path: root/docs/ansicode.txt
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+Summary of ANSI standards for ASCII terminals Joe Smith, 18-May-84
+ 1. Overview and Definitions
+ 2. General rules for interpreting an ESCape Sequence
+ 3. General rules for interpreting a Control Sequence
+ 4. C0 and C1 control codes in numeric order
+ 5. Two and three-character ESCape Sequences in numeric order
+ 6. Control Sequences in numeric order
+ 7. VT100 emulation requirements
+The VT100 USER GUIDE and ANSI standard X3.64-1979 both list the ANSI ESCape
+sequences in alphabetic order by mnemonic, but do not have a have a cross
+reference in order by ASCII code. This paper lists the combination of all
+definitions from the three ANSI standards in numeric order. For a description
+of the advantages of using these standards, see the article "Toward
+Standardized Video Terminals" in the April-1984 issue of BYTE magazine.
+ANSI X3.4-1977 defines the 7-bit ASCII character set (C0 and G0). It was
+written in 1968, revised in 1977, and explains the decisions made in laying out
+the ASCII code. In particular, it explains why ANSI chose to make ASCII
+incompatible with EBCDIC in order to make it self-consistant.
+ANSI X3.41-1974 introduces the idea of an 8-bit ASCII character set (C1 and G1
+in addition to the existing C0 and G0). It describes how to use the 8-bit
+features in a 7-bit environment. X3.41 defines the format of all ESCape
+sequences, but defines only the 3-character ones with a parameter character
+in the middle. These instruct the terminal how to interpret the C0, G0, C1,
+and G1 characters (such as by selecting different character-set ROMs).
+ Note: NAPLPS does videotex graphics by redefining the C1 set and
+ selecting alternate G0, G1, G2, and G3 sets.
+ See the February 1983 issue of BYTE magazine for details.
+ANSI X3.64-1979 defines the remaining ESCape sequences. It defines all the C1
+control characters, and specifies that certain two-character ESCape sequences
+in the 7-bit environment are to act exactly like the 8-bit C1 control set.
+X3.64 introduces the idea of a Control-Sequence, which starts with CSI
+character, has an indefinite length, and is terminated by an alphabetic
+character. The VT100 was one of the first terminals to implement this
+ Control Character - A single character with an ASCII code with the range
+ of 000 to 037 and 200 to 237 octal, 00 to 1F and 80 to 9F hex.
+ Escape Sequence - A two or three character string staring with ESCape.
+ (Four or more character strings are allowed but not defined.)
+ Control Sequence - A string starting with CSI (233 octal, 9B hex) or
+ with ESCape Left-Bracket, and terminated by an alphabetic character.
+ Any number of parameter characters (digits 0 to 9, semicolon, and
+ question mark) may appear within the Control Sequence. The terminating
+ character may be preceded by an intermediate character (such as space).
+ Character classifications:
+C0 Control 000-037 octal, 00-1F hex (G0 is 041-176 octal, 21-7E hex)
+SPACE 040+240 octal, 20+A0 hex Always and everywhere a blank space
+Intermediate 040-057 octal, 20-2F hex !"#$%&'()*+,-./
+Parameters 060-077 octal, 30-3F hex 0123456789:;<=>?
+Uppercase 100-137 octal, 40-5F hex @ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_
+Lowercase 140-176 octal, 60-7E hex `abcdefghijlkmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~
+Alphabetic 100-176 octal, 40-7E hex (all of upper and lower case)
+Delete 177 octal, 7F hex Always and everywhere ignored
+C1 Control 200-237 octal, 80-9F hex 32 additional control characters
+G1 Displayable 241-376 octal, A1-FE hex 94 additional displayable characters
+Special 240+377 octal, A0+FF hex Same as SPACE and DELETE
+Note that in this paper, the terms uppercase, lowercase, and alphabetics
+include more characters than just A to Z.
+General rules for interpreting an ESCape Sequence:
+ An ESCape Sequence starts with the ESC character (033 octal, 1B hex).
+The length of the ESCape Sequence depends on the character that immediately
+follows the ESCape.
+If the next character is
+ C0 control: Interpret it first, then resume processing ESCape sequence.
+ Example: CR, LF, XON, and XOFF work as normal within an ESCape sequence.
+ Intermediate: Expect zero or more intermediates, a parameter terminates
+ a private function, an alphabetic terminates a standard sequence.
+ Example: ESC ( A defines standard character set, ESC ( 0 a DEC set.
+ Parameter: End of a private 2-character escape sequence.
+ Example: ESC = sets special keypad mode, ESC > clears it.
+ Uppercase: Translate it into a C1 control character and act on it.
+ Example: ESC D does indexes down, ESC M indexes up. (CSI is special)
+ Lowercase: End of a standard 2-character escape sequence.
+ Example: ESC c resets the terminal.
+ Delete: Ignore it, and continue interpreting the ESCape sequence
+ C1 and G1: Treat the same as their 7-bit counterparts
+ Note that CSI is the two-character sequence ESCape left-bracket or the 8-bit
+C1 code of 233 octal, 9B hex. CSI introduces a Control Sequence, which
+continues until an alphabetic character is received.
+General rules for interpreting a Control Sequence:
+1) It starts with CSI, the Control Sequence Introducer.
+2) It contains any number of parameter characters (0123456789:;<=>?).
+3) It terminates with an alphabetic character.
+4) Intermediate characters (if any) immediately precede the terminator.
+If the first character after CSI is one of "<=>?" (074-077 octal, 3C-3F hex),
+then Control Sequence is to be interpreted according to private standards (such
+as setting and resetting modes not defined by ANSI). The terminal should
+expect any number of numeric parameters, separated by semicolons (073 octal,
+3B hex). Only after the terminating alphabetic character is received should
+the terminal act on the Control Sequence.
+ C0 set of 7-bit control characters (from ANSI X3.4-1977).
+Oct Hex Name * (* marks function used in DEC VT series or LA series terminals)
+--- -- - --- - --------------------------------------------------------------
+000 00 @ NUL * Null filler, terminal should ignore this character
+001 01 A SOH Start of Header
+002 02 B STX Start of Text, implied end of header
+003 03 C ETX End of Text, causes some terminal to respond with ACK or NAK
+004 04 D EOT End of Transmission
+005 05 E ENQ * Enquiry, causes terminal to send ANSWER-BACK ID
+006 06 F ACK Acknowledge, usually sent by terminal in response to ETX
+007 07 G BEL * Bell, triggers the bell, buzzer, or beeper on the terminal
+010 08 H BS * Backspace, can be used to define overstruck characters
+011 09 I HT * Horizontal Tabulation, move to next predetermined position
+012 0A J LF * Linefeed, move to same position on next line (see also NL)
+013 0B K VT * Vertical Tabulation, move to next predetermined line
+014 0C L FF * Form Feed, move to next form or page
+015 0D M CR * Carriage Return, move to first character of current line
+016 0E N SO * Shift Out, switch to G1 (other half of character set)
+017 0F O SI * Shift In, switch to G0 (normal half of character set)
+020 10 P DLE Data Link Escape, interpret next control character specially
+021 11 Q XON * (DC1) Terminal is allowed to resume transmitting
+022 12 R DC2 Device Control 2, causes ASR-33 to activate paper-tape reader
+023 13 S XOFF* (DC2) Terminal must pause and refrain from transmitting
+024 14 T DC4 Device Control 4, causes ASR-33 to deactivate paper-tape reader
+025 15 U NAK Negative Acknowledge, used sometimes with ETX and ACK
+026 16 V SYN Synchronous Idle, used to maintain timing in Sync communication
+027 17 W ETB End of Transmission block
+030 18 X CAN * Cancel (makes VT100 abort current escape sequence if any)
+031 19 Y EM End of Medium
+032 1A Z SUB * Substitute (VT100 uses this to display parity errors)
+033 1B [ ESC * Prefix to an ESCape sequence
+034 1C \ FS File Separator
+035 1D ] GS Group Separator
+036 1E ^ RS * Record Separator (sent by VT132 in block-transfer mode)
+037 1F _ US Unit Separator
+040 20 SP * Space (should never be defined to be otherwise)
+177 7F DEL * Delete, should be ignored by terminal
+ C1 set of 8-bit control characters (from ANSI X3.64-1979)
+Oct Hex Name * (* marks function used in DEC VT series or LA series terminals)
+--- -- - --- - --------------------------------------------------------------
+200 80 @ Reserved for future standardization
+201 81 A Reserved
+202 82 B Reserved
+203 83 C Reserved
+204 84 D IND * Index, moves down one line same column regardless of NL
+205 85 E NEL * NEw Line, moves done one line and to first column (CR+LF)
+206 86 F SSA Start of Selected Area to be sent to auxiliary output device
+207 87 G ESA End of Selected Area to be sent to auxiliary output device
+210 88 H HTS * Horizontal Tabulation Set at current position
+211 89 I HTJ Hor Tab Justify, moves string to next tab position
+212 8A J VTS Vertical Tabulation Set at current line
+213 8B K PLD Partial Line Down (subscript)
+214 8C L PLU Partial Line Up (superscript)
+215 8D M RI * Reverse Index, go up one line, reverse scroll if necessary
+216 8E N SS2 * Single Shift to G2
+217 8F O SS3 * Single Shift to G3 (VT100 uses this for sending PF keys)
+220 90 P DCS * Device Control String, terminated by ST (VT125 enters graphics)
+221 91 Q PU1 Private Use 1
+222 92 R PU2 Private Use 2
+223 93 S STS Set Transmit State
+224 94 T CCH Cancel CHaracter, ignore previous character
+225 95 U MW Message Waiting, turns on an indicator on the terminal
+226 96 V SPA Start of Protected Area
+227 97 W EPA End of Protected Area
+230 98 X Reserved for for future standard
+231 99 Y Reserved
+232 9A Z * Reserved, but causes DEC terminals to respond with DA codes
+233 9B [ CSI * Control Sequence Introducer (described in a seperate table)
+234 9C \ ST * String Terminator (VT125 exits graphics)
+235 9D ] OSC Operating System Command (reprograms intelligent terminal)
+236 9E ^ PM Privacy Message (password verification), terminated by ST
+237 9F _ APC Application Program Command (to word processor), term by ST
+ Character set selection sequences (from ANSI X3.41-1974)
+ All are 3 characters long (including the ESCape). Alphabetic characters
+ as 3rd character are defined by ANSI, parameter characters as 3rd character
+ may be interpreted differently by each terminal manufacturer.
+Oct Hex * (* marks function used in DEC VT series or LA series terminals)
+--- -- -- - ------------------------------------------------------------------
+040 20 ANNOUNCER - Determines whether to use 7-bit or 8-bit ASCII
+ A G0 only will be used. Ignore SI, SO, and G1.
+ B G0 and G1 used internally. SI and SO affect G0, G1 is ignored.
+ C G0 and G1 in an 8-bit only environment. SI and SO are ignored.
+ D G0 and G1 are used, SI and SO affect G0.
+ E
+ F * 7-bit transmission, VT240/PRO350 sends CSI as two characters ESC [
+ G * 8-bit transmission, VT240/PRO350 sends CSI as single 8-bit character
+041 21 ! Select C0 control set (choice of 63 standard, 16 private)
+042 22 " Select C1 control set (choice of 63 standard, 16 private)
+043 23 # Translate next character to a special single character
+ #3 * DECDHL1 - Double height line, top half
+ #4 * DECDHL2 - Double height line, bottom half
+ #5 * DECSWL - Single width line
+ #6 * DECDWL - Double width line
+ #7 * DECHCP - Make a hardcopy of the graphics screen (GIGI,VT125,VT241)
+ #8 * DECALN - Alignment display, fill screen with "E" to adjust focus
+044 24 $ MULTIBYTE CHARACTERS - Displayable characters require 2-bytes each
+045 25 % SPECIAL INTERPRETATION - Such as 9-bit data
+046 26 & Reserved for future standardization
+047 27 ' Reserved for future standardization
+050 28 ( * SCS - Select G0 character set (choice of 63 standard, 16 private)
+ (0 * DEC VT100 line drawing set (affects lowercase characters)
+ (1 * DEC Alternate character ROM set (RAM set on GIGI and VT220)
+ (2 * DEC Alternate character ROM set with line drawing
+ (5 * DEC Finnish on LA100
+ (6 * DEC Norwegian/Danish on LA100
+ (7 * DEC Swedish on LA100
+ (9 * DEC French Canadian
+ (< * DEC supplemental graphics (everything not in USASCII)
+ (A * UKASCII (British pound sign)
+ (B * USASCII (American pound sign)
+ (C * ISO Finnish on LA120
+ (E * ISO Norwegian/Danish on LA120
+ (H * ISO Swedish on LA120
+ (K * ISO German on LA100,LA120
+ (R * ISO French on LA100,LA120
+ (Y * ISO Italian on LA100
+ (Z * ISO Spanish on LA100
+051 29 ) * SCS - Select G1 character set (choice of 63 standard, 16 private)
+ * (same character sets as listed under G0)
+052 2A * * SCS - Select G2 character set
+ * (same character sets as listed under G0)
+053 2B + * SCS - Select G3 character set
+ * (same character sets as listed under G0)
+054 2C , SCS - Select G0 character set (additional 63+16 sets)
+055 2D - SCS - Select G1 character set (additional 63+16 sets)
+056 2E . SCS - Select G2 character set
+057 2F / SCS - Select G3 character set
+ Private two-character escape sequences (allowed by ANSI X3.41-1974)
+ These can be defined differently by each terminal manufacturer.
+Oct Hex * (* marks function used in DEC VT series or LA series terminals)
+--- -- - - ------------------------------------------------------------------
+060 30 0
+061 31 1 DECGON graphics on for VT105, DECHTS horiz tab set for LA34/LA120
+062 32 2 DECGOFF graphics off VT105, DECCAHT clear all horz tabs LA34/LA120
+063 33 3 DECVTS - set vertical tab for LA34/LA120
+064 34 4 DECCAVT - clear all vertical tabs for LA34/LA120
+065 35 5 * DECXMT - Host requests that VT132 transmit as if ENTER were pressed
+066 36 6
+067 37 7 * DECSC - Save cursor position and character attributes
+070 38 8 * DECRC - Restore cursor and attributes to previously saved position
+071 39 9
+072 3A :
+073 3B ;
+074 3C < * DECANSI - Switch from VT52 mode to VT100 mode
+075 3D = * DECKPAM - Set keypad to applications mode (ESCape instead of digits)
+076 3E > * DECKPNM - Set keypad to numeric mode (digits intead of ESCape seq)
+077 3F ?
+ DCS Device Control Strings used by DEC terminals (ends with ST)
+Pp = Start ReGIS graphics (VT125, GIGI, VT240, PRO350)
+Pq = Start SIXEL graphics (screen dump to LA34, LA100, screen load to VT125)
+Pr = SET-UP data for GIGI, $PrVC0$\ disables both visible cursors.
+Ps = Reprogram keys on the GIGI, $P0sDIR<CR>$\ makes keypad 0 send "DIR<CR>"
+ 0-9=digits on keypad, 10=ENTER, 11=minus, 12=comma, 13=period,
+ 14-17=PF1-PF4, 18-21=cursor keys. Enabled by $[?23h (PK1).
+Pt = Start VT105 graphics on a VT125
+ Standard two-character escape sequences (defined by ANSI X3.64-1979)
+100 40 @ See description of C1 control characters
+ An ESCape followed by one of these uppercase characters is translated
+ to an 8-bit C1 control character before being interpreted.
+220 90 P DCS - Device Control String, terminated by ST - see table above.
+133 5B [ CSI - Control Sequence Introducer - see table below.
+137 5F _ See description of C1 control characters
+ Indepenent control functions (from Appendix E of X3.64-1977).
+ These four controls have the same meaning regardless of the current
+ definition of the C0 and C1 control sets. Each control is a two-character
+ ESCape sequence, the 2nd character is lowercase.
+Oct Hex * (* marks function used in DEC VT series or LA series terminals)
+--- -- - - --------------------------------------------------------------------
+140 60 ` DMI - Disable Manual Input
+141 61 a INT - INTerrupt the terminal and do special action
+142 62 b EMI - Enable Manual Input
+143 63 c * RIS - Reset to Initial State (VT100 does a power-on reset)
+ ... The remaining lowercase characters are reserved by ANSI.
+153 6B k NAPLPS lock-shift G1 to GR
+154 6C l NAPLPS lock-shift G2 to GR
+155 6D m NAPLPS lock-shift G3 to GR
+156 6E n * LS2 - Shift G2 to GL (extension of SI) VT240,NAPLPS
+157 6F o * LS3 - Shift G3 to GL (extension of SO) VT240,NAPLPS
+ ... The remaining lowercase characters are reserved by ANSI.
+174 7C | * LS3R - VT240 lock-shift G3 to GR
+175 7D } * LS2R - VT240 lock-shift G2 to GR
+176 7E ~ * LS1R - VT240 lock-shift G1 to GR
+ Control Sequences (defined by ANSI X3.64-1979)
+Control Sequences are started by either ESC [ or CSI and are terminated by an
+"alphabetic" character (100 to 176 octal, 40 to 7E hex). Intermediate
+characters are space through slash (40 to 57 octal, 20 to 2F hex) and parameter
+characters are zero through question mark (60 to 77 octal, 30 to 3F hex,
+including digits and semicolon). Parameters consist of zero or more decimal
+numbers separated by semicolons. Leading zeros are optional, leading blanks
+are not allowed. If no digits precede the final character, the default
+parameter is used. Many functions treat a parameter of 0 as if it were 1.
+Oct Hex * (* marks function used in DEC VT series or LA series terminals)
+--- -- - - --------------------------------------------------------------------
+100 40 @ ICH - Insert CHaracter
+ [10@ = Make room for 10 characters at current position
+101 41 A * CUU - CUrsor Up
+ * [A = Move up one line, stop at top of screen, [9A = move up 9
+102 42 B * CUD - CUrsor Down
+ * [B = Move down one line, stop at bottom of screen
+103 43 C * CUF - CUrsor Forward
+ * [C = Move forward one position, stop at right edge of screen
+104 44 D * CUB - CUrsor Backward
+ * [D = Same as BackSpace, stop at left edge of screen
+105 45 E CNL - Cursor to Next Line
+ [5E = Move to first position of 5th line down
+106 46 F CPL - Cursor to Previous Line
+ [5F = Move to first position of 5th line previous
+107 47 G CHA - Cursor Horizontal position Absolute
+ [40G = Move to column 40 of current line
+110 48 H * CUP - CUrsor Position
+ * [H = Home, [24;80H = Row 24, Column 80
+111 49 I CHT - Cursor Horizontal Tabulation
+ [I = Same as HT (Control-I), [3I = Go forward 3 tabs
+112 4A J * ED - Erase in Display (cursor does not move)
+ * [J = [0J = Erase from current position to end (inclusive)
+ * [1J = Erase from beginning to current position (inclusive)
+ * [2J = Erase entire display
+ * [?0J = Selective erase in display ([?1J, [?2J similar)
+113 4B K * EL - Erase in Line (cursor does not move)
+ * [K = [0K = Erase from current position to end (inclusive)
+ * [1K = Erase from beginning to current position
+ * [2K = Erase entire current line
+ * [?0K = Selective erase to end of line ([?1K, [?2K similar)
+114 4C L * IL - Insert Line, current line moves down (VT102 series)
+ [3L = Insert 3 lines if currently in scrolling region
+115 4D M * DL - Delete Line, lines below current move up (VT102 series)
+ [2M = Delete 2 lines if currently in scrolling region
+116 4E N EF - Erase in Field (as bounded by protected fields)
+ [0N, [1N, [2N act like [L but within currend field
+117 4F O EA - Erase in qualified Area (defined by DAQ)
+ [0O, [1O, [2O act like [J but within current area
+120 50 P * DCH - Delete Character, from current position to end of field
+ [4P = Delete 4 characters, VT102 series
+121 51 Q SEM - Set Editing extent Mode (limits ICH and DCH)
+ [0Q = [Q = Insert/delete character affects rest of display
+ [1Q = ICH/DCH affect the current line only
+ [2Q = ICH/DCH affect current field (between tab stops) only
+ [3Q = ICH/DCH affect qualified area (between protected fields)
+122 52 R * CPR - Cursor Position Report (from terminal to host)
+ * [24;80R = Cursor is positioned at line 24 column 80
+123 53 S SU - Scroll up, entire display is moved up, new lines at bottom
+ [3S = Move everything up 3 lines, bring in 3 new lines
+124 54 T SD - Scroll down, new lines inserted at top of screen
+ [4T = Scroll down 4, bring previous lines back into view
+125 55 U NP - Next Page (if terminal has more than 1 page of memory)
+ [2U = Scroll forward 2 pages
+126 56 V PP - Previous Page (if terminal remembers lines scrolled off top)
+ [1V = Scroll backward 1 page
+127 57 W CTC - Cursor Tabulation Control
+ [0W = Set horizontal tab for current line at current position
+ [1W = Set vertical tab stop for current line of current page
+ [2W = Clear horiz tab stop at current position of current line
+ [3W = Clear vert tab stop at current line of current page
+ [4W = Clear all horiz tab stops on current line only
+ [5W = Clear all horiz tab stops for the entire terminal
+ [6W = Clear all vert tabs stops for the entire terminal
+130 58 X ECH - Erase CHaracter
+ [4X = Change next 4 characters to "erased" state
+131 59 Y CVT - Cursor Vertical Tab
+ [2Y = Move forward to 2nd following vertical tab stop
+132 5A Z CBT - Cursor Back Tab
+ [3Z = Move backwards to 3rd previous horizontal tab stop
+133 5B [ Reserved for future standardization left bracket
+134 5C \ Reserved reverse slant
+135 5D ] Reserved right bracket
+136 5E ^ Reserved circumflex
+137 5F _ Reserved underscore
+140 60 ` * HPA - Horizontal Position Absolute (depends on PUM)
+ [720` = Move to 720 decipoints (1 inch) from left margin
+ * [80` = Move to column 80 on LA120
+141 61 a * HPR - Horizontal Position Relative (depends on PUM)
+ [360a = Move 360 decipoints (1/2 inch) from current position
+ * [40a = Move 40 columns to right of current position on LA120
+142 62 b REP - REPeat previous displayable character
+ [80b = Repeat character 80 times
+143 63 c * DA - Device Attributes
+ * [c = Terminal will identify itself
+ * [?1;2c = Terminal is saying it is a VT100 with AVO
+ * [>0c = Secondary DA request (distinguishes VT240 from VT220)
+144 64 d * VPA - Vertical Position Absolute (depends on PUM)
+ [90d = Move to 90 decipoints (1/8 inch) from top margin
+ * [10d = Move to line 10 if before that else line 10 next page
+145 65 e * VPR - Vertical Position Relative (depends on PUM)
+ [720e = Move 720 decipoints (1 inch) down from current position
+ * [6e = Advance 6 lines forward on LA120
+146 66 f * HVP - Horizontal and Vertical Position (depends on PUM)
+ [720,1440f = Move to 1 inch down and 2 inches over (decipoints)
+ * [24;80f = Move to row 24 column 80 if PUM is set to character
+147 67 g * TBC - Tabulation Clear
+ * [0g = Clear horizontal tab stop at current position
+ * [1g = Clear vertical tab stop at current line (LA120)
+ * [2g = Clear all horizontal tab stops on current line only LA120
+ * [3g = Clear all horizontal tab stops in the terminal
+150 68 h * SM - Set Mode (. means permanently set on VT100)
+ [0h = Error, this command is ignored
+ * [1h = GATM - Guarded Area Transmit Mode, send all (VT132)
+ [2h = KAM - Keyboard Action Mode, disable keyboard input
+ [3h = CRM - Control Representation Mode, show all control chars
+ * [4h = IRM - Insertion/Replacement Mode, set insert mode (VT102)
+ [5h = SRTM - Status Report Transfer Mode, report after DCS
+ * [6h = ERM - ERasure Mode, erase protected and unprotected
+ [7h = VEM - Vertical Editing Mode, IL/DL affect previous lines
+ [8h, [9h are reserved
+ [10h = HEM - Horizontal Editing mode, ICH/DCH/IRM go backwards
+ [11h = PUM - Positioning Unit Mode, use decipoints for HVP/etc
+ . [12h = SRM - Send Receive Mode, transmit without local echo
+ [13h = FEAM - Format Effector Action Mode, FE's are stored
+ [14h = FETM - Format Effector Transfer Mode, send only if stored
+ [15h = MATM - Multiple Area Transfer Mode, send all areas
+ * [16h = TTM - Transmit Termination Mode, send scrolling region
+ [17h = SATM - Send Area Transmit Mode, send entire buffer
+ [18h = TSM - Tabulation Stop Mode, lines are independent
+ [19h = EBM - Editing Boundry Mode, all of memory affected
+ * [20h = LNM - Linefeed Newline Mode, LF interpreted as CR LF
+ * [?1h = DECCKM - Cursor Keys Mode, send ESC O A for cursor up
+ * [?2h = DECANM - ANSI Mode, use ESC < to switch VT52 to ANSI
+ * [?3h = DECCOLM - COLumn mode, 132 characters per line
+ * [?4h = DECSCLM - SCrolL Mode, smooth scrolling
+ * [?5h = DECSCNM - SCreeN Mode, black on white background
+ * [?6h = DECOM - Origin Mode, line 1 is relative to scroll region
+ * [?7h = DECAWM - AutoWrap Mode, start newline after column 80
+ * [?8h = DECARM - Auto Repeat Mode, key will autorepeat
+ * [?9h = DECINLM - INterLace Mode, interlaced for taking photos
+ * [?10h = DECEDM - EDit Mode, VT132 is in EDIT mode
+ * [?11h = DECLTM - Line Transmit Mode, ignore TTM, send line
+ [?12h = ?
+ * [?13h = DECSCFDM - Space Compression/Field Delimiting on,
+ * [?14h = DECTEM - Transmit Execution Mode, transmit on ENTER
+ [?15h = ?
+ * [?16h = DECEKEM - Edit Key Execution Mode, EDIT key is local
+ [?17h = ?
+ * [?18h = DECPFF - Print FormFeed mode, send FF after printscreen
+ * [?19h = DECPEXT - Print Extent mode, print entire screen
+ * [?20h = OV1 - Overstrike, overlay characters on GIGI
+ * [?21h = BA1 - Local BASIC, GIGI to keyboard and screen
+ * [?22h = BA2 - Host BASIC, GIGI to host computer
+ * [?23h = PK1 - GIGI numeric keypad sends reprogrammable sequences
+ * [?24h = AH1 - Autohardcopy before erasing or rolling GIGI screen
+ * [?29h = - Use only the proper pitch for the LA100 font
+ * [?38h = DECTEK - TEKtronix mode graphics
+151 69 i * MC - Media Copy (printer port on VT102)
+ * [0i = Send contents of text screen to printer
+ [1i = Fill screen from auxiliary input (printer's keyboard)
+ [2i = Send screen to secondary output device
+ [3i = Fill screen from secondary input device
+ * [4i = Turn on copying received data to primary output (VT125)
+ * [4i = Received data goes to VT102 screen, not to its printer
+ * [5i = Turn off copying received data to primary output (VT125)
+ * [5i = Received data goes to VT102's printer, not its screen
+ * [6i = Turn off copying received data to secondary output (VT125)
+ * [7i = Turn on copying received data to secondary output (VT125)
+ * [?0i = Graphics screen dump goes to graphics printer VT125,VT240
+ * [?1i = Print cursor line, terminated by CR LF
+ * [?2i = Graphics screen dump goes to host computer VT125,VT240
+ * [?4i = Disable auto print
+ * [?5i = Auto print, send a line at a time when linefeed received
+152 6A j Reserved for future standardization
+153 6B k Reserved for future standardization
+154 6C l * RM - Reset Mode (. means permanently reset on VT100)
+ * [1l = GATM - Transmit only unprotected characters (VT132)
+ . [2l = KAM - Enable input from keyboard
+ . [3l = CRM - Control characters are not displayable characters
+ * [4l = IRM - Reset to replacement mode (VT102)
+ . [5l = SRTM - Report only on command (DSR)
+ * [6l = ERM - Erase only unprotected fields
+ . [7l = VEM - IL/DL affect lines after current line
+ [8l, [9l are reserved
+ . [10l = HEM - ICH and IRM shove characters forward, DCH pulls
+ . [11l = PUM - Use character positions for HPA/HPR/VPA/VPR/HVP
+ [12l = SRM - Local echo - input from keyboard sent to screen
+ . [13l = FEAM - HPA/VPA/SGR/etc are acted upon when received
+ . [14l = FETM - Format Effectors are sent to the printer
+ [15l = MATM - Send only current area if SATM is reset
+ * [16l = TTM - Transmit partial page, up to cursor position
+ [17l = SATM - Transmit areas bounded by SSA/ESA/DAQ
+ . [18l = TSM - Setting a tab stop on one line affects all lines
+ . [19l = EBM - Insert does not overflow to next page
+ * [20l = LNM - Linefeed does not change horizontal position
+ * [?1l = DECCKM - Cursor keys send ANSI cursor position commands
+ * [?2l = DECANM - Use VT52 emulation instead of ANSI mode
+ * [?3l = DECCOLM - 80 characters per line (erases screen)
+ * [?4l = DECSCLM - Jump scrolling
+ * [?5l = DECSCNM - Normal screen (white on black background)
+ * [?6l = DECOM - Line numbers are independent of scrolling region
+ * [?7l = DECAWM - Cursor remains at end of line after column 80
+ * [?8l = DECARM - Keys do not repeat when held down
+ * [?9l = DECINLM - Display is not interlaced to avoid flicker
+ * [?10l = DECEDM - VT132 transmits all key presses
+ * [?11l = DECLTM - Send page or partial page depending on TTM
+ [?12l = ?
+ * [?13l = DECSCFDM - Don't suppress trailing spaces on transmit
+ * [?14l = DECTEM - ENTER sends ESC S (STS) a request to send
+ [?15l = ?
+ * [?16l = DECEKEM - EDIT key transmits either $[10h or $[10l
+ [?17l = ?
+ * [?18l = DECPFF - Don't send a formfeed after printing screen
+ * [?19l = DECPEXT - Print only the lines within the scroll region
+ * [?20l = OV0 - Space is destructive, replace not overstrike, GIGI
+ * [?21l = BA0 - No BASIC, GIGI is On-Line or Local
+ * [?22l = BA0 - No BASIC, GIGI is On-Line or Local
+ * [?23l = PK0 - Ignore reprogramming on GIGI keypad and cursors
+ * [?24l = AH0 - No auto-hardcopy when GIGI screen erased
+ * [?29l = Allow all character pitches on the LA100
+ * [?38l = DECTEK - Ignore TEKtronix graphics commands
+155 6D m * SGR - Set Graphics Rendition (affects character attributes)
+ * [0m = Clear all special attributes
+ * [1m = Bold or increased intensity
+ * [2m = Dim or secondary color on GIGI (superscript on XXXXXX)
+ [3m = Italic (subscript on XXXXXX)
+ * [4m = Underscore, [0;4m = Clear, then set underline only
+ * [5m = Slow blink
+ [6m = Fast blink (overscore on XXXXXX)
+ * [7m = Negative image, [0;1;7m = Bold + Inverse
+ [8m = Concealed (do not display character echoed locally)
+ [9m = Reserved for future standardization
+ * [10m = Select primary font (LA100)
+ * [11m - [19m = Selete alternate font (LA100 has 11 thru 14)
+ [20m = FRAKTUR (whatever that means)
+ * [22m = Cancel bold or dim attribute only (VT220)
+ * [24m = Cancel underline attribute only (VT220)
+ * [25m = Cancel fast or slow blink attribute only (VT220)
+ * [27m = Cancel negative image attribute only (VT220)
+ * [30m = Write with black, [40m = Set background to black (GIGI)
+ * [31m = Write with red, [41m = Set background to red
+ * [32m = Write with green, [42m = Set background to green
+ * [33m = Write with yellow, [43m = Set background to yellow
+ * [34m = Write with blue, [44m = Set background to blue
+ * [35m = Write with magenta, [45m = Set background to magenta
+ * [36m = Write with cyan, [46m = Set background to cyan
+ * [37m = Write with white, [47m = Set background to white
+ [38m, [39m, [48m, [49m are reserved
+156 6E n * DSR - Device Status Report
+ * [0n = Terminal is ready, no malfunctions detected
+ [1n = Terminal is busy, retry later
+ [2n = Terminal is busy, it will send DSR when ready
+ * [3n = Malfunction, please try again
+ [4n = Malfunction, terminal will send DSR when ready
+ * [5n = Command to terminal to report its status
+ * [6n = Command to terminal requesting cursor position (CPR)
+ * [?15n = Command to terminal requesting printer status, returns
+ [?10n = OK, [?11n = not OK, [?13n = no printer.
+ * [?25n = "Are User Defined Keys Locked?" (VT220)
+157 6F o DAQ - Define Area Qualification starting at current position
+ [0o = Accept all input, transmit on request
+ [1o = Protected and guarded, accept no input, do not transmit
+ [2o = Accept any printing character in this field
+ [3o = Numeric only field
+ [4o = Alphabetic (A-Z and a-z) only
+ [5o = Right justify in area
+ [3;6o = Zero fill in area
+ [7o = Set horizontal tab stop, this is the start of the field
+ [8o = Protected and unguarded, accept no input, do transmit
+ [9o = Space fill in area
+ Private Control Sequences (allowed by ANSI X3.41-1974).
+ These take parameter strings and terminate with the last half of lowercase.
+Oct Hex * (* marks function used in DEC VT series or LA series terminals)
+--- -- - - --------------------------------------------------------------------
+160 70 p * DECSTR - Soft Terminal Reset
+ [!p = Soft Terminal Reset
+161 71 q * DECLL - Load LEDs
+ [0q = Turn off all, [?1;4q turns on L1 and L4, etc
+ [154;155;157q = VT100 goes bonkers
+ [2;23!q = Partial screen dump from GIGI to graphics printer
+ [0"q = DECSCA Select Character Attributes off
+ [1"q = DECSCA - designate set as non-erasable
+ [2"q = DECSCA - designate set as erasable
+162 72 r * DECSTBM - Set top and bottom margins (scroll region on VT100)
+ [4;20r = Set top margin at line 4 and bottom at line 20
+163 73 s * DECSTRM - Set left and right margins on LA100,LA120
+ [5;130s = Set left margin at column 5 and right at column 130
+164 74 t * DECSLPP - Set physical lines per page
+ [66t = Paper has 66 lines (11 inches at 6 per inch)
+165 75 u * DECSHTS - Set many horizontal tab stops at once on LA100
+ [9;17;25;33;41;49;57;65;73;81u = Set standard tab stops
+166 76 v * DECSVTS - Set many vertical tab stops at once on LA100
+ [1;16;31;45v = Set vert tabs every 15 lines
+167 77 w * DECSHORP - Set horizontal pitch on LAxxx printers
+ [1w = 10 characters per inch, [2w = 12 characters per inch
+ [0w=10, [3w=13.2, [4w=16.5, [5w=5, [6w=6, [7w=6.6, [8w=8.25
+170 78 x * DECREQTPARM - Request terminal parameters
+ [3;5;2;64;64;1;0x = Report, 7 bit Even, 1200 baud, 1200 baud
+171 79 y * DECTST - Invoke confidence test
+ [2;1y = Power-up test on VT100 series (and VT100 part of VT125)
+ [3;1y = Power-up test on GIGI (VK100)
+ [4;1y = Power-up test on graphics portion of VT125
+172 7A z * DECVERP - Set vertical pitch on LA100
+ [1z = 6 lines per inch, [2z = 8 lines per inch
+ [0z=6, [3z=12, [4z=3, [5z=3, [6z=4
+173 7B { Private
+174 7C | * DECTTC - Transmit Termination Character
+ [0| = No extra characters, [1| = terminate with FF
+175 7D } * DECPRO - Define protected field on VT132
+ [0} = No protection, [1;4;5;7} = Any attribute is protected
+ [254} = Characters with no attributes are protected
+176 7E ~ * DECKEYS - Sent by special function keys
+ [1~=FIND, [2~=INSERT, [3~=REMOVE, [4~=SELECT, [5~=PREV, [6~=NEXT
+ [17~=F6...[34~=F20 ([23~=ESC,[24~=BS,[25~=LF,[28~=HELP,[29~=DO)
+177 7F DELETE is always ignored
+ Control Sequences with intermediate characters (from ANSI X3.64-1979).
+ Note that there is a SPACE character before the terminating alphabetic.
+Oct Hex * (* marks function used in DEC VT series or LA series terminals)
+--- -- - - --------------------------------------------------------------------
+100 40 @ SL - Scroll Left
+ [4 @ = Move everything over 4 columns, 4 new columns at right
+101 41 A SR - Scroll Right
+ [2 A = Move everything over 2 columns, 2 new columns at left
+102 42 B GSM - Graphic Size Modification
+ [110;50 B = Make 110% high, 50% wide
+103 43 C GSS - Graphic Size Selection
+ [120 C = Make characters 120 decipoints (1/6 inch) high
+104 44 D FNT - FoNT selection (used by SGR, [10m thru [19m)
+ [0;23 D = Make primary font be registered font #23
+105 45 E TSS - Thin Space Specification
+ [36 E = Define a thin space to be 36 decipoints (1/20 inch)
+106 46 F JFY - JustiFY, done by the terminal/printer
+ [0 E = No justification
+ [1 E = Fill, bringing words up from next line if necessary
+ [2 E = Interword spacing, adjust spaces between words
+ [3 E = Letter spacing, adjust width of each letter
+ [4 E = Use hyphenation
+ [5 E = Flush left margin
+ [6 E = Center following text between margins (until [0 E)
+ [7 E = Flush right margin
+ [8 E = Italian form (underscore instead of hyphen)
+107 47 G SPI - SPacing Increment (in decipoints)
+ [120;72 G = 6 per inch vertical, 10 per inch horizontal
+110 48 H QUAD- Do quadding on current line of text (typography)
+ [0 H = Flush left, [1 H = Flush left and fill with leader
+ [2 H = Center, [3 H = Center and fill with leader
+ [4 H = Flush right, [5 H = Flush right and fill with leader
+111 49 I Reserved for future standardization
+157 67 o Reserved for future standardization
+160 70 p Private use
+ ... May be defined by the printer manufacturer
+176 7E ~ Private use
+177 7F DELETE is always ignored
+ Minimum requirements for VT100 emulation:
+1) To act as a passive display, implement the 4 cursor commands, the 2 erase
+ commands, direct cursor addressing, and at least inverse characters.
+ The software should be capable of handling strings with 16 numeric parameters
+ with values in the range of 0 to 255.
+ [A Move cursor up one row, stop if a top of screen
+ [B Move cursor down one row, stop if at bottom of screen
+ [C Move cursor forward one column, stop if at right edge of screen
+ [D Move cursor backward one column, stop if at left edge of screen
+ [H Home to row 1 column 1 (also [1;1H)
+ [J Clear from current position to bottom of screen
+ [K Clear from current position to end of line
+ [24;80H Position to line 24 column 80 (any line 1 to 24, any column 1 to 132)
+ [0m Clear attributes to normal characters
+ [7m Add the inverse video attribute to succeeding characters
+ [0;7m Set character attributes to inverse video only
+2) To enter data in VT100 mode, implement the 4 cursor keys and the 4 PF keys.
+ It must be possible to enter ESC, TAB, BS, DEL, and LF from the keyboard.
+ [A Sent by the up-cursor key (alternately ESC O A)
+ [B Sent by the down-cursor key (alternately ESC O B)
+ [C Sent by the right-cursor key (alternately ESC O C)
+ [D Sent by the left-cursor key (alternately ESC O D)
+ OP PF1 key sends ESC O P
+ OQ PF2 key sends ESC O Q
+ OR PF3 key sends ESC O R
+ OS PF3 key sends ESC O S
+ [c Request for the terminal to identify itself
+ [?1;0c VT100 with memory for 24 by 80, inverse video character attribute
+ [?1;2c VT100 capable of 132 column mode, with bold+blink+underline+inverse
+3) When doing full-screen editing on a VT100, implement directed erase, the
+ numeric keypad in applications mode, and the limited scrolling region.
+ The latter is needed to do insert/delete line functions without rewriting
+ the screen.
+ [0J Erase from current position to bottom of screen inclusive
+ [1J Erase from top of screen to current position inclusive
+ [2J Erase entire screen (without moving the cursor)
+ [0K Erase from current position to end of line inclusive
+ [1K Erase from beginning of line to current position inclusive
+ [2K Erase entire line (without moving cursor)
+ [12;24r Set scrolling region to lines 12 thru 24. If a linefeed or an
+ INDex is received while on line 24, the former line 12 is deleted
+ and rows 13-24 move up. If a RI (reverse Index) is received while
+ on line 12, a blank line is inserted there as rows 12-13 move down.
+ All VT100 compatible terminals (except GIGI) have this feature.
+ ESC = Set numeric keypad to applications mode
+ ESC > Set numeric keypad to numbers mode
+ OA Up-cursor key sends ESC O A after ESC = ESC [ ? 1 h
+ OB Down-cursor key sends ESC O B " " "
+ OC Right-cursor key sends ESC O B " " "
+ OB Left-cursor key sends ESC O B " " "
+ OM ENTER key sends ESC O M after ESC =
+ Ol COMMA on keypad sends ESC O l " " (that's lowercase L)
+ Om MINUS on keypad sends ESC O m " "
+ Op ZERO on keypad sends ESC O p " "
+ Oq ONE on keypad sends ESC O q " "
+ Or TWO on keypad sends ESC O r " "
+ Os THREE on keypad sends ESC O s " "
+ Ot FOUR on keypad sends ESC O t " "
+ Ou FIVE on keypad sends ESC O u " "
+ Ov SIX on keypad sends ESC O v " "
+ Ow SEVEN on keypad sends ESC O w " "
+ Ox EIGHT on keypad sends ESC O x " "
+ Oy NINE on keypad sends ESC O y " "
+4) If the hardware is capable of double width/double height:
+ #3 Top half of a double-width double-height line
+ #4 Bottom half of a double-width double-height line
+ #5 Make line single-width (lines are set this way when cleared by ESC [ J)
+ #6 Make line double-width normal height (40 or 66 characters)
+5) If the terminal emulator is capable of insert/delete characters,
+insert/delete lines, insert/replace mode, and can do a full-screen dump to
+the printer (in text mode), then it should identify itself as a VT102
+ [c Request for the terminal to identify itself
+ [?6c VT102 (printer port, 132 column mode, and ins/del standard)
+ [1@ Insert a blank character position (shift line to the right)
+ [1P Delete a character position (shift line to the left)
+ [1L Insert blank line at current row (shift screen down)
+ [1M Delete the current line (shift screen up)
+ [4h Set insert mode, new characters shove existing ones to the right
+ [4l Reset insert mode, new characters replace existing ones
+ [0i Print screen (all 24 lines) to the printer
+ [4i All received data goes to the printer (nothing to the screen)
+ [5i All received data goes to the screen (nothing to the printer)