install all of them. If something is still found to be missing, please open an issue. ```sh eopkg install fontconfig-devel ``` #### NixOS/Nixpkgs The following command can be used to get a shell with all development dependencies on [NixOS](https://nixos.org). ```sh nix-shell -A alacritty '' ``` #### Gentoo On Gentoo, you need a few extra libraries to build Alacritty. The following command should install all of them. If something is still found to be missing, please open an issue. ```sh emerge --onlydeps x11-terms/alacritty ``` #### Clear Linux On Clear Linux, you need a few extra libraries to build Alacritty. Here's a `swupd` command that should install all of them. If something is still found to be missing, please open an issue. ```sh swupd bundle-add devpkg-expat devpkg-freetype devpkg-libxcb devpkg-fontconfig ``` #### GNU Guix The following command can be used to get a shell with all development dependencies on [GNU Guix](https://guix.gnu.org/). ```sh guix environment alacritty ``` #### Alpine Linux On Alpine Linux, you need a few extra libraries to build Alacritty. Here's an `apk` command that should install all of them. If something is still found to be missing, please open an issue. ```sh sudo apk add cmake pkgconf freetype-dev fontconfig-dev python3 libxcb-dev ``` #### Windows On windows you will need to have the `{architecture}-pc-windows-msvc` toolchain installed as well as [Clang 3.9 or greater](http://releases.llvm.org/download.html). #### Other If you build Alacritty on another distribution, we would love some help filling in this section of the README. ## Building ### Linux / Windows ```sh cargo build --release ``` If all goes well, this should place a binary at `target/release/alacritty`. ### macOS ```sh make app cp -r target/release/osx/Alacritty.app /Applications/ ``` ## Post Build There are some extra things you might want to set up after installing Alacritty. All the post build instruction assume you're still inside the Alacritty repository. ### Terminfo To make sure Alacritty works correctly, either the `alacritty` or `alacritty-direct` terminfo must be used. The `alacritty` terminfo will be picked up automatically if it is installed. If the following command returns without any errors, the `alacritty` terminfo is already installed: ```sh infocmp alacritty ``` If it is not present already, you can install it globally with the following command: ``` sudo tic -xe alacritty,alacritty-direct extra/alacritty.info ``` ### Desktop Entry Many Linux and BSD distributions support desktop entries for adding applications to system menus. This will install the desktop entry for Alacritty: ```sh sudo cp target/release/alacritty /usr/local/bin # or anywhere else in $PATH sudo cp extra/logo/alacritty-term.svg /usr/share/pixmaps/Alacritty.svg sudo desktop-file-install extra/linux/Alacritty.desktop sudo update-desktop-database ``` If you are having problems with Alacritty's logo, you can replace it with prerendered PNGs and simplified SVGs available in the `extra/logo/compat` directory. ### Manual Page Installing the manual page requires the additional dependency `gzip`. ```sh sudo mkdir -p /usr/local/share/man/man1 gzip -c extra/alacritty.man | sudo tee /usr/local/share/man/man1/alacritty.1.gz > /dev/null ``` ### Shell completions To get automatic completions for Alacritty's flags and arguments you can install the provided shell completions. #### Zsh To install the completions for zsh, you can place the `extra/completions/_alacritty` file in any directory referenced by `$fpath`. If you do not already have such a directory registered through your `~/.zshrc`, you can add one like this: ```sh mkdir -p ${ZDOTDIR:-~}/.zsh_functions echo 'fpath+=${ZDOTDIR:-~}/.zsh_functions' >> ${ZDOTDIR:-~}/.zshrc ``` Then copy the completion file to this directory: ```sh cp extra/completions/_alacritty ${ZDOTDIR:-~}/.zsh_functions/_alacritty ``` #### Bash To install the completions for bash, you can `source` the `extra/completions/alacritty.bash` file in your `~/.bashrc` file. If you do not plan to delete the source folder of alacritty, you can run ```sh echo "source $(pwd)/extra/completions/alacritty.bash" >> ~/.bashrc ``` Otherwise you can copy it to the `~/.bash_completion` folder and source it from there: ```sh mkdir -p ~/.bash_completion cp extra/completions/alacritty.bash ~/.bash_completion/alacritty echo "source ~/.bash_completion/alacritty" >> ~/.bashrc ``` #### Fish To install the completions for fish, run ``` mkdir -p $fish_complete_path[1] cp extra/completions/alacritty.fish $fish_complete_path[1]/alacritty.fish ```